Wednesday, April 16, 2014

A Great Start To The Holy Week

I was just going to let the whole Dina Lohan pleading guilty to DUI thing slide and leave it to the one photo I posted yesterday of her going into court, but her attorney changed all that for me. I don't think Dina is taking this seriously and that really bothers me. She has been drunk on national television more than once. Since her DUI arrest she has gone out drinking multiple times, including with her daughter Lindsay. You may have heard of her daughter Lindsay. She is a reality star and general all around f**k up, although the Daily Mail now says her show won't be renewed so, she just has f**k up on her resume. Oh, and escort.

I'm not going to even bother calling her an actress because I don't think she can act. I think whatever acting talent she may have possessed is gone. I think the only thing she is capable of doing now is playing a caricature of herself. The one area in life where she really succeeds is lying. She is good at that and she lies to herself even better than she lies to the public.

Dina is a big part of this whole process though. After court yesterday, her attorney said, “She felt this was a great start to the Holy Week.” Yes, Dina's pleading guilty to DUI is something she equates to the week Jesus was killed. Dina probably thinks this is just a laugh a minute and probably feels like she has this whole thing under control. She has to perform 100 hours of community service and if you think Lindsay has had problems fulfilling her community service requirements, I think Dina is going to have even more problems. She will probably be dragged into court at some point after coming up with excuses why she can't do community service. The only good thing that came out of pleading guilty is the ignition lock to make sure she doesn't drive drunk again.


  1. If The Lord Jesus didn't die for everyone's sins, rise 3 days later, then ascend to Heaven to sit at the right hand of the Father, he'd be rolling over in his grave right now.

  2. I'm sure Dina thinks being Lindsay Lohan's mom IS a community service.

    1. @7 (and howdy, lovely ;)

      But only because said service allows us to bask in the radiance of:

      a) Linday's magnificence as a 'triple threat' (the Lohans always used to say that of Lindsay)

      b) Dina's stellar mothering - must ... emulate ... uhhhhgghh

    2. @alita but she IS A TRIPLE THREAT escorting, std spreading and drug hoarding-snorting is a TALENT YA'LL

    3. Sugarbread - yeah she can do that, but her real talent is singing about her dear ol' Dad. 'Cause that's someone we all want to hear more about.

      Also - @Seven - in this week of Holy, blessed in being remembered by the Mother of the Year (LI, 2008), I thank you for that kind offering. You know my favourite Doctor ... aww!

      NB: I'd also do Christopher Ecclestone three ways from Sunday - holy week or not. Make that thirty ways (I had time to think and came up with some more).

  3. Go on, I'll bite. You should've really just let it slide Enty. First thoughts are usually the right ones. And LOL (and i NEVER use that acronym normally) that it really bothers you - such a sensitive soul.

  4. If we have Kardashian free Feb can we have Lohan free May?

  5. A major reason LiLo is the way she is is due to Dina. LiLo isn't an addict. LiLo isn't an actress. Dina wanted to be a starlet & live through her. LiLo wants the prestige that comes with being an actress without the work. Any 1 who's watched LiLo's reality show can tell you why she's not getting work & why the show is not being renewed.

  6. I was totally surprised that she had pleaded guilty! Maybe she gave up lying for Lent.

  7. Lilo isn't an addict?


    1. I have that show playing on a continuous loop. Any time I'm feeling down or that I've made bad choices in life I can just watch a few minutes of Lindsay and suddenly I feel like a rockstar.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. it makes me feel better about my life sometimes. yo!

  9. Lilo isn't an addict?

    1. Stop being so judgmental @Hunter!

      Geeze, it's just her college years, didn't you go to college? Dina too, it's her college years. DUIs are something everyone gets in college - i think you can major in it. If you're a Lohan, I mean.

      Judgy McJudgerpants!


      The Institue of Irony.

  10. She doesn't have a job so what possible excuse can she use for not going to community service? Oh remember when lilo was supposed to clean morgue floors and bailed because there were cameras outside? Hate her

  11. Is this Fuck LiLo month? In the past few days we've had several rants, reveals, etc. As I said in another thread, mocking her is like tripping a dwarf.

    BTW, the show was always a one shot deal, a multi-part documentary. Lohan didn't sign anything obligating her to anything further, nor did Oprah ask her to.

    And please, no Lindsay-free month. Remember how the Kuntrashian-free month turned out? The site became nearly unreadable with the trolls talking to themselves.

  12. I'd stay away from the Rob post then, Dexamyl.

  13. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Trashy ho bag ... wonder if she hangs out with Kris Jenner ... they'd get on well

  14. For Holy Week our family is going to church 3 days in a row. For Holy Week Dina Lohan pleads guilty to DUI. What a LOSER.

  15. I think Bruce Jenner Feb would be a lot more amusing than a Michael Lohan May :/

  16. 100hrs of community service for a DUI??? Get the fuck outta here. Is that in addition to losing her license or instead of it? I'd rather do the couple days in jail.

  17. The one thing the Blohans have in common with Jesus is that they all look like reanimated corpses..

  18. After watching the reality show I completely understand why Linds is a fuck up and Dina is to blame. She is the typical enabler; on one hand saying Linds needs to be clean and work and when Linds screws up she kisses her ass to keep her on her side, afraid to lose her cash cow. She doesn't give a shit about Lindsay or her sister (who was pushed into the limelight when Lindsay's stardom faded - superskinny, 'modelling' while looking like crap). What a bitch. Sadly dad (who I think is also a fuck up but slighty less evil) couldn't/didn't do anything when the girls were still young.

  19. Dorothy and Alita you are cracking me up!

    Okay so who,like me, wants to see Dina in an orange vest on the side of the road picking up trash? Anyone? EVERYONE? LOL!

    That would be fucking hilarious.

  20. Off topic but the episode of the woman calling lindsey a bitch numerous times in another language was priceless;)

  21. Sherry ;)

    You just know that video's going to replace the Oprah loop on Dorothy's tv.

    And Captain Literal says: yes. We all want to see that. Yes.
