Sunday, March 23, 2014

Blind Item #2

This daughter of more famous than usual west coast Real Housewives parents had to be carried back to the suite she was sharing with her parents by security after she was found passed out in the corner of a bar in the hotel. The front of her dress was covered in puke.


  1. I think most of us may have been in that predicament once in our lives.

    1. Lol ranger. I actually have not but have had many other misadventures.

  2. Gigi the daughter of Yoldanda Foster?

  3. I would sincerely like to thank my parents for not being famous and therefore not having my totally typical early twenties partying documented for all time

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Oh my God @TalksTooMuch, right?? I really think the antics of underage kids should be off limits. As you've pointed out, we've pretty much ALL done some somewhat questionable things as a normal part of growing up.

      The children of celebs may be exempt from legal responsibility until they reach 18, but the court of public opinion is often much more brutal...

    3. Right, katja? I also send a prayer of thanks for there being no such thing as camera phones. Amen

      And PJ, it's a rite of passage totally. If you don't do it young, you do it later, no missing it. Much better to do it when your bones and liver have longer to heal

  4. How is this a blind. We have all done that

  5. Anyone seen the new Lady Gaga video staring The Real Housewives of BH?! It is HORRIBLE~~~~

    1. Was it just me, or was she a dead ringer for Courtney Stodden in that red dress with the white wig? Always love her videos for the coreography but she's really reaching......

  6. Normal behaviour. We've all done it! I'd rather forget mine though...!! ;-)

  7. @TTM - I second that! :)

  8. Yes, when I was 15 I drank waaaay too much and puked. Not on myself, but all over some guy's rec room carpet. (Really sorry, random dude, whoever you were!) However, by the time I was old enough to get served in a bar I was most definitely NOT puking all over myself and passing out. Lame.

  9. Morning, cats and kittens!!! Yup! Definitely been there, and not just when I was a teen, either.

  10. Derek, ITA it is AWFUL.

  11. @Rangers--apparently it was premiered before a Dateline NBC repeat??? lol Nothing says artistic merit like Housewives and Dateline. WTF?!

  12. I cringe a little inside recalling some highlights of my twenties. I'm happy I'm old now and have a three drink maximum.

  13. Let me be another who adds how happy I am there weren't camera phones and interwebs around when I was younger.(Although I am sure there was a camera at the UN when I had to do the walk of shame one AM and my car was parked on front.)

    Good lord the mistakes I've made.

  14. At least I managed to get my head out the window and barfed down the side of my friend's Dad's truck. I saw him a week later driving his truck with my dried puke on the passenger door. My friends thought it was hilarious, but I was so embarrassed.

  15. One of Kyle and Mauricio's daughters older daughters?

  16. Pandora...Vanderpumps daughter. I'm curious to know why you guys don't like the gaga video. I think could have been different. Personally I love the artpop album. Well maybe about 6-7 songs G.U.Y being on of them

  17. Going through life with a name like vanderpump should also mean you have a built-in therapist trust.

  18. @Pazazz--I like Do what you want and I find some of her songs catchy and fun but Andy Cohen and the clan should not be in music videos lol. Also, I am not crazy about that particular song.

  19. I'll agree with you on that the housewives and Andy were a little to wtf.

  20. Gigi. Posted fully nude pics of herself on Instagram. Rol. Had them last week. She's 19 so at this point after being in sports illustrated she is not of limits.

  21. No, "we" haven't all done this. And stupid behavior isn't justified by youth or inexperience, anyway.

  22. No, it's NOT normal behavior and "we" have NOT all done it.

    I like alcohol. In moderation. I have never vomited, nor passed out, from an excess of alcohol.

    THAT is normal.

  23. Wow 0_0 I hadn't read your post when I wrote mine - high five :-)

  24. well if you never did anything stupid when you were younger (alcohol involved or not) you must be pretty boring adults.....

  25. If you haven't done it yet, brace yourselves. Keep some Advil and a bottle of water you can operate with one hand. You're welcome!

  26. So Marina and 0_0 you've never done something stupid? I think that's what we're trying to stress. It was stupid but we all know better now. Or hopefully we do.

  27. If its Gigi, I'm sure her step father was walking down the hall saying, "Hi, I'm Grammy winning artist David Foster. I'm sure you've heard of me and my work with my dear friend, Stevie Wonder."

