Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Taylor Swift Has A Stalker

I usually don't talk about stalkers unless they are really funny which is rare or sound like they are really serious and someone to be scared of. Taylor Swift has one of the latter. For almost three years Taylor has received a barrage of e-mails and other messages from a stalker who says that he is married to Taylor and that he will kill any one who tries to break them up. When stalkers start talking about killing it is time to take them serious.When they start throwing in political names then it is even more serious. In this case the stalker says he will kill John Kerry if Kerry gets in his way. I didn't even know John was also after the affections of Taylor. It is this combination of threats to others and the celebrity that can lead to serious issues. I am kind of shocked it took three years before Taylor went after a restraining order against the guy. That is a whole lot of time to be threatened without doing anything. Taylor was granted the restraining order and also three members of her family were also granted restraining orders against the man.


  1. if only we had decent mental health services in this country.

  2. be careful out there

  3. Poor bastard. All the hot broads in the world, and he picks a mediocre bean pole to stalk? Dude needs help.

  4. Oh the tables have turned! What great irony. I wonder if brought a house to spy on her.

  5. He threatens to kill John Kerry and he is not already arrested? Damn, the NSA sucks hard at work.

  6. @Kermit, I agree with you. I thought threatening a top government official was enough to put you away post-haste.

    Not a comment on this specific case or on Taylor Swift, but in general, people who are not stable mentally can get very confused by media in which stars look attractive, available and address the camera in an inviting way.

    Anybody else read Fred Vermorel's Starlust. It's from the 80s, but its accounts of peoples' fantasies about stars are timeless.

  7. @Henriette: I know you're being cheeky, but stalking really isn't funny. There is nothing to suggest that Taylor ever threatened to kill anyone.

  8. "He will Kill John Kerry"

    So this is one of the funny ones?

  9. Anonymous7:55 AM

    It s not just in US. In UK the health system sucks as well. my boyfriend and other 3 4 ppl were stabbed walking on the street by a person with severe mental problems. they let them walk on the street eveb after they try kill ppl

    1. Anonymous6:19 PM

      Care in the community. Thank Thatcher for closing all the mental health facilities.

  10. Laura, that's horrible. I do hope everyone has recovered.

    Stalkers are scary. They can be so incredibly clever in getting to their victims. I feel for anyone who has had to deal with that. I would imagine you never feel like you don't have to look over your shoulder all the time.

  11. Does a restraining order even mean anything to this type of mentally ill person?

  12. @krmt thats not really what the Nsa is concerned with...nor do they watch everyone. Neither does the FBI. I would know :p

  13. @Lisa - if it is a protective restraining order, there is generally language that allows law enforcement to arrest the person violating the order. However, as I tell my divorce clients, it is still just a piece of paper and it will stop neither a bullet or a knife.

  14. Anonymous9:37 AM

    I wonder if this is the same guy who her security guards caught trying to get up to her house from the rocks several months ago ...

  15. She IS a stalker. Now, maybe her stalker will write a song about her? Nice change of pace.

  16. Well he brought John Kerry into it, that should get Taylor some relief when the G Men show up to arrest him. The restraining order, not so effective.

  17. Having read Gavin deBecker's The Gift of Fear, stalkers & abusive partners only stop when they die. Even locked up they will still send letters or try to get others to hurt you.

  18. Being stalked by someone you know is terrifying enough, I am just now getting to the point of going days w/o thinking of it, 13 yrs later. I don't like The Swifty, but I hope she stays safe and this nut gets locked up, indefinitely, ASAP. I always think of poor Rebecca Schaefer. :(

  19. Thatcher must have gotten that great idea from her good buddy Reagan.

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