Saturday, March 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 1, 2013

This A list mostly movie actress who used to be A++ list got in touch with this A list mostly movie actor who she had a brief fling with when they made a movie a few years back. She called him to congratulate him and then said she was in town on a whim and they should meet for coffee. So, he left his significant other at a difficult time to have coffee and a two hour romp in a hotel room with the actress before she flew back home to her husband.

Julia Roberts/Javier Bardem


  1. All I can say is he must have a big cock or she wants him to get her a role. He is fugly.

  2. Cheryl Cole and Katy Perry are two of the hottest girls in the world - and so normal and funny with it. If I was a few years older they are the kind of girls I'd like to date. I want a younger version of Cheryl and Katy - a mixture of the two would be hot.
    Julia Roberts wouldn't make the list.

  3. She ain't no beauty either. I think she could get him a role faster than he could get her a role.

  4. Heed! Like an orange on a toothpick! As a fellow member of the GMS Club, I feel like I should wish you well, Mr. Bardem, but Twitchy Roberts? Really? I get annoyed whenever I see her on the cover on Idris's lap. I sincerely hope he stood straight up after

    1. Giant Melon Syndrome Club

    2. Ah. Not like the Giant Melons Syndrome club Kat Dennings belongs to.

    3. Technically, I also am a member of that club. Just easier to.cover those than a giant melon, oddly enough

    4. Maybe if you ask nice your nana will knit you a lovely touk. Pair it with a heavy scarf and it really evens out the head/neck/shoulders line.

    5. Will check into it, thanks!

    6. And it's toque. Silly Americans

    7. Aw man. There go my cool points. Will cop to Americans being dumb though. Big, dumb and violent. But that's why we run things and things don't run we.

    8. That's not at all what I said. I should have known

    9. @TTM - I know. 'Twas a joke :)

  5. After she endorsed him for Best Actor at the Academy Awards, I think it became quite obvious what was happening.

  6. Maybe VIP can produce some evidence @Rose?

  7. That's quite a sparky reveal for a Saturday. Poor Penelope (Oh, and whatever Julia's other half is called)

  8. He's got charisma! I wouldn't be surprised either if Julia had some grudge against Penelope Cruz and this was some kind of revenge fuck against her.

    1. Now you might be on to something timebob.

  9. Well I get the sense Penelope will have her own revenge, hope it's good.

  10. Please, who hasn't Julia shtupped? And ftr, there was a pic posted here once of Javier, and he is definitely NOT packing.

    Oh and Bizzle, I would hope Julia wouldn't make the list - she's older than your mother! That would be delving into Shia territory. Maybe.

  11. What...I suppose you expected him to wait while she was in labor vs potential job. He hasn't been in anything noteworthy to the gen pop since No Country for Old Men. That slope jaw Julia might get him work!

  12. This reveal made me feel...dirty. I love Penelope, how horrible for her.

  13. well Penelope is one hot mama and Julia not so much

    dumb decision on his part.....

  14. The fuck is wrong with him?

  15. This makes me mad and sad. Love Penelope and hope it wasn't when she was in labor!

  16. Yet another woman with beer flavored nipples....

  17. bardem is the disgusting cromagnon of our days, dumb, ugly and cheater and he is not well endowed at all (sorry, not clicky):

  18. All in all, he is less ugly than his brother carlos whom I don't google in order to avoid the virus his ugliness would take to my computer.

    1. OMG...just googled out of curiosity (well played) and he looks like a latino jackie chan

  19. What does Horseface have to do this to men?

  20. LOVE Javier, would do him in a heartbeat. Too bad he's a cheater (but no surprise).

    Julia Roberts is a horrible, horrible person.

  21. Wasn't there another reveal like this one where she flew to convince him to do a movie with her or just talk to him about it? That, the movie was either the excuse for the romp or she actually wanted to convince him that way?

  22. An acquaintance of mine runs with what he terms "the communists" in Madrid, basically a Franco era term for the artists and free thinkers. He has run into Bardem and his various family members for years and let's just say that their ideas on marriage and monogamy are as unconventional as their other beliefs, and that said, it doesn't necessarily mean that Penelope is a victimized party in any of this. That doesn't mean that Javier and Julia aren't tacky, but it may not be outside of acceptable behavior for the Bardem marriage, and it may not be outside of acceptable behavior for Julia's marriage either.

  23. How 'European' of them!
    Javier's a beautiful man....I totes would....must get him on my Hall Pass List...

  24. @Runswith That's what I was thinking too!

  25. @timebob
    You might be onto something because she keeps going back to this one.

  26. He has the face of a serial killer. Creepy.

  27. I HATE her and can't wait for karma to kick her ass. There are going to be so many people thrilled to see that.

  28. Julia Roberts is one of the most selfish, self-centered nastiest bitches on the planet with a stupidly undeserved over inflated opinion of herself and worth. She's gutter trash and cares about no one besides herself. I hope karma bites her ass in a big, big way, and Vera, Penelope and even Nancy in Heaven have front row seats. Julia gives new meaning to the c-word.

  29. Wow PS. Sounds like you know her!

  30. And who was monitoring the phone call to JB and subsequent coffee shop and hotel visit? Such bullshit when you think of the intel required to confirm such a thing.

  31. JB and PC always reminded me of the old movie plot "If we don't find someone by 35, we'll marry each other!"