  28. @Looziana
    That is funny. Did you see the episode when Yolanda goes with Brandi to visit Brandis dad for his b-day and she gives him a pile of David Foster CDs for a b-day gift! lmao

    1. OMG. Yes! That killed me. I just can't get over how much he promotes himself. Like the dinner party with the opera singers. Barf. Haha.

  29. Can't speak for 0_0 but yes I've done stupid things. Can't remember one offhand but nothing stupid I've done involves alcohol. I love the tiny little happy buzz I get from one alcoholic drink - a glass of wine or a shot of Jameson's. But I don't need to keep drinking past that point.

    What bothers me is not that you all have done this, but that you almost seem proud of it, and calling it a "rite of passage" sends a really bad message to young people.

    I live in San Francisco in a trendy neighborhood filled with recent college graduates, lots of bars and restaurants ... and I have seen the behavior that goes along with drinking too much. It seems like a lot of young people are drinking to excess - in public, and in daylight - and it DOES seem like the norm these days and that to me is just awful. I've also read that excessive drinking is rampant on college campuses, more so than ever. Like, drinking to the point of passing out, and doing it often, is almost a matter of peer pressure these days. That troubles me.

    I think the low point for me personally was the sunny afternoon I was walking down Union Street in Cow Hollow with my dog, past a sports bar, and there was this pretty young girl staggering along with a group of her friends, really drunk, and she screeched "Hey you guys, that's where I puked today! Look, it's still there!"

    She actually sounded PROUD of it.

    I thought "What is the difference between girls and boys anymore? Is the concept of behaving like a lady just completely passé?"

  30. OK, here's a stupid thing I did, and no alcohol was involved.

    I keyed someone's car in broad daylight in front of 30 witnesses.

    Felt GOOOOOD.

    And the person whose car I keyed? Totally deserved it. But I have to say, if you had asked me 30 seconds before I did it, if I would ever key a car, I would have said no.

    But a lot happened in that 30 seconds :-)

  31. I cannot disagree with you on that one Marina. (BTW also in the bay area.)It's documented, the extreme drinking on campuses and they know there is a HUGE problem. Is it because the drinking age was lower when we (I was)were younger and they can act out whilst away from the parental units? Maybe. Is it expected to fit in? Absolutely. It's epidemic and certainly being addressed.

    I would like to point out though that most people here seem to be pretty sorry for having puked and made an ass of themselves while under the influence. Rebellion - whether keying a car (which is vandalism and hurts someone else) or drinking to excess and puking in public (only hurts yourself and annoys others)can indeed be a right of passage that one doesn't hope to repeat.

  32. It's a rite of passage in that's how you learn you REALLY don't want to do it; the making of mistakes cannot be underestimated for learning. And everyone needs to shake their hair out sometime, one way or another. Lady or boy.

    As for being proud of it, that's a tumultuous time, people seek attention for EVERYthing, good OR bad.

  33. No, I have never been passed out in a public place with puke all over me. This person needs help. She was lucky to get home without incident. Brave new world out there.

  34. And that raises another point - everybody talks about date rape and sexual exploitation of women. I think you'd all agree that the potential for sexual assault increases DRAMATICALLY when the woman is intoxicated. And that's not a "rite of passage" I would wish on anyone. You can shake off a night of drinking with some vomiting, but being raped? That changes your LIFE.

    I completely reject the idea that this is a rite of passage. In my social set when I was in my 20's my friends would probably have ostracized anybody in our group who behaved that way during a night out. It just wasn't done. That it's accepted these days as a rite of passage is a sad commentary.

    But perhaps my background is different than yours. I'm over 40, European-born, Yale educated, and I hang out with people like myself who are, and this is an old-fashioned term, but I think appropriate: WELL-BRED.

    And the car keying? Happened fairly recently. It was more of a Fried Green Tomatoes experience than a youthful indiscretion.

  35. You're probably right, as far as I know I was just raised, not bred. We are obviously looking at things from completely different points of view.




    well brought up; properly trained and educated: a well-bred boy.
    showing good breeding, as in behavior or manners.
    (of animals) of a desirable breed or pedigree.


  37. Exactly.

    I do think it's awesome we have a Yalie on our gossip blog, though!

