Friday, March 07, 2014

Your Turn

Have you ever run a marathon? Any kind of race? Watched one?


  1. If any of you ever see me running down the street, call the police. I did not take up a healthy habit.

    1. @kristin I promise if I see you, I'll call 9-1-1. Btw I had to change names. My name on here used to be Imjustsayin...I was the one with my seatbelt on in my pic lol I rem you gave me sweet compliments on my reader pic and I really appreciate it

    2. I was wondering where you were, imJustSaying!

    3. @talkstoomuch I'm here! Lost my password, the thing logged me out, long story short I'm here but with a new name!!

    4. @CourtneyD Hey girl Hey!! Glad you're back. Remember to alert the phone tree* next time you leave for an extended period of time :)


    5. @kristin noted!! :) @talkstoomuch I'm glad you missed me! <3

    6. Glad to see you back, Courtney!

  2. Usually Saturday's I'll watch the Bravo marathons.

    1. Did you watch Southern Charm?

    2. I saw one episode, boo.
      I think the chick w/ the Miley hair is a high paid escort.
      Nobody knows where she gets her money.

    3. Oh she so is. The other girl is a Real World alum, San Diego season.

  3. Actually my goal this year is to train for the St. Jude's marathon in Tennessee in December. I have never ran in my life, but I am training for a 5K by May and to dedicate the rest of the spring/summer/fall to marathon training. We will see how it goes!

    1. Yay!! Congrats and good luck! I live in TN. What city is your race in?

  4. My marathons are of the tv, sleeping, eating variety.

  5. Anonymous10:07 AM

    You go, MollyMo! I'll lift a glass in your honor during my marathon drinking session. :-)

  6. Does running across an airport terminal count? No? Then I'm with BeachBunny, drinking marathons and maybe a good crappy tv marathon.

  7. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Im with the girls! drinking marathons almost every weekend watching others struggling hard to the olympics or elsewhere. When I see that tired sad faces I start the icecream marathon. depresses me to watch ppl doing harm to their bodies lol

  8. A half marathon, a Tough Mudder, a Spartan Race and more 5/8/10ks than I could possibly count. Oh and 2 triathlons. But no, no marathon.

    1. I think with that résumé, you'll be ok without adding marathon.

  9. Austin. The Bun Run. You got a T-Shirt sponsored by Schlotsky's: it said on the back "Best Buns in Town". You could walk, trot or shuffle - your choice. I made it through with a friend, then we went to eat breakfast afterwards. Stuffed myself. I made several of those Runs and really enjoyed myself. Then arthritis set in. Now I don't run or walk three miles a day, but you should see me walking around the heated gym pool. I'm amazing.

  10. 2 Half Marathons, and a zillion 5, 8, and 10 Ks. Also did a 10 mile race in December.

  11. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Signed up for my first Half Marathon in May :) Graduating from my 5 and 8Ks.

  12. I ran 2 marathaons (NYC in 2011 and 2013). I didn't even start running until my 30s. I ran a 4 mile race and was shocked I finished- and signed up for a half. After I finished the half, I thought I could never do a marathon. Two years laters, I finished my first marathon!

  13. Anonymous11:26 AM

    There was a SOMETHING marathon on the news here in Philly a couple months ago which ran from the sports complex in south Philly ((Shrugs))

    The WHITE people were in various stages of run and swim wear which was pink. I don't remember it being a cancer awareness thing (cause of the pink) but that could b due to copious amounts of nicotine and beer.

    Anyhoo my ex and I were marveling (mostly laughing and mocking) at the fact that the WHITE people were having so much fun and it was so cold and they were so naked and they will run for we sat on our out-of-shape black asses smoking and drinking...

    So YES I've WATCHED a marathon enty.

  14. I'm training for an 8K now in July which actually set the world record as the fastest. I'm working my way up to half marathons and marathons. Ran numerous 5K races already.

    1. Anonymous11:37 AM

      To all of u running Marathons...
      U r all awesome. I'd love to start running but must kick the nicotine first.
      Kudos to u guys...

    2. Funny story @fancyscreenname I still smoke...not my proudest moment but I smoke and I can still run and do decent so, I haven't kicked it yet.

  15. Anonymous11:52 AM

    that's inspiring. REALLY.

    1. If people here only knew that as soon as I get done running I go to the car and light one up on the way home lol I know If I'd quit I'd probably do awesome at running's just hard to kick it.

  16. I have a marathon in May! Yay! I'm nervous.

    I've done one half marathon in December and have my second in April. A 5k and a 10k this month. :)

  17. @ fancyscreenname - Me too. I'm a smoker. I'm trying to quit by my birthday (in May), but totally ran 13.1 miles and lit up after. I know. It makes no sense. Glad to know I'm not the only one whoever else said they run and smoke too.

    Don't let your other bad habits keep you from running! It's fun. And it really does make you feel happy. Eventually.

    1. @kara well we can start our own running smokers club lol @fancyscreenname I originally started running for the simple fact that I was overweight and everyone said I'd never make it a mile, let alone 3 miles. So I started running as mainly an FU to the naysayers and ended up losing weight and falling in love with running. Don't let anything stop you if you wanna do it!

    2. A dear friend will be running a half this year. She's approaching having lost 100 pounds. Or what we refer to as "the equivalent of a hitch high school cheerleader... That bitch is going down!"

