Saturday, March 15, 2014

Chris Brown Is Back In Jail

Chris Brown has been thrown out of his second rehab facility where he is dealing with anger management issues. Apparently he has not dealt with those issues very well because he was kicked out of the first one for throwing a rock at his mom's car window and this one for getting into a physical altercation with someone inside. The judge in Chris' case said that if Chris left rehab or got kicked out he would go directly to jail. Staffers at the facility called the judge and police were sent to pick up Chris who can now look forward to some quality jail time. I bet he doesn't try and get into any physical altercations with people inside jail. He is more of a beat those who are way smaller kind of person. Apparently Chris did have sex with one of the workers at the facility. She obviously finds women beaters attractive.


  1. Waiting on the LIST Entry!
    And you start with Difficult Brown! Come on!

  2. Down with the Brown.

  3. Oh my god, no! He is so innocent, I feel so bad for him! Poor Chris doesn't deserve jail :( insert eyeroll here

  4. I can't believe he got kicked out of rehab over a threesome. That seems to trivial, as long as you are consenting. I don't see what the problem is, why was that a stipulation? Is that part of his rage? That's what they said on mediatakeout

  5. I am not excusing anything he has done, clearly he has massive issues to deal with.

    But what on earth happened to him, to make him so broken?

    1. This is the man who said he first had sex at age 8. I think that's all that needs to be said about where his issues stem from.

    2. I wonder the same thing, JoElla. In a way I feel bad for him cuz he's so fucked in the head, something must have made him that way. But on the other hand, he doesn't seen like he really cares or wants to fix anything so I don't feel sorry for him for long...

    3. Sex at 8? That's bloody tragic. God.

  6. I'm no fan of Fist Brown but to go to jail because you had a threesome in rehab. That seems alittle ridiculous. All of those stupid chicks were consenting. The silly staffer that no doubt lost her job. And now the women that were in rehab with him that participated in the menage.

    1. It is the rules of all rehab places that you don't have sex w/ people there. Anyone would get kicked out and going to jail is the stipulation set by the judge. Sex is an addiction too & those in rehab often trade one addiction for another... Hence why it is against the rules.

  7. I'll wait to see how long it lasts before I cheer.

  8. JoElla & LowKey, was curious too what is he so pissed about

    According to wiki, his mother's second hubby regularly beat her up so CB is part of the cycle of violence

  9. lost his virginity at 8?! I was still playing with My Little Ponys at 8...

  10. I don't feel sorry for him.

    His probation was extended because it turned out he hadn't fulfilled the terms in Virginia. He has been given break after break, and clearly, doesn't appreciate that. If he had kept his head down and done everything that was required of him, he'd probably be free of the legal system.

    Look at some of the things he got away with - throwing a chair at ABC studios when he didn't like their questioning. Snatching a phone from a fan, lots of fights (Frank Ocean, the one with Drake at the club).

  11. Where is this 3some crap coming from? He got thrown out for fighting, AGAIN.
    Sex is a copeing mechanism for addicts. When a beat down releases stress with a rush that has to be repeated( rage issue) to get release then sex can duplicate the rush somewhat. Therapy teaches other ways to cope with the feelings Before it builds to the rage/release point. Sex is s shortcut that leads the addict ( in his case it's rage) away from dealing with painful issues.

  12. I actually feel sorry for him. He's been diagnosed with a mental disorder and he every fucked up dumbass thing he does sounds like the all too familiar (for me) signs of bipolar disorder II. Rehab and jail aren't places to get help for the mentally ill. I'm sure I'll be attacked for that because its cool to hate Chris Brown on here, but whatever. I'll just log off now and see you all next week. Not in the mood for the 'well actually' people on this site.

    1. Best wishes for you H' dime. Sending some healing energy your way.

    2. @ steam

      Thanks. I'm not bipolar, lol. I work in Hollywood though and a LOT of people are. But I do appreciate the love. That was very sweet of you.

  13. @dime, well actually, I agree with you somewhat. He does have serious rage issues, and no doubt medication and/or therapy would help a great deal.

    BUT he's got fame, name, and money, not to mention his apparent fan base (there's a post about KTran worried that Chris will die in prison on Hollywood Life, and comments of the "leave Chris Brown alone!" variety). If Lilo can get away with drunk driving, and Chris Brown's probation is revoked twice in one year without him going to jail until time served is up... well, you know the script.

