Friday, February 28, 2014

Your Turn

Are you more interest in the Oscar show or the red carpet shows?


  1. Ye and I love watching the fashion

  2. Replies
    1. She's traveling with me. Where are your three illegitimate children, Rob?


    3. I didnt think Rob had kids? He said he didnt.

    4. Don't you have a Swarovski-crystal-encrusted refrigerator or a gold plated toilet to buy for your tacky house in Bel Aire?

    5. A crystal encrusted refrigerator? Now that just sounds tacky! I could see Kim wanting that.

  3. Only watch the red carpet. Years ago I realized a movie is nominated for the Oscar it basically sucks balls. For some reason Hollywood doesn't believe in rewarding entertainment but wants to tackle big social and political issues (which makes Hollywood increasingly insufferable because the public is bombarded 24/7 with news outlets and talking heads etc).

  4. I'm going to be spending the whole time cooking. Going to try this "Once a Month" thing.

  5. I like both, but I don't go out of my way to watch the red carpet. I just watch Fashion Police the day after.

  6. Both. Six months of award season movie watching and I'm ready to get this shit over with.

  7. YES!!!! Can't wait - this night is better than Christmas for me!

  8. I dont watch, but I'd like to see Dallas Buyers Club to do well. That was a great movie, and Matthew M & Jared Leto were outstanding.

  9. I won't be watching the Oscars.
    But I will be watching "Walking Dead!" -- If it is on.

    1. @DavidHowes. That's for after the 4-year old goes to sleep.

      Where did I leave that Benedryl?

  10. I might watch the red carpet, otherwise I'll probably be tuning into Frasier with @Cleodacat.

  11. I never watch that shit. I got better stuff to do. Its called a life. Not throwing any shade at you though, Enty. I know it is your livelihood. If I got paid to dish on the famous, Id probably be glued to that type of stuff.

  12. I'm more interested in the After-Party. I like to party.

  13. Really neither. I really dont go to movies anymore, i dont even know some b list actors and it drags on horribly. This red carpet thing is the worst, most boring, self indulgent spectacle i have ever seen. Who cares who is wearing what? I know its important to them to look good because its part of their business, but i dont give a rats ass whos wearing what. And the inane so called banter!!!!! Should be used for torture purposes! Its an industry thing and really geared for such. So i dont watch it and then someone says or does something touching or dopey and i missed it! ( but i can see it on you tube!!!!!!!)

  14. Red carpet. I like to judge people dressed way better than I am, who probably even know (or pay someone to know) the location of their hairbrush.

  15. I read my book while my husband watches.

  16. I can't wait to be on here gabbing aboot it! My favourite part! I've stocked up on wine, let the fambly know I will be incommunicado, SO EXCITED! I am aware that I need to get out more

  17. I'll watch it on the treadmill.

  18. I prefer watching paint dry

  19. The Oscars are in the middle of the night where I live, but I like to read the stories in the newspaper the next day. In general, I like to read about who got shafted and had to make a 'good sport' loser face. They are professional actors, after all - they make faces for a living.

  20. Both but red carpet is more fun at times. Except for Ryan douchecrest. I have a whole weekend party. Friends come to my place at the beach for a long weekend. We eat drink and act t like we aren't old. This year there's 6 of us and I can not wait to see my gay boys and my girlies..

  21. Fur surest TTM!
    I do like Es red carpet for the awkward moments, and I like the syrupy speeches - when they give shout outs to their mentors and mums.

  22. The show. I don't give a shit what anybody wears. I love those seconds during the show when the envelope is being opened to announce the winner and everything is quiet and tense right before the place goes apeshit when the winner's name is called.

  23. Both, but more the show.

  24. For some reason I tune in when the electricians and light guys are arriving at like 3pm and I watch Ross and Kelly chat. Then this whole parenting thing gets in the way and I find myself scrambling to watch at 7:30. I'll watch Fashion Police for the looks but I'm more interested in who's talking to who in the background. It's even better at the Globes with TV and movie people. Yes I'll watch the entire show too. Chinese food and ice cream that's the tradition.

  25. I'm going to have a hard time watching the show w/ Vaginefeld hosting. Good thing True Detective will be on.

  26. Ugh i'm definitely not watching E! can't stand Kelly O and bobble head Guiliana! She says the dumbest things, wish E! would get some new people that actually act professional other than Ryan!

  27. It will be Monday here, the free to air channel will have it so the coverage will be dreadful, & I will be working.

  28. Oscar, but I'll keep tabs online, and check out the fashion on Monday.

  29. Red Carpet only.

  30. I hope to drop in for the red carpet snarking. I will be providing color commentary.

    While Ralph Lauren has been my go-to for patch designer for the past two awards shows, I am jumping ship for a Tom Ford exclusive tonight. Tastefully accented with Swarovski crystals.
