Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Blind Item #4

This former A list entertainer(singer) who had his time back in the day has spent the rest of his life since either being arrested or on reality television. He should have been paying more attention to his kids. Anyway he tried to punch this diminutive permanent A list entertainer(singer) over the weekend before being pulled away by security. Apparently our old and ragged former A lister was promised he could sing a song during the set and it never happened. He got very angry.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's his prerogative.

  3. Replies
    1. I'm pretty happy that I managed to get a Bobby Brown joke in on my first day commenting :-D

  4. Brown and????
    Brown was def Alist back n the days as part of New Edition,
    then as a solo artist
    then of course married to Whitney..
    Drugs... Jail.... Reality show-Being Bobby Brown, Bad dad: never there for his children he had before whitney. Hasn't been with Bobbi K either...
    just havent guessed the dimunutive singer??? Anyone know?

  5. @ Tricia !!! u beat me to it!! lol

  6. Anonymous7:42 AM

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  7. Anonymous7:43 AM

    I've meant Prince in person, he always wears highheels & is still shorter than me in flats. He is touring now with 3rd Eye Girl. Always has a large entourage around him, no way would anyone even get close to him if he doesn't want them to.


    i think this may have been the show 3/8/14

    1. @under-a-rock - just reading that review makes me super-jelly of those who were there. Prince!

  9. I read somewhere that Prince was disabled for a time because of hip deterioration - probably from acrobatics during performances. One of his close assistants converted him to the Jehovah Witness religion and since they don't allow blood transfusion during surgery, he was reluctant to have hip surgery.

  10. 3rd Eye Girl??? Is that another euphemism for a Backdoor Betty?

  11. I don't think many people who pay to see Prince would be too interested in seeing Bobby Brown sing a number. They've aged very differently, even though Prince has also had some hard knocks, like the death of his son.

    I remember back in the day people used to compare Prince and Michael Jackson. Prince aged better than Jacko, too.

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    @Count Jerkula-3rd Eye Girl is his new background band pretty much, he's just billing them first this time, he held tryouts in Minneapolis last year I believe for it

  13. Re 3rd Eye Girl - one of those gals is rumored (by Enty) to be Prince's daughter. Can't remember which one/don't care to look it up, but yeah. Makes sense, though.

  14. Wow I feel way out there but I read this as Flavor Flav.
    Prime back in the day--check
    kids comment--he has about 10 so check.
    Reality tv--check
    And he does songs with very random people like when he did that song with Anthrax back in the day.

    1. @SaintsFan, I was thinking I was the only one that had the taste for Flava!

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  16. It has to be Bobby Brown who punched Prince on March 8th. He was at Prince's concert. See link below.

  17. Welcome @Lux and I think @crila16 has nailed it.

  18. Rewatched Nee Girl last night with Prince in it. He has aged so well. Looks the same.

  19. According to Dave Chapelle and Charlie Murphy, if this was Prince, BB might've gotten a beat-down, because they purport that Prince is pretty bad-ass!

    1. Lol @selena! I was just going to look for the Prince clip from Chapelle Show. I've also heard Prince rolls deep, so I'm surprised someone could get a punch in