  38. I don't...
    Shes a braggart and rude. Not to mention maybe if she acted a little more wild in her youth she would not be going around keying peoples cars as a grown-ass adult. I hope you got charged!

  39. "And that raises another point - everybody talks about date rape and sexual exploitation of women. I think you'd all agree that the potential for sexual assault increases DRAMATICALLY when the woman is intoxicated. And that's not a "rite of passage" I would wish on anyone. You can shake off a night of drinking with some vomiting, but being raped? That changes your LIFE."
    Your right. Women should not be allowed to get drunk. They are basically begging to get raped...

  40. @Derek, I'll give you braggart. That is, if you're impressed by a Yale degree, which apparently you are.

    But rude? Show me anything I've said that is rude.

    Of course, maybe it's rude to correct your grammar and spelling. So I'll give you a reason to call me rude:

    It's "you're right" not "your right." And it's "people's cars" not "peoples cars."

    That's a predictable go-to move, and a cheap shot, to suggest that if I say drunk women are more likely to be sexually assaulted, then I'm saying they are asking for it.


    If you don't think that's true, then you're incredibly naive.

    "Research shows that the use of alcohol is associated with 50-72% of all campus sexual assaults (e.g., Abbey 2002, Harvard School of Public Health College Alcohol Study, 2001)."

  41. Nope, I didn't get charged nor did I have to pay for the damage. And yes, I stayed at the scene, and the other party got my name, license, insurance info, everything.

    I'd rather key a car in broad daylight in front of 30 witnesses than sneak around and do it covertly.

    I think if I told you the story you'd agree the other party had it coming (if indeed anybody ever has a car keying coming).

    But you're dead set on disliking me and using a story I told on myself as evidence that I'm a bad person, so - you don't get to hear the juicy details because you wouldn't admit, even if you secretly agreed that the other party had it coming, that maybe I was in the right.

  42. It is a predictable go-to move to harp on someones spelling on a gossip blog...and a Yale degree is impressive. Saying you are "well-bred" is bragging and very classless...

  43. I'm sorry but I cannot help to find the irony in "well bred" (synonyms civil, courteous)with the destruction of someone's personal property in a fit of pique. I don't disagree with most other points you've made however.

  44. and I do not give a flying fuck about your daytime keying of cars story. I really don't.
    I'll be in the barn with the other animals.

  45. lol---Sherry come join me---I have some moonshine and I promise not to make any moves on you...

  46. I will say that I never really understood the whole pearl-clutching thing until just now.

  47. @TTM--I was JUST thinking that LOL!! Great trash thinks alike ; )!

  48. ^5 for the plebes, Derek!

  49. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Peace, well-bred Lady Marina. I try to keep my drinking to a reasonable level and have never puked from over-indulging in alcohol, so "yay, me". (<----bragging) Keying a car is something I've never considered doing and if I saw someone doing it, I might make judgments about his/her character. So I can see where you're coming from.

  50. Lady Mari, we never said we disliked you just that we disagreed with you. It's a healthy debate that hasn't actually turned ugly.

    I for one would love to hear about your "Tawanda" story. We'll all probably be doing an hell yeah with ya. You can never tell.

  51. Marina, I usually enjoy your posts, but you've either led a sheltered life, or you're sort of a snob :(

    I don't think anyone was saying seriously that drinking til the point one pukes is memorable or responsible behaviour. I imagine that Yale has just as many problems as any other campus.

    Truly well-bred people(not talking about money or pedigree, I'm talking about civility) are inclusive of others and wouldn't ostracize a friend after one social faux-pas.

  52. I see everyone is still getting along swimmingly.

  53. Kristin! You are late to the dysfunctional debutante ball!

  54. D-- I pulled the emergency ripcord and floated outta this bitch when the preskool or not to preskool fights started.

    I will call your ass a TRAITOR because YoFo on a cello is heaven. Lisa shaking a tambourine off beat? C'mon. I watched that on a loop all afternoon.

  55. I've made a ton of drinking mistakes that are totally embarrassing. I don't think anyone is bragging about overindulgence. I think it is funny to shake my head at my well-RAISED ass making the mistakes I've made! How about the time I threw up all down the INSIDE of my designer gown from drinking before a sorority formal because I was underage? Good times! We had to drink before we went if you were not 21 so we did shot after shot as we had our hair and makeup done. My boyfriend and I broke up that night, wonder why?

