Thursday, February 20, 2014

Your Turn

Did you ever run away from home?


  1. N, but my mom thinks I tried….I was 3

  2. Ky did but I wasn't allowed to cross the street so I was screwed.

  3. No but my much older sister did with Glass Tiger

  4. A couple times. After you turn 18 I don't think it counts as running away. Though now days I think about pawning everything I own and living as a vagabond.

  5. I tried to run away a couple of times when I was a kid. Not that anyone noticed

    1. Brody, Linda always told me you were fine and didn't want to talk to me. I would have known if you were in my house.

    2. I tried to come find you, dad! But you never cared about me!! By the way, are we still on for golf this afternoon?

    3. Oh Brody, that is so not true! I always cared! Yes, we are still golfing I wouldnt miss it for the world.

    4. Thanks, dad! I really needed to hear that

  6. No I was petrified of my mother's wraith. She was old school Caribbean so she would've been happy to see me for 1.2 seconds before proceeding to beat my @$$ for trying to run away.

  7. Yes but my driver only agreed to take me to get ice cream then right back home. I'm still mad at him.

  8. When I was 9 and overheard my mom say I needed a nose job, I packed my shit and bounced.

    1. Khloe, after your mom said that, I cut her off for a while. That really made me angry!

    2. I remember when that happened, Khloe! I felt so bad that you overheard mom and me talking about your nose

    3. I know Brucie, you're the only reason I went back home! <3

    4. Khloe, you are always such a breath of fresh air in the house, it was awful without you! I love you honey.

  9. I'm a grown man so I wouldn't call this running away but I am fleeing my family and moving to Miami. I think I can focus on myself better there and take care of my many businesses without distractions.

  10. No, but my brother and I used to tease my sister and she ran away once. She went to the neighbor's house. We didn't get in trouble but we felt bad. My son Burt ran away once, to his tree house. The wife was upset!

  11. I convinced Rob to run away once when he was a kid. Sadly he came back. Probably smelled food

    1. Oh Kim, that wasnt nice! We did have a helluva chef though!

    2. Careful there Kim, you may trip over your hypocrisy. Or your huge butt. Don't you have some photos you need to photoshop?

      #sausagetoes #Shamu #fattyfatty2x4

    3. Oh, Rob. Remember how you were bragging about losing 15 pounds? Look behind you, you'll find it!

    4. I just turned around and saw you and your huge bubble butt, but that's it.
      And by the way, I did lose some weight with hard work and dedication, not surgery. Why don't you go get more fat injections in your lumpy huge ass?

    5. Rob, I just had a baby and I'm still losing the baby weight. What's your excuse, fatty? You look like you could be carrying quadruplets!!

    6. Do you even know where igNORI is right now? You know, your baby that you only trot out for photo ops?

  12. My brother crawled out of the front window when he was about two. Our neighbors found him on their way home. He was a couple of blocks away and only in his diapers. :)

  13. Yeah, to the tree house in the backyard. Og rebel right here.

  14. Not sure if it counts, but one summer I told my parents I was going to a journalism camp but really took a job with Ozzfest. My pops found out and tracked me down in Nebraska. Still grounded. I'm 30.

  15. Speaking of, you can't miss Robs ass. It enters the room before he does.

    1. How long did it take you to drool out that "clever" retort?

  16. Woah, Kourt! Why are you coming for me? I apologized already for insinuating that Scott knew about the German clinic yesterday

    Also, check out the Mad Hueys!!

  17. when i was 14 I did but only made it to the front stair of my house. I realize i didnt know where the fuck i was going to go. Se I went back in lol

  18. Kourtney! Be nice to Rob. He's sensitive.

  19. I threatened to run away once. I think I was maybe 6? I had my note written and stuff packed. As much as a 6 year old can pack stuff. My mom saw me as I stormed towards the door and asked where I was going. I Told her I was running away.
    She said
    "Take me with you, I want to run away too"

    all of a sudden it wasn't a fun idea anymore

  20. I ran away almost every day when I lived in Kelowna. It is WAY easier to run away when it is warm alla time and you are surrounded by orchards. On the days I wasn't running away I was sewing backpacks to pack everything into. True story

  21. TTM--yup lol and told my parents she was sleeping over at her friends house across the road---meanwhile she was in Montreal and the cops called my dad and he had to drive from Toronto to pick her up!

