Friday, March 21, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Jake Gyllenhaal at the premiere of his new movie.
Joe Jonas hangs out with his brother and girlfriend.
January Jones at rare red carpet appearance.
Jennifer Lopez before her American Idol appearance.
Julianne Moore on the set of her new movie.
Kristin Cavallari still espousing the whole non vaccination thing.
Lily Allen in NYC.
Lisa Marie Presley in Australia.
Madonna showing off her underarms.


  1. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Betting the Madonna hair is fake. Underarm merkin???

  2. Oh Madonna. So edgy.

    Lisa Marie, bwahahaha!

    Klondike looks great, lovely skin

    Sooooo is Jake Gylewhatheispickle doing that to his face on purpose? I usually really like beards but um, not his.

  3. Jake looks like one of the GEICO cavemen there.

    January looks cute and carefree. Shoot me.

    JLO seems like the biggest B ever.

    Julianne can do no wrong.

    LMP looks grossly thing. Is she okay?

    Madge... ugh.

  4. JJ makes a rare red carpet appearance but is almost a regular right here.
    Jakey looks so manly :))))

  5. At least two people in these pictures push the word hirsute to levels I don't want to see in celebrities.

  6. another swanky pic of Madonna

    just makes my Friday complete.....

    VIP needs to brighten things up again

  7. Anonymous12:34 PM

    The hair is fake, wonder how long it took to get that on & how much she paid for it to be done...

    Madge you got it backwards, Gags copies you, you don't copy an imitator who imiatates you

  8. JJ is really lovely here-great pic of her

  9. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Elvis's daughter has got massive attitude considering she not accomplished anything on her own merrits....same thing with Elvis's grand daughter....

  10. Lisa Marie looks terribly skinny..

    1. Anonymous12:17 AM

      When did she get so thin?

  11. My two least favorite looks on Jake G. Long hair & the mountain man beard. Gross. Just me? I'd pick bald over long hair on a fella every time!!

  12. Now we are recycling Madonna's armpit hair?!

  13. Really we saw JoElla. I saw her hairy pits the first time around and yeah it does look like a merkin.

    I also don't care for the beard on Toothy Tile. Makes his neck disappear.

  14. Lisa Marie, wow she lost tons of weight. Or she had lippo and tummy tack since celebrities don't believe in doing it the human way.

    Madonna, she is gross...

  15. Jones


    Lisa marie

    Wouldnt go through Madonna for any of em.

  16. Madonna's pit doesn't hold a candle to Libby's.

  17. Jake is starting to look like Joaquin Phoenix when he had his 'episode'. That isn't a good thing.

  18. Is this Madonna's way of auditioning for Game of Thrones?

  19. Jake just killed the hot.

    just seen julianne Moore doing a hair color commercial - i thought she was a natural ginge #dreamsshattered

  20. canadachick: Julianne is a natural redhead, but she's in her 50s now, so it's not surprising that she's coloring her hair these days. (She commented in Allure once that redheads don't go grey per se, but just get peachier and peachier, which she didn't see as being a good thing. Lots of us color our hair something close to our original color because we're getting older. *raises hand*

  21. January looks great. She should smile more.

  22. @ Robin Wheew i feel better now :D

  23. I don't know who is more desperate for attention, Madonna or Hilaria.

  24. I cannot for the life of me understand parents in America who refuse to give their children vaccinations. To be clear: Said parents would rather allow their small infants, toddlers and children to be exposed to highly potentially fatal illnesses such as Measles, Mumps and even Influenza than "risk" them getting Autism? Then add to that fact that said "risk" exists only because Jenny McCarthy and some quack of a doctor (whose insane theories have NEVER been accepted by the medical community and have frequently been DIS-proven) say so?? Ok. Makes perfect sense. For the hell of it, let's say the link were proven; the idea is, they'd rather have a "healthy" child dead of the Measles than a living and thriving one with Autism?!? What a bunch of nuts!

    I just have zero respect for ppl who perpetuate this problem. I feel most strongly about this because 1. Most of the diseases that have long since been almost completely eradicated are COMING BACK because of this selfish epidemic of not vaccinating. 2. Even though these parents are so "anti vaccination" they are entirely banking on countless other families vaccinating their kids to protect the health of their own. And 3. Maybe they should head on over to a place like Africa and see what any given country of no (access to) vaccines really looks like and the unspeakably devastating consequences of that. This is their goal???

    Ppl here in the States ignorantly take so, so much for granted...

  25. I think since Libby's pit ran away, it's using drugs :-(
    It was seen hanging around Michael Lohan and now, Madonna.( Nice try on the disguise with the false beard, pit. Madonna hasn't been that hair color since Desperately Seeking Susan)

  26. Madunga made me throw up
    January Jones is showing the effects of her alcoholism. She looks torn and frayed. She's seen much better days.
    Jake is such a faggot.
    Why the fuck is NeNe popular? She's just another fat assed sheboon.

  27. I once wrote that Kristen Cavalleri was a slut and her PR team jumped right on my ass. That was before she gave birth to a bastard child.....

  28. @PJ, we dont like them either. I love that we are ALL painted as idiots by the actions of .05% or is it .005%. Actually doesn't matter what the subject is, that.005% is the one that gets all the publicity.
    Gays- anti
    Women- anti
    Inoculations- anti
    Income tax- need I go on?
    Our idiots are given shows and glorified for fecundity...
    Where are you from again?:-P

  29. PJ: I am all for those people not vaccinating their kids. If we can't execute the stupid, then depriving their children of modern medicine is a suitable substitute to cull the herd.

  30. George Carlin expressed that sentiment perfectly @count: " Whatever happened to natural selection, survival of the fittest? The kid who swallows too many marbles doesn’t grow up to have kids of his own. Simple as that." Greatest comedian that ever lived. RIP

  31. The best Madonna can do is show us her pit hair. Her 15 minutes are definitely up.

  32. Jake likes to lick dried cum from his beard. That';ss why he grows them. He gets his twinks to blow their nuts in it after he sucks them off.

  33. Uhhh…Julianne? Please put on a bra.

    Madonna. Wow. Recycling edgy Julia Roberts from 20 years ago.

    January looks cute there!

    1. @Nurse - some of us are totally okay with Julianne Moore going braless. Totally okay. #teamginger

  34. So why is Madonna showing her armpit? I don't think for a second that hair is real.

  35. Aww look at Jakey continually butching it up! He's still a bottom

  36. Anonymous1:32 PM

    Jake n Joe tag team. Bear n twink yez!
