Sunday, March 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 31, 2012

This B list mostly television actress is slipping quickly. Some might say that she has gone from almost A list to C list. Still great name recognition. Her problem is that no one wants to hire her and she feels like her "friends" are leaving her since she is not as hot anymore so ends up buying her friends. Those closest to her never had a Christmas so good. She wants an entourage and pays heavily for it. That hit show money is not going to last long.

Eva Longoria


  1. I don't mind her. I would hang with her and even give a good discount for my company.

  2. Guess that L'Oreal spokesperson money isn't much, huh?

  3. Derek and I are down to kick it, Eva! So sad. She just got her MA in Chicano Studies from CSU Northridge, I thought she made some friends there.

    1. A masters of art in chicano studies is basically the equivalent of reading about cesar chavez and writing a 60+ page paper on his impact on recent generations. My professor got his MA in chicano studies and he met NOBODY in the process. Not to mention graduate studies are not necessarily social, especially when it comes to a degree in a field where most of the people she'd be attending class with would not be somebody she would consider in her "class".

  4. @Lady that is right! Eva I will give ya the D. *D for discount!*

  5. This is an older blind, I think she's found her way now.

    1. a rich boyfriend.

  6. Oh man Eva I'd be your friend for free.

  7. Well with an MA in Chicano Studies, once she runs out of money, she'll be able to knock down what? $9-10 dollars an hour some where?

    1. Lol @count, or she can join Belle Knox, right? ;)
      My understanding is that she got the MA strictly to learn more about her heritage, immigration and politics, but was also social with her cohort and fellow grad students. If what I heard is inaccurate, someone please correct me! I'd love more scoop on Eva. Team Solis foreva!

      I'm sure Eva is doing just fine. She actually seems to have a few projects coming up, she is mainly producing but she also directed the S2 premiere of Devious Maids

  8. College friends won't get her pictures in the ' bloids. Too bad ...

  9. I like her. Always have.

  10. Did Desperate Housewives only go into syndication on Lifetime? That's the only channel I've seen it on, but I thought it was always very profitable regardless of station.

  11. And maybe her friends are ditching her because they don't like Mario Lopez hanging around. That's a deal breaker, ladies

  12. I have seen her on talk shows and she is an incredibly bright and articulate woman - maybe she needs to work on the interpersonal skills or just leave Hollywood and focus on her causes which are good ones and maybe she'll meet some real people.

  13. Add me to the list, I've always found her quite likeable.
    But skeevy Mario Lopez would have to go.

  14. She does not bother me.
    Watching all the famous people makes me glad I am not - they never seem to know who they can trust, or who is using them. Sad existence.

  15. I'm available but my friendship ain't cheap

  16. @Lady H: I would pay to see an Eva Longoria FacialAbuse scene. Actually, I guess she would go on their LatinaAbuse site.

  17. Too bad. Maybe she should hop on a sitcom or a Netflix show? If Lohan can get hired, Longoria should be way up the list above her. OMG, I care way too much about this blind!

  18. Parissucks, you are so right. I know someone who was a personal assistant to several A list actresses over the years and she said the glamorous life isn't so glamorous. Sure, there's fame, fortune and lots of beautiful people. And famous people get *tons* of stuff for free. But they can't trust anyone. And when you're A list, you're fighting to stay A list. So they are always paranoid and distrustful. A very toxic way to live. I don't feel sorry for famous people in the way that I do, say, a single. Other who has to work 2 jobs to survive. But I wouldn't want that life.

  19. Be careful what you wish for or you might just get it.

  20. i go to csun and i've NEVER seen her ever on campus. she probably was too good for the valley life idk. they always made it a big deal she went here but tbh the chicano studies program is something we're all forced to take a class from and no one really likes it.

    1. Thanks @smell me! Good to know. Not too familiar with that department or faculty, but I have heard of some of Escobar's work

  21. I never watched Desperate Housewives, but she has always come across as a fairly nice and decent person. She just has awful taste in men. I'll be your paid friend, Eva! Couldn't be any worse than my current job.

  22. She is one of those sucker fishes that are the bottom feeders of the aquarium. She brought her max desperation to the Kids' Choice Awards, as usual. No idea why she was there. Very pretty, tho.

  23. She thinks her friends are leaving her because she's not as hot anymore. That is messed up. THOSE AREN'T YOUR FRIENDS, EVA!

    Oh, and @Lux? She does not in fact have horrible taste in men. Men have horrible taste in her. She's a nasty piece of work.
