Friday, February 14, 2014

Your Turn

How about sending out some Valentine's Day to the one you love and if you don't have anyone to love then do what I do. Eat bacon and then buy a bunch of half-priced chocolate tomorrow and eat yourself silly over the weekend. Because of the holiday you get an extra day to do it.


  1. Hey ladies! The Brodster will be your Valentine

    1. I'd rather have Bruce

    2. +1 or kourt she growing on me like mold

    3. Thanks Brody but no thanks- no desire to contract the gift that keeps on giving- herpes.

    4. If you wear the Superman costume I am totes in, Brody

  2. Happy Valentines Day in heaven Jessie!

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to the love of my life, Kanye! So excited to be marrying you in a couple of months!!

  4. Happy Valentine's Day everyone :)

  5. happy V. I hope ya genome tonight

  6. LD just wants a mouth hug.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Replies
    1. Lol @ dragon I thought that was a science joke I didn't get.

    2. @jenna lol I admit sounds kinda good. Hey, You want to the genome tonight lol

  9. I like genome too @Dragon

    1. @sandy Im about to start using that =p.

  10. Happy valentines day from across the pond. I got given some cheese.

  11. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Lemme open up my email for boobie or other pix...

  12. My bf said "I have to go. See ya later."

  13. Today makes it 7 years for my guy and me. Still so happy together. Hope you all have a great Valentine's Day.

  14. Well my sweetie doesn't frequent blog sites or do anything girly in any regard so it wouldn't make any sense to leave him a message on here. But it is a sweet idear to do something like this. Kudos

  15. My valentine is my cat of nine years. The vet says we have maybe a month left together due to an inoperable tumor. Sorry to bring down the party, but I love her and I'm heartbroken.

    1. Aw, AKM, this fellow cat lady is sorry to hear that. :( I wish you and your kitteh a month of warm memories that will last forever.

    2. Anonymous12:20 PM

      Sorry AKM.. our thoughts to you and your cat!!!!

    3. Oh no! AKM I can't
      Imagine just love her for as long as you have her... I have a three yr old bull mastiff and every time I remember he's middle aged it
      Makes my heart hurt. Good luck and remember the good times

    4. Sorry to hear about your kitty, AKM

    5. Anonymous7:11 PM

      ((((((Cyber Hugs)))))) to you AKM. My beloved Labrador was put to sleep last week when I was away for work and my husband couldn't tell me until I returned because he knew how upset I'd be. He was right - I bawled my eyes out for two days solid. He was 15, which is an amazing age for a dog, but we had him from a puppy which made it that much harder ... he was like a child to us. Just remember, your cat is going to a better place - no more tumours, no more pain. I hope you find comfort in the words of this poem, which someone sent to me:

      Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

      When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
      There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
      There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

      All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
      The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

      They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

      You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

      Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....


  16. Sorry to hear that, AKM. My heart goes out to you.

  17. @AKM, I'm so very sorry. Cherish the time you have left with your little baby. (((hugs)))

  18. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Happy S Valentine s day everybody. my partner woke up at 5 am so he' s now sleeping on the sofa. fingers crossed he rests enough for what s going to happen later :))))) wish you all some happy moments

  19. Happy V-Day, betches!!

    AKM - sorry 'bout your fur-baby :(

  20. AKM I am so sorry. I feel for you. I love my cats too.

  21. Anonymous2:32 PM

    To all the lovely CDAN people, Happy Valentines Day!

  22. Thanks? lol

    :) Happy VD all!

  23. AKM sorry to hear about your fur baby, love 'em like crazy for the time you have left.

    @Jennabean, my English Mastiff lived to be eleven and an half years old. Our vet bragged to other vets that he had a 180 lb. dog that lived that long. Your Bull Mastiff might just surprise you.

  24. I'm feeling very anti-Valentine's Day, so I started a website with my best friend. We figured that finding a "perfect President" and promoting some fun historical learning was more interesting than promoting this whole Hallmark holiday nightmare that does little good for anyone other than the stores.

  25. Did you make $8788 just on the weekends and in your spare time??

  26. Anonymous7:08 PM

    I made Mr Stepford a heart-shaped cake and decorated it with pink icing and edible rose buds #MasterchefInTheMaking #TooMuchTimeOnMyHands

    That was yesterday though - your Friday is my Saturday - and there's only a teeny bit left now

    1. I baked my husband some cookies, and wrote little loving things on them, then triple sealed them in ziplocks and wrapped them in clothes, and put them in a backpack so his friend could smuggle them into Canada. Clearly I have way to much time on my hands. All the little love notes, completely smooshed, but hey they didn't get confiscated in customs! Very elaborate love plan!

  27. I spent the day @sportsbook. And made 1400. So I Am Getting New Furniture Tomorrow. And I watched house of cards.

  28. Thanks, gang. I felt bad after I wrote that -- too "poor pitiful me" -- but then I remembered that there were lots of animal lovers here who would understand.

    Kitty and I had a nice weekend. Hope the rest of you did as well. :-)
