Monday, March 03, 2014

Your Turn

First movie you saw in a movie theatre.


  1. Snow White (yeah I know but I think I was 4 and my aunt took me).

  2. It was either Matilda or Grease. I can't remember which came first, but they were my first two. 1978.

  3. I think it was E.T. I cried through the whole beginning when he was running in the woods, fearing they would kill him. My older sister still gives me crap about it.

  4. A godzilla movie, Italy 1975, on his shoulders the whole time because was crowded
    It was fun!

  5. The earliest that I can remember is The Rescuers Down Under, but it seems unlikely that my first theater experience was at 7 years old.

  6. I don't think it was actually the first, but the first I remember is my gram taking me to see "The Apple Dumpling Gang" when I was 7. Don Knotts & Tim Conway! Could you ask for more?

  7. A Boy Named Charlie Brown, 1969, Radio City Music Hall, when I was 4.

  8. The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or Big Red

  9. First memory of one is "Sound of Music". The Nazis in the arched doorways at the Salzburg Festival gave me nightmares for a while.

  10. The first I remember is The Goonies, which I would have been 3 yrs old to see at the drive-in.

  11. American Werewolf in London as a toddler. My dress matched the velvet seats, but I don't remember anything else. Yeah, my mother isn't the brightest in the bunch...

    First one I vividly remember was Gremlins. I stood up in the theater and yelled that Johnny Carson wasn't real because he was on TV.

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM

      American werewolf scared the bejesus out of me as a 9yo watching HBO after dark. I loved that movie but was sooooo scared to wander thru my house after dark...for MONTHS!

  12. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Lady and the tramp. Hollywood gas been remaking that spaghetti / kissing scene since the. It was epic. In a cartoony sense. Glad to have been on the precipice.

  13. E.T. I was three and took my stuffed E.T. doll to the theater with me. On the way home we stopped at the grocery store (which my dad owned) because I insisted on having Reese's Pieces, even though my mom knew I wouldn't like them. I spit them out in the car. My mom went back in the store and got M & Ms to put in the Reese's bag. Everything was right with the world after that.

  14. Oliver and Company.
    (That Disney movie with the orange cartoon cat and the Bill Joel dog)

    1. I remember seeing that at the theatre...

  15. The first movie I clearly remember is "101 Dalmations" in 1961.

    But I think my parents may have taken me to see "Psycho" with them at the Miami Drive-In the year before. My mom doesn't remember it, but when I saw it years later it seemed so familiar. I can see splashes of a black and white horror film, and it was right about that time that I began having nightmares and being afraid of the dark. That went on for several years.

  16. Star Wars, 1979(?) re release. The windshield on my pop's Suburban was smashed to shit when we got out.

    Better question, First movie I saw in a theater that I didn't fall asleep during? I think Superman 2. I napped during Star Wars, Superman, Raiders, and Empire.

  17. Aristocats! I was 5 and wanted to be just like Marie.

  18. Dumbo re-release. Btw, not a movie that kids should view.

  19. Bambi.
    Class trip in kindergarten.
    20 kids, all traumatized.

  20. Do Disney cartoons count? Fantasia.

  21. Song of the South, when I was four. I'm so embarrassed....

  22. Star Trek 2: The Wrath of Khan - I remember vividly the trauma that my 4 year old self endured because of the ear worm scene.

    The parents took us to see E.T. the next week to make up for it.

  23. I think it was a rerelease of Snow White, and I was terrified. I got under the seat, screaming, when the Queen changed into a witch the first time. I must have been about four, and no, we didn't leave. My mom didn't get how traumatized I was - she thought it was funny. (Basically telling the story of my childhood here.)

    I also remember Apple Dumpling Gang at the drive in.

  24. Where the Red Fern Grows.
    Spoiler alert. The dog died. I have never forgotten. I could still weep now.

    1. @Violet. Actually BOTH dogs die. That movie is evil.