  22. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Yes. Mom tried to make me break up with older boyfriend. Spent ONE cold night n abandoned house to show her ass who was in charge of me. Returned home the next day for dinner hungry and cold. My mom just rolled her eyes. Was 16.
    ((fade to black))

    1. F'in' teenagers. I've got one for sale myself.

    2. Anonymous12:41 PM

      lol. I hear ya. My 19yo son wasn't a problem at all. Smooth sailing.

      My 7yo daughter is gonna give me hell in about 6 years. I will pay ten fold. I just know it. The drama will b epic. Trust me.

  23. @fancy stole my story (except it wasn't an abandoned house, it was my friend's car). :b

    The wisdom of youth is the main reason I pity Bieber.

    1. Anonymous12:44 PM

      Lucky betch! ;^)

  24. Yes, I took a cheese sandwich & my hairbrush. I was 9. Back within an hour though. I didn't know where to go.

  25. I tried to when I was six, but my suitcase was too heavy.

  26. I tried it the first time when I think I was about 8. Packed a bag then hid in the front bushes of our house. They were really thick and I was really short. I sat there for a long time. It was at night. Finally, a police car drove up to our house and sat there for awhile. I got scared and went inside. The second time, I was in high school. I left my house and walked to a friend's house one town away. My mother didn't notice I was gone until I was forced to call her by my friends mom.
    Speaking of houses, I lost my housing court case today. I will officially join the homeless. No more running away from home for me!

    1. Anonymous2:27 PM

      I'm sorry to hear that, Blondie! :((

  27. I'm an adult and I WISH I could run away from home!

  28. When i was sixteen i ran away with 2other girls. Fed up with school and dentist and parental rules. Was gone about 2 days. I put my parents thru hell, broke their hearts. It is a huge regret i have to this day. I never talk about it. And to their credit, my parents never once brought it up. Very bad decision.

  29. My mom was never home so there was no need to run from a parental unit. Now if I wanted to see her I'd need to cab it to the Holiday Inn lounge on Craighead and Tryon. (And no, she wasn't "working" - maybe "working it".)

  30. Does sneaking out to the back porch to drink MD 20/20 (grape) with your neighbors after your mom fell asleep count?

  31. Twice. The first time I was lured back with chocolate chip cookies (I was 8) and the second time no one knew because it was the middle of the night. But I was cold, bored and had nowhere to go, so I snuck back in the window and acted like nothing had happened the next day (I was 14 that time.)

    I threatened to go live with my grandparents once, when I was about 16. My mother offered to let me. I shut-up about it real quick after that. *shudder*

  32. No, but dreamed about it for years and sometimes still do.

  33. Yes, more than a few times, but never more than a few days. You don't want to run away from home in Albuquerque at 15. It can be a rough town.

  34. @Blondie - do you have friends or relatives you can stay with? Whereabouts are you? :(

  35. @CocoaBeachBunny thanks
    @Madlyb-- As Bones once said to Captain Kirk, "They're all dead, Jim, they're all dead." Trying to make light of the situation. No, I have no family. I have a few friends, but cannot stay with them. I've been trying to get a One Shot deal for over a year. I'm in NYC. I went on a job interview after court--I've been interviewing like mad for months, found out that the job doesn't start till mid March.
    I'm pretty much screwed.
    Sorry--I know this is a gossip site, but my heart is breaking and I just don't know any more.

  36. Blondie, I'm so sorry to hear this. :( I wish you all the best.

  37. thanks, 10 days before I hit the streets.

  38. I absolutely believe that things will work out for you, Blondie. The universe will provide, and I'm not trying to be New Age-y or religious or whatever here, but I just find that things get taken care of when they need to be. Keep us posted. :)

  39. Thanks CeeKay, if only it were true. I have less than 10 days to come up with the back rent, I have tried every agency in the city, my friends have even written the Ellen Show. After today's court hearing and the ruling, I know now that everything that I have worked for has been for nought. I'd need a miracle in less than 10 days.
    I think, well, I don't know what to think right now.

  40. @Blondie - That's a scary thing. I can't believe that there isn't some sort of safety net for you, especially in NYC! Have you tried Catholic Services? They are awesome, and you don't have to be Catholic to get help. There's no way you can stay on the streets!

  41. @Blondie - have you thought of starting a donation site, like a Pay Pal? I can't give much, but I can give something.

