Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blind Item #2

This b list mostly television actress from a very hit cable show was at an event yesterday looking like death warmed over. Apparently she had been partying for two straight days including up to a minute before she hit the red carpet. She stayed a few minutes and then bailed even though she was supposed to stay a few hours.


  1. But didn't we just see ALM coming back from a nature walk all, um, perky and the like? That said,as usual, I have no guess

  2. Yeah, this sounds like January in theory. But I thought she was an anti-social drinker.

  3. TTM -they always come back perky and fresh from nature walks when they've got something to hide. it's the first rule of pr (disclaimer: i know nothing about pr)

  4. Dammit, Bob Hoskins passed away. :(

  5. Bob Hoskins best quote:
    "The worst thing I ever did? Super Mario Brothers. It was a fuckin' nightmare. The whole experience was a nightmare. It had a husband-and-wife team directing, whose arrogance had been mistaken for talent. After so many weeks their own agent told them to get off the set! Fuckin' nightmare. Fuckin' idiots."


  6. @Feedly, nooooooooo! Who Framed Roger Rabbit was my childhood!

  7. Oh man, that's too sad about Bob Hoskins! My favourite movie of his was Unleashed, but Who Framed Roger Rabbit? was a classic, of course.

    RIP, fella

  8. Yeah, JJ is supposed to be an at-home-alone boozehound, not a partier.

  9. AnnaLynne. Staying up all night on CDAN.

  10. Elisabeth Moss trying to party with Jon Hamm

  11. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Could this Paz de la Huerta? Or would that be labeled easy easy easy? Where is Paz anyway?

  12. Been there, done that. Hated those days. At least she made an effort I guess.

    Violet I remember how much he and Leguzamo hated that movie. They did everything they could to try and make it better and it was a freaking nightmare!

  13. I'm gonna guess Schilling. She always looks a little (or a lot!) drunk to me and OITNB is huge right now.

  14. Anonymous1:53 PM

    January, what are you going to do when you run out of money and no one will hire you because you SUCK as an actress?

  15. C'mon, if you're a pro drinker, you gotta know how to make it work. Hot shower, cold rinse. Dip face in sinkful cold water. Visine, brown eyeshadow, great hair, red lipstick. Boom, ready.

  16. I like the Emma Roberts guess. And shes in the Random Photos today, looking like the death in person

  17. JanJo looked ok to me, but ..maybe. Schilling always looks rough, IMO, bless her heart.
