Saturday, March 01, 2014

George Lopez Discovers There Is Nothing Finer Than A Casino Floor As A Bed

I can't say that I have passed out on a casino floor. I have passed out on hotel convention room floors. There have been too many nights to count where it was far too much effort to climb into a bed when all one needed to do is fall down to the floor. George Lopez was arrested for public intoxication. He passed out on the floor of a casino in Windsor, ON shortly after performing a show there. I'm sure it is not the first time it has happened. It won't be the last. He just happens to be a guy who has a kidney donated by his ex-wife who he dumped in favor of a string of hookers that destroyed his marriage and if you noticed, also hasn't kept him in good standing with his former bff Sandra Bullock. I'm pretty sure that getting so hammered that a casino floor looks inviting is probably not good for the new kidney.


  1. Addiction is a bear, y'all. I hope he gets clear of it, many don't

  2. Windsor is like a Canadian honey trap. Casinos, strip clubs, and strong beer. Many don't come back. It's the reason Detroit is almost devoid of population.

    George probably tied in to some Molson XXX. Put a sleeper hold on him.

    1. Hi Charlie. I like your comments. Not in a stalker-ish way, just nice to see you again.

  3. Blech, people puke on those floors!

    How did they arrest him if he was passed out? I've always wondered how that works, it's not like you can read a sleeping person their Miranda rights... (I do realize this happened in Canada, I'm just wondering in general.)

    Morning, @TTM. What in the name of hades happened yesterday?!

    1. Throw him in jail and leave a note pinned to his pillow of his Miranda Rights to read when he sober up. Most all jails have drunk tanks to sleep it off till morning when you are lucid enough to be read your rights.

    2. you only need read some their Miranda rights if there is going to be a custodial interrogation. If you're not questioning them, then no need to read them their rights.

  4. Eh its happened to the best of us. I don't leave Canadian casinos unless it's in a golden chariot or an ambulance.

  5. Heeey Charlie ;) Have you decided who you're wearing for the Oscars tomorrow?

    7 & TTM What happened?

  6. Morning guys! The Kardashians all left last night, did one last blowout to say goodbye. Kind of sad, really. I'm gonna miss the positive Bruce energy and sad Rob's struggle with his weight loss journey. And the genius that is Kanye.

    Charlie, I am laughing my a€€ off that you used the term "Canadian honey trap"

  7. First off, I am now investigating miranda-rights reading and application to drunk/sleeping people. Inquiring minds want to know now, thanks @Seven.

    Like Seven, I was just catching up on yesterday's antics. Holy Kraptrashian overload!!! It's March y'all! Bieber free???

    1. Oh please PLEASE let it Bieber Free March!!!

  8. @Kristin, the Ktrolls took over the Random Photos #5. I opened my email this morning because I subscribed to the post and there was something like 200+ emails! Good entertainment with my coffee.

    Now that massive moron is jealous because he didn't get an invite to the troll fest, so he's dumping his foul crap all over it. I had to unsubscribe so I wouldn't have to see his attempts to be shocking and disgusting. Yawn, he's a loser baby.

  9. LowKey and I were having similarly exciting nights so we said goodbye for everyone. Hey! Beiber showed up! And Massive is all riled up this morning

  10. Heeeey, Kristin .-) I haven't decided on all of my attire, but I'm jumping the Ralph Lauren ship with the patch. Tom Ford is doing an exclusive one-of; tastefully accented with Swavorski crystals.

    Holy moly! Kristin AND TTM. I'm in a ginger sammie.

  11. LOL @ Candyland, share your findings!

  12. Seven, I think maaaaybe some troll was feeling a leetle left out this past month...just reminding us what a real troll does while a-trollin

  13. i've heard that Cheetah's is like Tijuana.

  14. I still think they have a good Twitter road show on their hands. If they're lucky, they. Oils make it all the way to...Broadway! (Cue music, cue big lights)

    As for this item, having been out of the country for quite some time I confused Lopez with Zimmerman. La di da, la di da...

  15. Serves this ash hole right. Anyone else remember when he was at, I think the Grammys a few years back and somebody asked him if he was looking forward to seeing Amy Winehouse performing? He was a nasty jackass and I won't repeat what he said, it wasn't funny though he thought he was hilarious. So now that he's the drunk, it serves him right. It's about time karma got off her lazy ash and started giving some payback to these smug arrogant jackasses.

  16. That thread last night was the best ever. Those trolls were never mean, just hilarious. I just don't know how I can go on living without lady Bruce brining all his positivity into my life.

  17. This is the difference between pre-Internet celebrity and post-Internet celebrity. How many times did William Holden pass out on the floor of a nightclub? What about John Barrymore? But we don't have the cellphone pics of the splayed out on the floor, just beautiful staged photos.

  18. I was surprised Canada had public intoxication laws especially after my last trip to Vancouver.

    Agree with TTM about the beast of addiction. Sadly addicts only fool themselves.

