Sunday, March 02, 2014

Amanda Bynes Is Back On Twitter - Doesn't Talk About Drake Or Her Lady Parts

For several months in 2013 there was not a better Twitter to follow than Amanda Bynes. She didn't Tweet every day but when she did they were usually epic. Since her arrest and rehab and subsequently being placed under a conservatorship her Twitter lay dormant. There for the world to see and waiting for the next chapter. That time has come. Amanda is back on Twitter but most of her old Tweets have been deleted. Instead it is an Amanda who is careful and vanilla and being monitored by mom. It wouldn't shock me if Amanda has four or five additional Twitter accounts under different names. When she was at full Britney mode she had several so there is no reason to think they have been deleted. I also bet that Amanda could Tweet from those and her mom probably wouldn't know. The question is will she. Amanda's first Tweet was a very simple toe in the water kind of message.

Hi everyone! I’m busy studying at @FIDM but I want to say I love you to my fans! Xoxo Amanda.

I'm glad she is better and I can live without the crazy Tweets if she is going to be healthy.


  1. I have a family member that is bipolar. After some spectacular manic episodes it was very difficult for her to overcome the "embaressment" of her action. She said that she was fully aware of what she was doing but unable to stop herself. It was if someone else had control of her actions. It cannot be easy to have that happen on the public stage and I wish Amanda all the best.

  2. I think Amanda is brilliant when she isn't being a drunken asshole. Hopefully she can hang it up and get back to her career.

  3. Isn't she schizophrenic?

    1. I believe she was diagnosed with both.

    2. I thought so too @TTM.

  4. @TTM Hi TTM! Not sure about schizophrenia.

  5. Hey Leeky and Cleo! How is your day?

  6. @TTM fantastic so far and yours?

    1. I have a planned Spartacus Marathon for today. Between Spartacus v1, Spartacus v2, Gannicus, and Crixus....yeah, a hole lotta man meat.

    2. Not awesome, Cleo, but I have high hopes for the rest of the day! It is Oscars tonight!

    3. Then many hopes for it's improvment!

    4. Thank you, Cleo! Enjoy your many hours of homoerotica!

  7. Same here. I hope she is healthy and well.

  8. I hate the voyeuristic enjoyment of her breakdown by millions of people. I hope that those tweets and behaviors are gone forveer - it seems like she's removing tattoos and her face piercings so she clearly regrets events of that time. I hope she's better.

  9. I admire the way she is handling her recovery. She was honest with the public about her conditions (not sure if that was her parents choice or hers)and is openly taking steps to be a normal member of society again. Everyone compares her breakdown to Britney's - but her honestly and lack of fear is impressive. I'm now a fan of Amanda Bynes.
    I wish Britney would have handled her recovery like this. There's still so many questions unanswered creating negative interpretations.

  10. I am rooting for her

  11. One step closer to her buttcheeks in my hard drive!!!!!!

  12. History Channel video: Mind Control: America's Secret War - See more at:

  13. There have been some rumors already about a new "secret" Amanda Twitter account. It started a few weeks ago. I've been following it and it seems like it could be her (not nearly as crazy as the old ones but still wild). It could also just be the power of suggestion making it seem that it's her. I like to pretend it is.

  14. @TTM

    Good thanks! Been getting caught up on things around here.

  15. @Tiger Lilly what is her handle?? Now I'm crazy curious!

  16. I'm happy for Amanda. She finally got the help she needs. Besides if you need a dose of crazy Hollywood tweets, you can pick up some doozies from Cher, Bette Midler, Kirstie Alley, Oliver Stone, Val Kilmer, Gary Busey and Rosanne Barr. It seems that the longer they are in Hollywood, the more their mental health deteriorates into the bat shit crazy end of the spectrum.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm rooting for you Amanda. You seem to be on the right track. Thank you for showing Lindsey how to recover gracefully.