    1. @ my dear love 7

      Completely agree! All the fame etc diesnt help a person with his type of mental issues it just compounds it. He needs to get real help. Not Hollywood-go-to-pretty-Malibu-40k a week Promises-help.
      Until he gets rid of EVERYONE around him, including his mom. Nothing will change.

    2. @ 7
      I just caught that 'well actually'....LMAOOOOO well played. Lol

  14. Mental disorder makes sense. I didn't know that.

  15. I just wish he would actually, fully, get out of his own way, get some real help and DEAL. Before anyone else, including him, gets hurt. He's so young!!

  16. His actions are still illegal and have consequences. He has been offered therapy and treatment to deal with his mental health issues and has refused or rebuffed help at every turn.
    If he won't take help he needs punishment for his crimes.

    1. I know, IJU, I just really wish he would get out of his own way. I'm not against punishment

    2. @ it's just u

      That's the problem with people who suffer from mental illness, they often times don't seek help because they don't understand they need it. Their mental illness is a way of life and normal for them. The acting out with violence and then self medicated with sex, drugs and inappropriate behaviors are just how they live.
      Chris brown doesn't have a support system that will get him the correct mental health services. He has a bunch of people leeching off of him for status and money. He's mom and girlfriends (rihanna included because I totally NOT out of the picture, don't be fooled by her being out with Drake) are enablers and toxic. Water tends to seek its own level right? Jail is not the place to work out issues of abusing and addiction. Chris used to be a sweet kid. Then he started self medicating to 'balance'.
      Anyway. Have an awesome day.

    3. @Hollywood dime. Totally agree. He needs to be somewhere that he feels safe enough to work out his issues. Jail is not this place. The rehab he was in is obviously not the place either because it allowed for a situation where he was able to have sex with someone who worked there. That is not the sign of a good rehab facility.

    4. @Hollywood Dime I absolutely agree about people with metrical health issues getting the right treatment. I have many family members with wide and varied issues so I know how frustrating and heartbreaking it can be.
      But... He's had 5 years now of excuses and apologies and treatments and nothing seems to be working.
      He was in a treatment facility when this latest situation happened. His mom and friends weren't there. His hangers on weren't there. He did this.
      And he was told of the consequences and broke the rules anyway.
      There are only so many times you can pat someone on the head and tell them it's not their fault before something has to be done.
      For him and the people he hurts.
      He wasn't in prison. He has been given enough chances to avoid it but maybe now it's the end of those chances.

  17. As an ex wife of a bi polar man I feel for everyone involved. Shit is no joke.

  18. how can anyone feel sorry for him? do you feel sorry for charlie manson? after all, something made HIM the way he is too.

    this guy's an adult and responsible for his actions. he had warning what would happen if he didn't behave and he still couldn't do it.

    it's ok to wonder why he's so fucked up, but it's another to feel 'sorry' for him. he's an abusive prick who thinks he's above the law, and he's finding out he's not. it's about time.

    1. Cool false equivalency! Had no idea Chris Brown murdered people.
      I'm no Chris Brown fan but I am an advocate for mental health. It goes ignored and people don't get help because of the shame behind it. But if Chris Brown is Charlie Manson for you, you got it.

    2. @nancer I feel sorry for anyone who suffers from mental Illness and also anyone who is failed by the system. Mason actually was failed by the system but he is also a psychopath who could not be helped. Chris Brown is not even close to being in that Mental Illness profile. Please do not treat all Mental Illness' the same. They are all very different and should be treated as such.

  19. ..some people are just self entitled assholes. There's that.

  20. well most of you are always wanting to throw Lohan in the slammer and he is worse---so whats with the double standard?

  21. I'm just glad he's off the streets. Some people are broke and can't be fixed. Take note Lohans! I feel bad for every person who has to be around CB.

  22. I can see why he got kicked out for the threesome

    You are in rehab to get sober and anything that distracts from that gets in the way, it is all part of his non sober angry lifestyle, so as a patient you are not doing the work

    it's like Californication, the TV series, Hank Moody after almost dying goes into rehab where he meets the other reluctant rehabbers and they get high and drunk and he has sex with the hot blonde, in other words nothing different than when he is not in rehab, despite promising to change to his daughter and his ex girlfriend who he wants back but is not prepared to grow up for

  23. Dude has the mind of a 5yr old and the kid was glad to get rid of it.

  24. I agree mental issues are awful and very hard to treat. Rehab is to work on yourself, not screw around and mouth off. Im sorry for his whole shitty life but he's older now and can see other people in the world do not act like him. He can process hes in trouble and in court ordered rehab. He can reason his past behavior isnt working. If he truly cannot, i really dont know what to do with him, but he cant hang around the rest of us and act shitty. Like bieber, like lohan, if sense cant be pounded into their heads, what to do? We dont want to return to old mental warehousing of people, but what di we do? And just like elsewhere in society, some addicts are nice, some are nasty. He just comes off as nasty prick. If thereapy and medication wld change him to productive human, i am all fir it. But maybe, just maybe, hes just a nasty guy. It is possible.

