Friday, March 07, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Pink hangs out with the family at the beach.
Rosario Dawson heads out of LAX.
Ron Livingston is Elvis. No belly though.
Long time no see in the photos for Scott Foley.
Sara Gilbert filming her show in LA.
Scarlett J is in Paris and hiding a baby bump.
Sarah Jessica Parker has her own shoe line. Wants to adopt more kids to make them for her.
Tom Brady shows off his Patriot.


  1. Yay Burger! I wouldn't say I've been missing work, Bob

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Ron Livingston, my boo! <3

    Wearing a coat while pregnant = hiding a baby bump
    Wearing a coat while not pregnant = keeping warm

    Someone said SJP looks like a poodle and I can't not see it.

    Hi, Scott Foley!

  4. Brady looks like he has a shrunken head.

    @TTM: HA!

  5. Yep I saw Tom Brady and immediately thought of Beetlejuice.

  6. Burger was the worst.

    Why isn't Tom Brady hot any more?

  7. I was about to say, Tom Brady is not good looking at all.

    Who is Scott Foley? Why was I thinking he was one of the kids in the hall guys?

  8. I was about to say, Tom Brady is not good looking at all.

    Who is Scott Foley? Why was I thinking he was one of the kids in the hall guys?

    1. Anonymous3:48 PM

      Sherry take your eyeglasses. look down.. down.. bit more down. here you go girl, who cares about his hair

  9. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Re Burger:

    He broke up with Carrie via post it note. I mean, yeah, she deserved it but a total dick move.

    I forced my ex to watch SATC with me and of course he resented it but one of his favorite lines came out of Burger mouth. He still uses it to this day. Any time there is a "flower thing" happening. "He brought you flowers, what an asshole". Lol

    Cause, you know, some douche bought charlotte carnations instead of calalillies. Whatever the fuck that is.

    ((Laughing hysterically...sipping wine...petting/ cuddling cat too hard..longing for more SATC conversation))

  10. Ahem... If you're looking at Tom Brady's hair, you're looking at the wrong head.
    You're welcome!

  11. @Sherry Scott Foley was the first Mr. Jennifer Garner. She cheated on him with Michael Vartan and then dumped Vartan and hooked up with a bigger fish, Ben Affleck (Oscar winner).

    I can't look at Ron Livingston without thinking of asshole Burger.

  12. I love Ron Livingston (especially in Office Space and Band of Brothers).

    That canNOT be Tom Brady. WTF.

  13. Wow, I hope Tom protects that thing. It should be deemed a national treasure.

  14. At the very least, he should be inducted into the Hammbone Hall of Fame. According to my spell-check, Hamm-bone has a hyphen, sorry. WTF.

  15. Scott Foley is yummy.