  42. @Madlyb, I've been everywhere. I have been to HRA (welfare) to apply for a One SHot Deal, have gone to every charity there is, the thing is, I am a single woman with no dependents--you don't count a dog as a dependent. I have no family, no relatives.
    I don't have the space here to write up what's happened to me chronologically, so I'll try to be brief.
    I lost my job, got behind in rent, got a three day notice, upon the suggestion of a friend, went to HRA to apply for a one shot deal. At the time I just started freelancing. The person who saw me at HRA told me, before she looked at my paperwork, that I didn't need to be there, that I should get money from my parents. I explained to her that they were dead. She repeated that I needed to call them. This went on back and forth 2 more times, before I got mad and asked if she wanted their death certificates. She got up, got a supervisor to come over and tell me I was lying. They denied my first claim on the grounds that I was unemployed. I quickly got a fulltime job and re-applied, I had a letter of employment and check stubs. I was denied the one shot deal. The reason stated that I was unemployed. The staff member who I had seen the first time, was the person I HAD to go to the second time. She never entered in the new information. I tried two more times. Both times, she denied me stating I was unemployed when I was employed. I ended up losing the job I had because I kept having to go to various representatives--assmeblymen, etc, in order to try to get help as well as having to go to the obligatory interviews at HRA.
    I'm just screwed.

  43. @Madlyb- thanks for the suggestion, but I can't do it now. I can't explain why, but I can't. I appreciate your concern, you don't even know me, and I really do appreciate it. You have no idea how much. I called a friend this evening to tell him what had happened in court and that I was going to be homeless. His reply, "I'm so sorry. I really am. Best of luck." Then he hung up.
    Oh well.

  44. Blondie! - I'm so sorry. If you need somebody to take care of your pup till you get back on your feet give me a shout (I'm in Ohio)

  45. @LowKey, thank you, but I couldn't even afford to send her to you.

  46. @Fancy Girl! I have a 9 year old son that is darn near perfect. My 17 year old daughter was born to make my life miserable!

  47. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Oh, Blondie, that sucks large. Your friend was a dink to hang up on you like that. A charity, like Madlyb suggested, is all I can think of. Or donations from random strangers - email Enty and put the word out. I'm hoping you get your miracle!

  48. @CocoaBeachBunny Thanks for your kind words. In addition to trying to get a one shot deal 4 times, here are the agencies that I tried to get assistance from:: The Legal Aid Society, Manhattan Legal Services, INC., Westide SRO Project, Palladia, Catholic Charities, Community Services Society, Jewish Board of Families & Children Eviction Prevention Program, Salvation Army, MET Council Eviction Prevention Program, Eviction Intervention Ronald Rogers, Little Sisters of Assumption Family Health Services Agency, Coalition for the Homeless, The Bridge Fund, Federation of Protestant Welfare Eviction Prevention Program and a few others.

    I called them all requesting information and assistance. I was told by the agencies that they either (a) didn’t have funds or (b) because I was a single woman without dependents I didn’t fall under their guidelines for assistance.

    If you're single and you don't have a family, or children, you just slip through the cracks. I've been to court repeatedly, I have tried everything.
    Heck, I've had friends email The Ellen Show. I'm just one of those people who miracles pass on by.

  49. Anonymous8:19 PM

    @Blondie, call me Cocoa, it's shorter and anyone who's chatted with me more than once calls me that ;-) You've clearly been through hell, just trying to get a little help. I suggested you put the word out through Enty because @Trainrides, I believe it was, received help for her family in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan/Yolanda. Some of the CDaN community came through for her and I believe they would for you too, if they knew your situation. Enty's email address is It's worth a try. Don't give up, Blondie-boo!

  50. @Cocoa, you're very kind, thank you. I just don't know. I don't know anything anymore. I've tried really hard for over a year. I'm the only person I know who goes to a job interview, they get ready to hire me and the day they make the decision, the company shuts down.
    The job interview I went to today...found out it doesn't start 'till late March.
    I can't get a break.

  51. Anonymous8:42 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. @Cocoa-- I just read your message and cried. Thank you, I've been walking around numb just numb. From what I understand, you have to email Ellen on her show page. I guess she has something pre-set up, so people can email her about people...oh, that sentence did not make sense.

  53. Anonymous9:04 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  54. Hey Cocoa!

    Got it! Please delete!

  55. Hey Cocoa!

    Got it! Please delete!