  25. Close Encounter of the Third Kind - at the Drive In. I probably saw a cartoon before this, but I remember the experience of the drive -in. My family was into ufo's - we called the radio station twice with "sightings", so 3rd kind impacted me.

  26. Dr Doolittle, the 1967 version, when I was in kindergarten.

  27. The original Jungle Book with my mother. However, with friends, Jaws, and the ticket was really expensive at $1.25. I also saw all of the great new age classics on the big screen slightly realizing at the time the significance that I was watching the future of cinematic history and future icons. Star Wars, Ghost Busters, ET, Caddy Shack, Animal House, (Revenge of the Nerds) etc. As I was still admiring all of the greats that now make up the Memorials at the Oscars.

  28. "Jonathan Livingston Seagull" is the first one I can remember.

  29. Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade. It was my 8th birthday.

  30. Pretty sure it was King Kong 1976 A Star was Born was playing also the adults went to that one.

  31. Star Wars Empire Strikes Back.

  32. The first I remember is Palm Springs Weekend with Connie Stevens and Troy Donohue! I was maybe 5 yrs old.

  33. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Dumbo....when I was three!!!

  34. Does the "drive in with your parents"count?

  35. Does the "drive in with your parents"count?

  36. I wanna say Gremlins. that's the first one I remember.

  37. Hmmm, I'm thinking it was Star Wars.

  38. Stir Crazy with Richard Pryor and Gene Wilder. I was eight years old.

    And everyone wonders why I'm the way I am. SMH.

  39. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Okay so I am taking copious notes of all of u young fuckers that have watched the movies that I took my son to. U make me feel ancient.

    Disclaimer: not u RayN
    ((Black girl Side eye with a dash of neck wiggle))

  40. Chuckie.

    And with my mom!

  41. The first one I remember is Cinderella. I was four at the time and I remember it mostly because my Dad had to leave early because my (then) baby sister wouldn't stop crying. Fortunately, my parents came in separate cars.

  42. Rocky at the Union County drive-in, circa 1976.

  43. Pete's Dragon. Still one of my favorite movies. Every so often I will still randomly bust out some "Candle on the Water" or "Passamaquoddy." :)

  44. Bambi. And honestly, all I can remember of the movie is the mother's death at the beginning.

  45. My folks took me to a John Wayne movie, he had to shoot his horse, and I had to be taken out of the movie for crying so loudly.

  46. Lion King 1994. I was four, n completely glued to the screen

  47. @jes7o Holy cow! I'd forgotten about "Song of the South!" It must have been a re-release at some point in the late '60s when I saw it, though. I remember very little, except the zippety-do-dah skipping along the road at the end, which I remember as making me very happy.

    I don't remember my first movie, but I do know I still have a horrified reaction whenever I see illustrations of the Blue Meenies (or any of that groovy-style of animation,) so I believe I must have seen "Yellow Submarine" when it was released and it scared the bejesus out of me. I would have been three or four.

  48. scared the living day lights out of me, I had nightmares of mops coming to life for weeks!

  49. @Allison Langston, Pete's Dragon! My sister and I were obsessed with that movie! We also liked Legend, The Dark Crystal, and N.I.M.H. We did manage to come out fairly well-adjusted people, thankfully.

  50. The Little Mermaid in I think 1988? I was 5-6 years old I still remember walking into the movie theater with my mom and friend and I remember crying at the end lol

  51. The Little Mermaid in I think 1988? I was 5-6 years old I still remember walking into the movie theater with my mom and friend and I remember crying at the end lol

  52. Star Wars. The real one. Ha!

  53. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory

  54. The Fox and the Hound. I was a baby baby. The first movie I remember going to see is Aladdin.

  55. Robin Hood: Men in Tights

  56. I think it was 101 Dalmations.

    I remember going to the drive-in wearing my jammies and sitting on pillows. Coke bottles in ice in a metal bucket.