  25. He had a DA gunning for his ass for as long time. Jail, Jail, Jail they screamed. The judge disagreed with that and gave Chris an opportunity to have some of his issues dealt with. Chris never saw it that way. He just saw it as "Why am I here? I don't need this," and he acted out. Hollywood Dime is 100% correct when she said those suffering from mental illness often times don't seek help because they don't understand they need it. I've been around people like this as well. When you're forced into an environment that is the exact opposite of the mindset you've lived with for all your life then you get confused and then you get angry for being confused. In Chris's world beating up women is OK. In his world punching strangers in the face is OK. When you realize the world sees those things as not being OK though, then they lash out even more. They ask themselves, "Why can't the world just understand ME," when it should be, "Why can't I understand how other people see things?" Chris will always be someone who asks himself the first question but never the second.

    Was it really the 3some that got Brown kicked out of rehab? A lot of places won't boot you unless you've done a number of things leading up to being discharged.

  26. I am confused. Why do people keep saying he got kicked out for having a threesome?? He got kicked out TWICE for acting out violently, not for having sex! He threw a rock through his mother's car window, and he got into a physical altercation with somebody inside the rehab. Altercation = FIGHT, not sex.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Salsa is correct. Most places like rehab facilities have very strict rules regarding letting members of the opposite sex who are fellow patients into each others rooms. Female patients aren't allowed in male patients room and males especially aren't allowed in females rooms. A number of places won't even let you stand in their doorway. If you want to be alone with someone you have to sneak off somewhere and that can be extremely difficult.

    That CB sure is a sneaky one.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Anonymous12:14 PM

    If what's been reported about this guy in the media is true, then I can't stand him, but I actually really like his music. I don't actively seek it out to listen to, but whenever I hear something I like and look it up, it's inevitably one of his.

    According to one blogger, Chris is being set up by several people for not following orders. This person doubted whether he really did hit Rihanna - they suggested it was a set-up, and he was placed there to take the fall. I don't know if it's true, but I do know that if you sign up for stardom then you have to play by the rule book, and he's not complying. He's still allowed to make music because he's making them money, but he's being made to suffer in other ways - i.e., his reputation.

    Food for thought.

  31. While I don't feel that jail is going to help rehabilitate him in any way, if he was a poor man his butt would already have been in jail since the first incident. He has to play the game to get out of the system and learn how to deal with his anger. He's been given many chances and blown it, jail is only going to make him angrier.

  32. I'm with @Surfer 100%.
    He knew the rules going in, he knew the consequences. Every one of us has rules all day long that we manage to follow. Besides rehab is a place with lots of psychological repair going on, their rules exist for good medical reasons. (Well, reputable ones, not Narconon.)

  33. Dime is dead on as usual. Media reports say Chris is suffering from PTSD and while I don't deny that, but I'd say his behavior is more consistent with bipolar or a couple personality disorders. Chris is a sick guy and it's going to take awhile to treat him. I think one of the big issues here is that it's likely been a challenge to diagnose CB because he is fucking high 24/7. Proper psych diagnoses usually require the patient to be sober for months. Either way, his issues clearly stem from exposure to violent and sexual traumas at an early age, and he is in legal trouble because of how he treats women. He needs to reevaluate those behaviors as well. I don't know if he violated probation but if it IS because of sexual relations, consent means shit to me. If a staffer had inappropriate relations with CB, she should never work in social services ever again.

    While I also agree with readers who say fuck CB or send him to the woodchipper, sure, no one is to blame but CB at the end of the day. However, we have a social interest in trying to treat him, not just for CB's sake but to prevent future victims. He's already escalated lately and has been claiming Piru Fruits. Lost little boy trying to front like a man. So sad.

  34. grins - snickers - laughs Rolls on the floor guffawing

    Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy...except maybe Biebs.

  35. Hope he gets gang raped up the ass before he settles down with his new mandingo hung boyfriend named Bubba. Bitch needs to leave the slam with a case of AIDs.

    What's the first symptom of AIDs?

    A pounding sensation in your ass.

  36. Oh, I see prison rape jokes. G'bye.
