Thursday, March 27, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

I believe Brad Pitt is saying, "How you doing?" Could be, "Pull my finger." It is tough to tell.
Cameron Diaz out and about yesterday.
Charlize Theron keeps churning out those yoga classes.
This guy is minding his own business when
Emmy Rossum just locks down on him.
Helena Bonham Carter on the set of her new movie with
Carey Mulligan and
Meryl Streep.
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are back from their very photographed vacation. Probably a tabloid or agency picked up part of the bill.
Josh Duhamel on the set of his new show.


  1. Hey! Who gave Nipples Duhamel an undershirt??

    And it looks to me like Brad is saying "no, really, after you! I insist!" Although, wait he's not Canadian is he?

  2. Its always nice to see a hot girl making out with a dweeb :(
    Charlize is hiding in shame because she knows she f'ed up with Sean Peen.

  3. Mrs Lovett and Josh Duhamel. <3

    Oh, Brad. I miss this.

  4. Brad is wearing the same outfit he's been photographed in 1000 times.seroiusly dude put down the hash pipe and buy new clothes

  5. Pitt dresses in light brown a lot. He's even coordinated his shoes here. Seems a little sissy to me. I like the guy, I just wish, you know, he wouldn't do this.

    Charlize the Lesbian all done with yoga for the day so the paps she called can now get the shot of her going home to her fake boyfriend Penn.

    Carey Mulligan in the shower. Don't click. Give the girl a little privacy.

    Meryl proving she's a girl.

  6. Late as usual. Just wanted to write I'm thinking of everyone in Washington state with that awful mud slide. I'm surprised Enty hasn't posted about it.

  7. @Harry Are you really Ted C? You think everyone is gay. ;)

    1. Not everyone Reno, but I do think Charlize is gay. And no, I'm not Ted C. I'm Harry H.

  8. Could have fooled me, until I read the caption I fully expected that to be Helena Bonham Carter in another ridiculous outfit of the day for her.

  9. HBC and Meryl in the same movie?!

  10. I hope somebody thinks to play Bowie's "Suffragette City" over the end credits of that film when it comes out.

  11. Mr Knuckles: I always click on your links, so please forgive me for not clicking on that streep one, I don't think my eyes deserve that pain.

    1. You're forgiven Lil Tool, but boy are you and I on different pages. Meryl is and has always been gorgeous. Different strokes, I guess.

  12. I thought that was normal clothing for HBC too...Meryl just Meryl..She will forever be a treasure and I cannot wait for her old lady roles. She's just so amazing.

    I also loves me some Carey Mulligan. She was amazing in "Never Let Me Go" as was Andrew Garfield.

    I tried to watch Mr.& Mrs. Smith the other day and it was so godawful stoopid I turned the channel. Who would shoot up their own house? Just stop.

  13. Ok, must be the 1st time in a good 2 or 3 years but I actually think Brad looks pretty good right now. All that stuff he did to his face has calmed down & he's not so puffy & shiney anymore.

    On the subject of Jolie-Pitts, how is Angie Jo travelling round promoting Unbroken already? It only finished filming a few months ago, surely post-production isn't done already?! And all I hear from her now is Unbroken, not even stuff about the Disney film she has coming out before it.

  14. Also woop any & all involved in Suffragette! Love them all, hope the film lives up to it's topic & cast.

  15. I love Brad! ❤️

  16. Damn! Unbroken is the movie she did? How the f did I miss that? I adored that book. Cool!

  17. Whoa Pitts stylist was having an 'off ' day.

  18. For a quick mo I thought brad Pitt was George Michael

  19. Is that Mark Ruffalo behind Emmy?
