Friday, March 28, 2014

Your Turn

"All women have been sexually attracted to other women." Cameron Diaz in Glamour Magazine. What do you think?


  1. I think this is a cheap ploy to get clicks from The Count. Carry on though.

  2. Agree with Wiglet, as usual. Dr. Diaz, specializing in blanket statements and hater of qualifiers! Enty has been on a roll trolling us with these quotes lately!

  3. I'm straight and have never been with another woman. I get turned on by girl/girl sex, but I don't want to actually have the relations with one, so???? Yes? No?

  4. Oh, we're all friends here @Wiglet and @Lady! Answer the question! :)

    1. I love my men but will make an occasional exception ;)

      I don't see this being true for all women, but ALMOST all women. I have met plenty of asexuals...

  5. nah not really

    she is an expert on everything now though right?

  6. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Cami & Drew were scissor sisters...nothing new.

  7. R the Enterns mad @ us?
    Wats up w/ "Your Turns", lately?

  8. "Scissor me timbers!" -- Mr. Garrison, South Park

  9. Not really sexually, but I can definitely admire and enjoy another woman's looks without feeling the need to act on it.

  10. I can find other women to be extremely beautiful and sexually attractive without wanting a piece, so...?

  11. What's crazy is that Diaz can't get in her head that what is true for her isn't true for everyone. So, "every guy cheats" isn't true but SHE has only dated cheaters. Ditto about other women--she may be bisexual but all other women aren't.

  12. I totally like to look at a pretty butt at the beach

  13. I can appreciate some lady lovin but I'll pass on lady relationships. Guys are hard enough to handle.

  14. Agreed. Same for guys.
    Lets debunk the myth.

  15. Anonymous10:14 AM



  16. Anonymous10:15 AM

    Cam is very good at saying a sound bite when promoting her current movie. "I love porn".

    Cami & Drew would openly start getting it on especially during the first Charlie's Angels.

  17. Ladies, serious question, does this get anybody's motor reving?

  18. Yes. Absolutely! When I was 7. After that boys lost their cooties and I proceeded to be strictly dickly for the rest of my life. I hope CD finds true love.

  19. I never have been attracted to another woman.

  20. What Renoblondee said.

  21. I hear it ain't gay if it's in a three-way.

  22. Lesbian boards HATE this kind of thing. Diaz is going to get some serious internet hate from L-Chat and tumblr lol.

  23. I have had some serious girl crushes on some famous people (6 from BSG is one example) but it has never been sexual. So no for me.

    Diaz needs to stfu.

  24. Yep, what Reno said.

  25. I assume I'm just weird, every time I hear this.
    In my 4 + decades, I have never even seen a woman I'd like to have sex with. I'm defective.

  26. Broadly sweeping statements are never accurate.

    (See what I did there?)

  27. Not yet, but I never say never.

  28. Or she's testing the waters before she pulls an Anne Heche.

  29. Footage.... me want footage....

  30. she's full of shit, as usual. i think most of us women have known other women we just loved to be with and talk to. it doesn't extend to sex. so speak for yourself, cammie. or better yet, just shut up sometimes.

  31. NO not everyone is sexually attracted to any one thing as a sweeping generality. Nice try Cammie. Can't defend you on this one.

    And why is it when guys hear that women ARE attracted to other women then they always want to start posting naked pictures of women. (Yeah I'm talking to you, Harry.)

    I appreciate women probably more than other gals do but seriously, it's not always about the visual. Women just aren't like that. It seems so hard for men to comprehend.

  32. @Kristin: I didn't submit this, and I don't think it will be that active, unless someone gets drunk later tonight and tells a college dorm room story.

    As far as my male opinion of the question, on the outside looking in, I'd say no. I think Cam is just trying to make herself sound hip, but is really floating it out there that, "I'm willing to do whatever to land a guy" and justifying it in her mind that ALL women think that, but she's the one cool enough to admit it.

    That said, I do think there is a decent percent of chicks who enjoy fantasizing about it, but wouldn't consider actually doing another chick. Ping of curiosity, see a broad at the mall or a concert, and think, "If I did, it would be with her" then take those thoughts to the bath time shower head or get some fresh batteries. That isn't odd, chicks are way better looking than dudes.

    1. Sorry, Count. Didn't think you submitted this, just that you'd enjoy it.

      here are some Kerr-boobs as a peace offering.

  33. Only fantasy and a few hot dreams with Jessica Biel for some reason. But I've never met a woman that I wanted to be with. I cant stand tasting myself I couldn't imagine actually going down on another woman.

  34. I think Cameron, Jenny Mc and Kristan Whateverhernameis need to stand in a corner, stick their heads up the asses and reflect on what idiots they are.

  35. I'm a girl and gay. Most of my friends who are girls have admitted to being attracted to girls but that doesn't mean they want to have sex with them. You can find somebody attractive without wanting to fuck. I find guys attractive all the time but would never want to sleep with them. Except Idris Elba, he's the exception.

    So yeah I'd agree with Cameron (something I never thought I'd say) and I think most guys have also felt that way against over guys but again it doesn't mean you want to fuck them. Hot people are hot, enjoy it.