    3. @k'smom good for your friend!! The bitch I knew went down and she ain't invited back! :)

  18. I do the Liver Life 5k at the San Diego Zoo every year. We have a growing team each year. I took my mom's place on her team when she passed, and walk for my uncle, and 2 family friends that died of liver disease.

  19. Only if you consider the guy with a knife as my personal trainer...

  20. Watched one yes. Ran in one no. Never occured to me!

  21. God no. How is it interesting to watch people run? Even more importantly, I never run. I'll just cab it.

  22. Anonymous3:29 PM

    Nooo. I don't run yet just wishful thinking. I do walk a lot though. The only issue with me getting a car is the weight I'll gain and the how lazy I will get by just jumping in a car and zooming there. I've mostly lived in metropolitan areas and felt a car unnecessary but as I age am feeling the need for a vehicle. Lol

    I don't exercise but "Get exercise" by how much I walk. People are always stunned that I walked from point a to point b. Weird...
    Keep up the good work though. You guy a are inspiring. I hope to join u all at some point.

  23. My brother, two of my nieces, my nephew-in-law, one of my sons, several friends have all run either full marathons or half-marathons. I have (before my disability became progressively worse) walked a 5K race. I've watched some as well.

  24. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Your story makes me happy. I love that u shut up your haters and proved them wrong.

    Curious. If u have the time. Even if its later (hours/days) this post will come to my email.

    What was your first run like? As a person who is just getting out there, what should I expect? I kinda feel like I should just do it one day and the smoking will taper off but this is the plan in my head, of course. Lol

    1. @fancyscreenname I first started on the treadmill as that's a controlled environment and if I passed out at least I'd be found quickly ha my first 5k race was emotional. It was the Susan g Komen and I had set 4 goals for myself a year prior and that was my last goal to reach. My g-ma had died from breast cancer so as I crossed the line I had tears rolling down my face. A very common emotion at almost any race for numerous reasons. The first time you get out there, it's gonna suck ass. I won't lie. You'll wanna stop. You'll get mad or bored or pissed or all of the above. Your lungs will burn and you wanna say to hell with it. That's the moment you dig in and go even harder. Trust me. My advice wld be to follow a program like the "couch to 5k" program. I didn't follow one and just took off and it was a little daunting plus you set yourself up for injuries in doing so. Shin splints are a bitch! Lol google that program and it'll set you up to start gradually and work your way up. The smoking crave will taper off as mine did. I still smoke as a stress reliever but I don't smoke near as much as I did at the beginning. Just set your mind to it and keep going. Even when you don't wanna do it, go do it. The results will come and the hard work will pay off!!! :)

    2. Anonymous6:48 PM

      Thanks Courtney. Will definitely Google couch to 5k. You've been really helpful.

    3. @fancyscreenname aww yay! Glad I cld help!! Anytime!

  25. "I only run with my hands full."

    --Hunter S. Thompson, Curse of Lono (about the Honolulu Marathon)

  26. Yes, I do two a year plus a few halfs each season. If I stay injury free this year I may do an ultra (beginners edition, 50k)

  27. I just wanted to share: I've been running for a couple of years (okay jogging. Okay, I look like I'm tripping slowly in a circle with a really red face) but blew my knee out in September. Tonight was the first time since I've been able to do the 3 miles / 5 k I used to do every time. I totally high fived myself, you know it! Even a little more than 3 miles! I know that's not even close to a marathon. Or half marathon. But it's huge for me!

    1. Giant. Congrats!

    2. Yay for you!!! That's great!

    3. Thanks, guys! High fives backatacha, Court and K!

  28. I ran the rock n roll full back in November. It was an ass kicker, it topped 90 degrees that day. Plus, as I discovered at Christmas, I was 4-weeks pregnant.
    I wanted to run at least a half while pregnant, but it turns out I don't have anything to prove :)
    Training for that is a real bitch. I was running 300 miles a month or more.

  29. I run my first marathon in 8 days. Ran my first half last October, then ran 6 more in a row after that. Last August was the first time I'd run more than 7 miles. I still positively hate the first 3 miles of any run. 3-18 is pretty awesome. After 18, we'll, that's kind of like work

    1. And, yes, I'm nervous as heck. Running 26.2 miles is insane.

    2. Well I'll be cheering you on here in TN!

  30. I'm a jigger, not a jogger!
    My dogs make me exercise them daily - the nerve - but I live in the mountains, so it's 4-5k daily, in the summer, 8-10k (to the swimming holes). Sometimes, I'll run the trails, when a bear's chasing me or some wild woods man.

  31. Been in a few, watched a lot. A friend's husband did an Ironman Triathlon recently; that was interesting. My favorite was probably the London Olympic marathon; stood on the sidewalk and watched it go by.

  32. 4 marathons. 4 hours each time!

  33. Good luck K'sMom! Tell us how you did!

    And @fancyscreenname - the big thing for me was to not worry about feeling stupid because you can't run very far at first. Walk when you can't run, run when you can and before you know it, you will be logging some decent distances! Too many people worry about how they look when they run. Don't. If you see someone that actually looks good while running, trip them and hate on them! (In your mind) because that's just not fair! The rest of us are all sweaty and gross. :)

  34. Anonymous4:37 PM

    Thanks for the advice.