    Good times.

  57. The Little Mermaid.
    I cried when Ursula died.

  58. The first Star Wars with my Dad

  59. ET when I was 4 - I will never forget the awe I felt looking at him!

    " Elioooooooot "

  60. @seven - ha!! I showed my son Bride of Chuckie when he was little. His father was NOT pleased and I think I may have traumatized him a bit considering he wrote a 3rd grade report on his scariest moment this year and that movie was it - I'm a cruel mom.

  61. I can't remember if it was Harry and the Hendersons or the re-release of Cinderella.

  62. It's been so long I'm not sure. But I think it was a dubbed Italian sword and sandals epic, "Goliath and the Barbarians," released in 1959. My father was making a point of spending Friday evenings with me at the time (I was six years old), and I think he took me to an old-style neighborhood theater to see that movie.

  63. Double feature for $3 - Grease and Saturday Night Fever

  64. The first one I remember is Jaws. I was 5 freakin' years old. And then they wondered why I didn't want to go swimming in the lake when we went camping later that summer.

  65. Benjie The Hunted. What that poor dog didn't endure.

    GENE SISKELL was wrong.


  66. True Grit, Radio City, 1969

  67. Snow White. Some sort of re-release in the early 1960s.

  68. Snow White. Some sort of re-release in the early 1960s.

  69. Snow White. Some sort of re-release in the early 1960s.

  70. Snow White. Some sort of re-release in the early 1960s.

  71. Well, for me, it happened in 1962 at the old Olympia Theater in downtown Miami. The movie was Dr. No., the first James Bond movie. I remember it well. My preteen brain was forever etched with the image of Ursula Andress coming out of the ocean wearing a tight white bikini with a knife strapped to her leg. What an impressionable image on me. So, my best friend and I stayed in our seats after the movie ended and watched it again. It remains to this day to be my favorite movie and, of course, my favorite scene.

  72. The closest theatre was a drive-in, and the first movie I remember going to see was Chitty-Chitty Bang Bang.

  73. Bedknobs and Broomsticks! They let all of us kids sit on the floor in the aisles and against the walls because every viewing was sold out. Total fire hazard.

    The first drive-in I remember was a triple feature: Saturday Night Fever, Carrie and Burnt Offerings with Karen Black. We always wore PJ’s to the drive in, too.

  74. It might have been Bambi...

  75. To Sir With Love.

  76. It may have been Jason and the Argonauts. I've always loved Ray Harryhausen.

    First restricted movie I saw? Life of Brian, with my mother and brother's gf. Saw Alien soon after. Surprised I got in because I looked young for my age back then (17).

  77. It may have been Jason and the Argonauts. I've always loved Ray Harryhausen.

    First restricted movie I saw? Life of Brian, with my mother and brother's gf. Saw Alien soon after. Surprised I got in because I looked young for my age back then (17).

  78. "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner," drive-in with the folks, age 5 in 1967 or 1968.

    Old, Old, OLD!

  79. Fred Flinstone, Secret Agent at my hometown movie theater. This is the only time, I've seen this happen. So many kids wanted to see it, that they let us all sit in the aisles. This was about '66 or '67.

  80. Anonymous7:34 PM

    "Across the Great Divide". I was little, and we arrived to the cinema late so had to be escorted by a torch-wearing attendant. I didn't know that you had to put your seat down - my mother certainly didn't help in that regard - so I sat there atop the folded-up seat, but hunched down because I felt very tall, all the way through to the first interval. When the lights went on, and my predicament became obvious to all those around me, everyone started laughing and I cried my eyes out. Thankfully the second interval was a lot kinder on my bottom.

  81. Theater: Bambi (1975 re-release)

    Drive-in: Emperor Of The North

    Unaccompanied by a parent: The Cat From Outer Space (1978)

  82. The Incredible Mr. Limpet when I was 5. Thanks Dad!
