Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Hayden P in Brides Magazine even though she isn't sure when she will get married. I think it is a matter of if at this point.
Justin Bieber's dad about to do a shot with some of his son's castoffs. Great role model.
Jessica Biel headed out of town for her birthday. Apparently she is coming back. Was hoping to trade her for a player to be named later.
Jared Leto and the a-hole known as Terry Richardson.
Julianne Moore bundles up on the set of her new movie with
Alec Baldwin and
Kristen Stewart.
Meanwhile Hilaria Baldwin called the paps and did this walk five times.
Kate Mara heads out of town.


  1. Did Hayden get that dent fixed?

  2. Leave HaydenP alone! Her future family might run the Ukraine soon!
    I bet Uncle Terry didn't photograph Jordan Catalano naked
    No wonder why Biebs is fucked up :(

  3. I'm in NYC and I can tell you...it's too freakin cold to be wearing those pumps Hilaria is wearing...Ridiculous and what a total poser. She should be wearing snow boots with warm fuzzies inside.

  4. Those heels in that snow and ice = YIKES.

  5. One of the commenter's have previously mentioned that the Hayden/Wlad pairing is a sham and that no wedding was ever going to happen.

    1. I should say they "claimed" to have inside dirt that they couldn't spill.

  6. Serious question: why all of the hate for Terry Richardson? I know he's the photog that did the Miley wrecking ball shots, but there's gotta be more to it. Rumored child molester or something? Someone please fill me in!!! Gracias!

  7. I was thinking the same thing, Hil-AIRRRRR-ia can't be seriously doing the pap walk in those shoes

    Hayden Pwhatserpickle is just so adorable!

    Kristen Stewart is smiling! Was it The Rapture and nobody told me???

    Julianne Moore, represent for the ginges

  8. Short answer to your question Candyland:
    Uncle Terry is a POS. The ling answer would take hours.

  9. Kristen looks good here. RPatz is 100% less interesting and hot without her. I'm going thru a phase, guys.

  10. @Candy
    I had to google him a while back. He's vile. He uses models for sex and intimidates them. He makes them pose in sexist poses and such. Lots of stuff like that.

  11. tr has also f-word-ed shemales (besides than all of the chicks he has photographed, whatever their age, allegedly), I don't think he hasn't tried to bone JL's butt or have the actor's dong in his holes.

  12. Wouldn't it be funny if the paps caught Hilaria falling on her arse? Heels and snow indeed!

  13. First Shia and now Bieber's dad? Is this kill your readership day?

    @Reno, word, that was the first thing I thought. Stilettos + ice = ouch!

    I will only accept Julianne Moore with Alec Baldwin if they're Nancy Daahnahvahn and Jack Donaghy talking about gay Octomom... but I'll try... wicked hahd.

  14. Hilaria's out on the ho stroll.

  15. Thanks guys! With the proper search, I found that Jezebel article (and countless others). What a horrid man.

  16. kpew is not at the chanel showwww??????

    jessica is pretty to me
    just try as stale bread
    no sas no personality but she is a pretty girl
    she should do tv

  17. Yes it's freezing here….freezing.
    So Alec isn't moving just bought the penthouse apartment in the same building he's living in…
    So much for that.

  18. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Re beibers dad: adults can't have ridiculous fun sometimes?

  19. Julianne, Alex, Kristen movie Still Alice should be great, based on a wonderful book.

    T.R. needs to be contained.

  20. Apparently Hayden really goes for the rough stuff. Rougher the better. Her giant boxer boyfriend was always worried about hurting her because she liked to be punched in the stomach. There have been blinds here on CDaN about her and her father having sex so if true that would certainly account for her being a little coo coo.

    I don't know how much Lil Dickhead's dad can be blamed for the little shit's behavior over the last year or so. My understanding is that pops wasn't around much when Sizzurp Boy was growing up. He's certainly around now though.

    Alec looks to be chunking up again. He can be quite the fat fuck when he applies himself to the groceries.

    My little KStew (not kpew nurysp) looks happy. She's even got the choppers out.

  21. Why do you post photos of that ridiculous Hilaria. You hate her and we all do too. If we don't acknowledge her, maybe she'll go away.

  22. Yeah it sounds like Bieber's dad didn't give a shit about him until he got rich. Now he's the proud papa/hanger on.

  23. Nice gut on AB. (Didn't Hillaria make him lose a bunch of weight before their wedding?)

  24. Biel was plenty twitchy on the red carpet Sunday when being interviewed.......

    something is up there........

    all is not well

  25. You people need to back off. You have no idea what you are talking about.

  26. My dad wasn't going after castoffs he was just goofing off

  27. Awww shit. I guess we get swaggy trollin for March?

  28. Uncle Terry treats A listers much differently, that I know for sure.

    Biel gets twitchy. And sniffy. It happens to those who diet.

  29. Not trollin just patrolin'
    everyone thinks they know
    something they don't understand
    My relationship with my dad
    is helping me become a man

  30. Welcome then, Bizzle. Open mic night for parental rhyme spitting is usually on the third Wednesday of the month so make sure you swerve on over to 7 of 11 and sign up!

    1. I heard the 7 of 11 is closed for remodeling. That's a good thing because there's nothing there that is good for your figure. Plus they stopped carrying American Spirits Blue.

  31. Sounds like a good night for the Enties to institute a 21 and up age stipulation on commentators on CDaN

  32. Don't complain about the wee troll; it feeds off our tears! Every time we interact, a kitten gets a furball! Won't someone please think of the kittens??

  33. On the other hand, he is a former Canadian, and is the most adorable lesbian Shane lookalike EVER!

  34. Anonymous4:29 PM

    U four handled that awesomely. Perhaps u guys should handle all "troll" comments. A humorous retort ain't never hurt nobody. Honorable mention to TTM. "They feed on our tears" indeed...

  35. I had high hopes for this one. Too bad it bizzled out. (I hate myself for that)

  36. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Love, love, love Julianne Moore. Gorgeous lady on the inside and outside.

    Bieber's dad seems like such a tool.

    Kristen Stewart looks a bit like Alyssa Milano there - a version of Alyssa when she's just stepped out of the house without using her Wen.

    Talking of which, has anyone else not had the same results she does, on that Wen commercial? I had to send mine back - it made my blonde hair look greasy which is a first :-/

  37. He's gay but can't come out. Would destroy his rep as a boxing champ and his brother is trying to be the leader of one of the most homophobic countries here in europe... common knowledge here in Germany.

  38. It's 100% that Hilarious is calling the paps. I'm sure no one, not even a pap, would have known that was her bundled up like that.

  39. Is JBiel off to spend her birthday with her girlfriend?