    Or a more recent story for Marina in her city...spent the day in SanFran although we were staying in Tiburon. I drank wine all day and had a great time! Then, after 9 hours of drinking, eating, and walking, there was NO way I could get on the ferry back over to Tiburon. We got a taxi...and....yep, I vomited everywhere! We tipped generously and my boots were destroyed. It was a fabulous day....but not for the taxi driver.

  56. Derek, not sure I can take the moonshine but I'll share a beer witcha. Who else is in?

    And remember no one pukes in public or passes out or keys any cars. Let's do it.

  57. Sherry, moonshine can be tasty! I've had some that tastes like dessert. It's dangerous though! Sip sip sip.

  58. I never did drugs or got drunk from alcohol or smoked in my life. Not bragging or hanging my head in shame. I was terrified of letting myself lose control or getting hooked to the point I could not quit. I'm an addictive personality and I was smart enough to know it. Many of my friends got drunk at parties and some to the point of passing out. I was the one to drive them home and usually their date too as they didn't have enough sense to stay sober. Got into plenty iof arguments before some of them turned over their keys.
    I think Marina was raised in a different world. I rather like her. She can be very proud of graduating from Yale. Lord knows I would be. I'm inclined to cut her some slack. She's admitted she's made mistakes. Even if she did graduate from Yale. Just not with alcohol.

  59. I think before this conversation became a class war, there may have been just a misunderstanding. I and others were saying that this type of behaviour is pretty typical of that age range and something you grow out of and usually come out the other side. I don't think any of us suggested that anybody should immediately start chugging a 40 of moonshine or that it is a GOOD idea. Except maybe Derek ;) The other part is that sometimes people who don't let off steam like that when they are young will occasionally hit that wall at around 40. When livers and bones take longer to heal. There's lots of room for different opinions on here, we don't all need to feel the same way.

  60. @TTM--Very well said as usual. No hard feelings on my behalf Marina---I just get sensitive when people mock my grammar and it is not my strongest skill. (especially the word Your--don't even get me started on that!) lolll. It is good that you have morals etc. but I guess I am not use terms like "lady-like" or "well-bred". Kinda comes across condescending which you may have very well not intended.

  61. ***must proof-read more before hitting submit***

  62. Fun fact reminder: George W Bush is a Yale graduate.

    As for the blind: that Melania, what a minx!

  63. Ah, West Coast. Way to render useless a perfectly tasteless joke, Enty!


  64. Marina: If you are such a huge deal in real life, you wouldn't be name dropping your university on CDaN. You went to Yale. Whoopie. Regardless, what am I supposed to do with that information? Am I supposed to curtsy and kiss your class ring? Either way, good to see the sexism and elitism coming out of that wasteland. It's nice to see that Yale still teaches their students to attribute tragedies like sexual assault to drinking and a woman's "unlady" like behavior. Nope. It definitely had nothing to do with the broader culture and of course no man is responsible for being predatory or taking advantage of her because her behavior warrants it. Don't you live in SF?!

    How many Yale students does it take to change a lightbulb?
    One--she holds the bulb and the world revolves around her

  65. TalksTooMuch - Good one - born, not bred. Very astute of you, couldn't agree more.

  66. People that take this stuff too seriously, should be speaking to their shrink (sorry, therapist), not a gossip blog.

    We all have experiences we do or do not talk about, I don't think this is the forum to express what are or are not healthy life experiences.

    Just my 2 cents.

  67. @Derek, I apologize for the cheap shot ... I know a lot of people post from their smart phones and it's annoying to have to go to an entirely different screen just to type an apostrophe!

    Fun fact reminder: Bill Clinton and his wife are both Yale Law School graduates.

    You may hae noticed that I've given myself a royal title, because I'm special. Henceforth I will be known on CDAN as Principessa Marina.

    Lady Heisenberg, since I now outrank you I will indeed expect you to curtsey whenever I enter a thread. You are not required to kiss my class ring however, at least until further notice. But thank you for offering.

    That is all.

  68. Well, Kyle posted a pic of her and her two teenage daughters on the way to Vegas a week ago so I'm going to guess it was one of them...