  19. It was a great night.... TTM and I tried to hold our own but it was madness! I'll miss them, I will... whoever they are, they're damned entertaining.
    And now Massively Trying - To -Hard is in there doing what he does best... it must suck to be soooo lame.

    heyyyy Charlie

    1. Jeez, hope ya'll dont talk about me like that when im not around, heh

  20. I'm going to miss my lumpy sock mogul Rob :(

    Charlie, you will look radiant in whatever you choose. Did I miss a past post where you mentioned you're from Detroit?

  21. Hi, Sprink. Thank you. I've been clobbered with work lately. Working today and tomorrow. This place is a little entertaining oasis for me.

    1. Anonymous11:30 AM

      What do you do Charlie?

    2. Hi Stepforded. Sorry. I just saw this early early. I am Director of IT for a manufacturing firm. We're rolling out new software for running the company, and it's been a bugger. I suppose I need to report myself to myself for going to non-work related web sites.

  22. Apparently they threw him in the drunk tank, and released him once he sobered up.

    Last night was awesome with all the K's! Seems Entern has been busy deleting some of the finer posts. :(

  23. FYI - Canada doesn't have "Miranda Rights." That's strictly an American thing. Google it.

    1. @Surfer - that's why I said I realize this is Canada.

      (ITA about the posts being deleted. Why is Massive Weewee allowed to post his disgusting garbage, but the always genial Bruce is deleted?!)

  24. You didn't, Kristin. I'm on the other side of the mitten. Along the Lake Michigan shoreline. Fine, sugar sand beaches for if my ginger lasses ever visit.

    1. Invite! Invite!!!! We got an invite!! (*throws TTM in suitcase*)

    2. Packing, Kristin!

      Will bring Nanaimo Bars!

  25. Miranda update: ok, if you are drunk, drugged or sleeping when you're read Miranda, you can file a motion to suppress the information/what you said during that period. Not that you'd be saying a lot if you're asleep. Basically, cops can say, "I read him his rights," regardless of your state of mind.

  26. I'm supposed to be working but nobody else is here til noon. Muahaha.
    I'm such a badass.

  27. Ohhhhh, LowKey. Always the trouble maker.Hand check!

  28. All I know is that when I came here this morning I saw something like 239 posts in random photos. I was too scared to open it up.

  29. @seven - my Miranda comment was directed at Sugarbread Maker - sorry!

  30. Fuck you, you piece of shit. I've been puking sewage out of my asshole for 36 fucking hours! I am dehydrated and sick as hell. Have some goddamn sympathy, you slimy guttersnipe, before I projexctile shit diarrhea on you.

    Spermbreathed moron.

    1. I'll give you points for "guttersnipe", a sadly underused word.
      And you should probably see a doctor. At least take some Imodium and drink plenty of Gatorade.

    2. Pedialyte will work in a pinch!

    3. You should get thyself to a doctor, pronto. You're most likely dying.

    4. La la la it is the use of Victorian era language such as guttersnipe, trim, and some insightful material pattern knowledge that makes this such a credible gangstar personality.


  31. I have a photoshoot in an hour. It's my own fault for working on Saturday, but I'm still regretting it. Lady Bruce should not be censored!

  32. People with borrowed organs get a new lease on life. And then they want to be normal people and do normal people things. They find out all too quickly they can't. Having cheated death gives you the feeling you can do anything and the need to live a wreckless life is a phenomenon. All this from Lopez does not surprise me. Takes one to know one.

  33. I wish he'd get his stuff together.

  34. Do you have a borrowed organ living inside of you, Writergirl?

  35. The Windsor Ballet is the finest in the land

  36. Superfly you are shit for brains personified you fat fuck. Go out ob the fucking snow and fall in it face first.

  37. Well at least his ex didn't give him part of her liver. Now that would be bad.

  38. Casinos sure do have some ugly ass carpets. Just looking at that makes me want to puke. I sort of can understand George's need for a nap.

  39. This is my usual first night in Vegas.

  40. Casino carpets and diner counters, you never know what's living on top.
    Not George's fault, that carpet wld give me vertigo just walking on it.

  41. Texas - Actually, her liver would have regenerated in time. But she will never grow back her second kidney.

    1. I believe that the remaining kidney grows significantly larger to compensate though, @smoke and mirrors. Not the same as a redundancy but still something.

  42. He is unfunny, unkind and appareny drinkng again, but he has a new show!!!

  43. I think I may be the only one who found this hilarious. Not the alcoholic part, but the whole passing out face down on a casino carpet part.

  44. I keep wondering if people just walked over him!

  45. The shits have stopped. Thanks for playing motherfucka

    1. Glad you're feeling better, G! Now take it easy for a few days, your body needs to build its strength back up! No hookers!

  46. Like someone else upthread, I saw Lopez but thought Zimmerman for a moment there. Both ways I also giggled at the face-down on a casino carpet, JSierra.


  47. Bullock's well-publicized affection for & friendship with Lopez (as well as her willingness to be Jesse's girl) always made me seriously question her values & judgment.
    I do think Mrs Lopez should have gotten her kidney returned in the divorce settlement.

  48. I've got very similar pictures of my soon to be ex. Husband. The same belly hanging out & thinking no one is noticing.
