Friday, March 07, 2014

Blind Item #7

This A list mostly movie actor who is A list only because of a recent indie film and should be B+ is telling everyone close to him that he is leaving his wife for his B list actress co-star. That went from just sex to something a whole lot more interesting really fast.


  1. someone from 12 Years a Slave

  2. idk, Ethan Hawke and January Jones?

  3. Oh, WAIT. Hawke is married but could the actress be Julie Delpy?! The indie film he's doing with January...I don't even know the name of but the newest Before film had positive buzz and Julie was at the Oscars. Perhaps they finally hooked up?

  4. Delpy is apparently single but was in a long-term relationship for a few years, maybe during filming.

  5. I'm surprised Delpy and he didn't get together years ago. But they've known each other for so long I can't see this being this blind that says things moved really fast, plus Before Midnight was filmed years ago at this point.

  6. Matthew McBongo and Jen Garner

  7. After seeing the last Delpy/Hawke flick, I am convinced they have had an ongoing affair for over 20 years.

    This blind implies a pregnancy, doesn't it?

  8. hawke and january jones just because according to sta mag,his wife is worried

  9. Texas T-Rex found Jared Leto to be very pretty.

  10. @dingle barry If he did, he wouldn't be wrong.

    I'd love to think this is MM and JG (because Ben deserves it) but I don't think it is.