  36. Nope, never, not ever have my loins stirred for another woman. For many an attractive man yes, but not a woman. I have a gay sister and i find myself wondering on occasion exactly what it is that she finds so alluring. Must ask her sometime.

  37. Blanket statements are stupid and lazy. Having said that the human body is basically engineered to be bisexual. Blame God if you must.

    1. Diana Maras
      Curious - what do you mean by this:

      ... the human body is basically engineered to be bisexual?

      Never heard this before and wonder what the rationale is - appreciate if you'd explain, thanks.

  38. Well, i never have but i understand it happens.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. I really don't see how/why ignorant, bullsh*t, blanket statements like this are any more acceptable that saying that "All women/men are straight." It's absolutely ridiculous. (Because she has been, that naturally means that everyone else must have too??) But then, I suppose Cameron has met all women of the world and is our new self-appointed representative? She's really become insufferable since the release of her book.

  41. Professional here.
    and mostly true

  42. @Kristin: No need for a peace offering, but it was greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  43. Boobs are kind of interesting but I could never go down on a woman or kiss her on the mouth. Not sure where that leaves me...oh wait that leaves me preferring men by a large margin.

    I hate when other people think they can speak for me or anyone besides themselves for that matter.

  44. Well, I have, and continue to be on a regular basis. But I am hardly a representative sample.

    And I would never presume to speak for anyone by myself. Cameron should probably try to stick to speaking for herself.

  45. This isn't a comment about anyone here. I just got done having this convo. However, I really hate it when people have their "gay test". It consists of someone who is highly insecure about their sexuality who casually throws something like this standby out there in a crowd: (man) I think two men together is gross but two women together is so hot. Am I right? (Insert loud and unusually long laugh). (Woman) Makes some dumb comment about having gay friends but thinks two women together is gross unless you're drunk on a dance floor, then it's ok. Woman proceeds to go around the group getting confirmation.

  46. Married 20 years to a hot guy 10 years younger than me, but have had a couple of sessions with a couple of women I found very attractive. Usually after excessive amounts of wine. Hubby has no idea as it was before we were married. Still would if the opportunity presented itself. But in light of the comments here, obviously not every woman feels like I do. So Cammie's wrong. Off to make sure my blogger ID is private and change my screen name....

  47. I always tell people this as a gay test: Do you like giving oral to the opposite sex?

  48. @Count - and what answer means you're gay? I can't work it out.

  49. If you don't like giving the opposite sex oral, then the likelihood of gay is very high.

  50. Count I think your test may be broken.

    My indicator that someone is gay is they constantly accuse other people of being gay and ridiculing them for it. For example, this woman I work with will ask if the rest of us think such and such lady is attractive. If we answer yes she goes on and on about how she works with a bunch of lesbians, we're all secret lesbians who dream of vaginas every night and she is not gay, not one bit no siree. I will swish my coworkers hair when I walk by as a sign of affection and every time she sees me do it or I do it to her she calls me out for being a lesbian, I am so gay and only like ladies. Similar thing with guys. I know one fellow who always calls out other guys for being gay, if they high fave their other man friends he will shout to the heavens that they're both gay. Someone brushes his arm watch out, you must be gay. It's always out of nowhere and no matter what the action is, you are 100% gayo in his book. When people act like that, to me, that makes me think they are projecting their own feelings. If you can't go five minutes without accusing everyone around you of being gay I think it is time for some soul searching. At the end of they day it isn't my or anyone else's business and on one has to answer anything to anyone. But when people act like that, it makes me wonder.

    1. Wow, @JSierra - repressed or not, those colleagues sound 100% tedious.

      They are irritating me, and all I did was read a few sentences about them!

    2. @JSierra: I'm sorry you have to deal with that. I too feel annoyed for you. People like that can be emotional vampires because they don't know how to handle what they're feeling.

  51. Hetero female here, I've never been sexually attracted to a woman. Since I live in San Francisco I'd probably have a better romantic/social life if I were open to that, but I'm not!

  52. @JSierra, couldn't agree more. It's a "doth protest too much" convention. I once knew a woman who said that women who hug each other had latent lesbian tendencies. I said, CRAP, so the next time I hug my sister, I need to see a shrink to examine my inner Cersei Lannister? :/

  53. Never have I ever been sexually attracted to a woman but I never say never either. Both my parents are gay and they taught. Me that you fall in love with a person not an appendage.....

  54. Yes I have but never acted on it.

  55. Narcissists can only see things from their perspective.

  56. i've never really been attracted to other women, but i've dated a girl for awhile, and messed around with other women, and have been in love with girls.

    but i consider myself hetero because most of my attraction to women is either purely aesthetic or emotional for the person, not their physical being or gender.

  57. I'm with @Reno. Watching two pretty women make out can be hot. But I don't want to get involved in that. And I think Count's test is perfectly accurate. While I won't say no to having it done to me, I ain't going there.

  58. Hmm...true for me, to be honest. my first female attraction was in high school.

    However, i strongly prefer man-meat. Crave it, actually. Sex with women - not so much/at all.

    It's definitely good for the occasional fantasy, though.

  59. @JSierra You poor kid. Office life sucks when you have to work with jerks like that. It won't be forever.

  60. She's not speaking for me! I can see a woman is beautiful and sexy, but I have no urge to jump one's bones. Women just don't float my boat sexually.
