Thursday, March 13, 2014

Blind Item #9

This Disney star is almost A list in her tweener world and is going to be huge and is on one of their hit shows was telling actors that were hitting on her the other night that she is 21. Sometimes she said 18. She never said she is about three years below that and was dressed like it either.


  1. Bella Thorne is 15 amirite?

  2. No shes 16 close enough for me

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. And close enough for some actors, amirite?

  5. There was this movie? With Laura Dern? Played a 14 year old. We had to watch it in "Don't be a Teen Mom" class. Most 14 to 18 year olds do this; dudes should be a checking.

  6. Too old for some actors and maybe Uncle Terry too.

  7. Could be any one of any of those actresses on any of those interminable shows that are all so exactly thd same and formulaic that I can't tell the difference between them. But my girls love them. Go figure.

  8. There's that Bella Thorne, sluttin' it up again.

  9. Was it a hug event? Cuz that's just creepy.

  10. China Anne McClain is 15 and on the show A.N.T. Farm. No clue what it's about but apparently it is popular.

    1. And she's a lot more talented than Bella Thorne.

      Don't judge me, we have four kids. It's always on at my house, unless SpongeBob is on.

  11. Replies
    1. Not getting the audio but knowing you as well as I do I'm sure it is something quite rude because you're a rude little piggy.

    2. There is no audio, dummy! That is why you have to read lips.... Sheesh!

    3. Can't read your fat slobbery "Leave Britney alone." lips either. Some gifs don't run so great on my computer. Got some sort of nasty bug. Like you and your crabs.

    4. Leave my Sugar alone! I will cut you with my 7/11 plastic knife!

      (You'd probably like it, so I now realize that's really an empty threat...) :b

    5. Awww, thanks Seven! Harry doesn't scare me though. I'm just bored so I'm playing with him.
      I'll grab a plastic spoon so I can help! Maybe I'll scoop out his pervy eyeballs!

  12. @TalksTooMuch, it's not just 14-18 year olds! I have a girlfriend who turns 30 this year and she only ages 1 year every 2-3. I think this year she's going to be 27.

    I like saying I'm 5-7 years older than I am so that people's eyes bug out and think I look fantastic for my age. :D

    1. LOL, Karen, that's the way to do it! I'm so sad to be at the age where my face has caught up with my age so nobody is ever surprised to find out my age anymore. I'm gonna bump it up to 50, get that shock jumpstarted!

    2. Lol I am going to have to start doing this. I always tell people my real age and I got used to people going "really, wow I didn't think you were that old" which is sort of a back handed compliment but at least made me feel like I looked young. But I told my new coworker the other day and she didn't bat an eye. Now I am feeling like I look old :(

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Wooderson: That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age.

  15. Oh, Zendaya.. first the Chmerkovskiys and now this... girl, stop!!!

  16. I don't think this is about Bella ONLY BECAUSE she is pretty well known outside the tweener world these days, I feel like people would know she is not 18 or 21 or whatever, not that any slime balls out there would care, but I just don't think she could bullshit her way through that due to her overall popularity.

  17. PLUS, Bella is def A list in the tweener world. not "almost A list"

  18. Dove Cameron. She doesn't even admit her name is fake and has made up a bizarre story about it.

    1. I read a few months back from various sites that she had changed her name and claimed to be from a different place. There was many sources stating that they'd grown up with her, that she'd had an average upbringing and normal name. There was pictures of her starting out young in stage productions. There is nothing I can find now, Disney has buried her past.

    2. Her name was Chloe Hosterman. I find the exploitation of young stars by Disney very concerning. They take a girl keen to start out and change everything about her, including her face and it is accepted. They are clearly worried about their image following Lohan, Efron etc and have decided to start from scratch.

  19. so tired of tweeners

  20. Well I learned yesterday that's how you Beth Behrs- your way to a prime gig on a better show-- settlement.

  21. I thought Bella Thorne was the one mentioned as having been casting couching since she was new. That her mother knew, and had accepted it as just part of the game.

  22. It's got to be Bella Thorne. That girl looks NOTHING like 15-16 years old.

  23. Dove Cameron is at least 18 though?
    The blind is about Peyton List maybe?

    1. Could be. I have no idea what age "Dove Cameron" ACTUALLY is.

  24. It should be a crime for a chick to say she is legal when she isn't. Dude is committing a criminal act banging her, whether he was lied to or not. I hope she did a walk of shame in the morning, while bleeding from her ass.

  25. I don't think it's Bella Thorne because her show finished last year and she has several movies coming out.

  26. Zendaya Coleman? I think she's 16 or 17

  27. I'm amazed anyone would still lie about their age in the era of google.

  28. Spork is the most dangerous of the plastic cutlery

  29. Shake it up, Bella T! That girl is heading to trouble town, and her momager knows it.
