Sunday, April 06, 2014

Blind Item #5

This former A list tweener needs rehab now. The few acting roles she is getting and her slowed down music career are all being pushed out of the way for her coke habit. She was at a party a few night ago and snorted up all the coke she could find. At one point some woman there tried to get a photo of the former tweener doing lines and it turned into a huge ruckus. I love that word. She should go now before her world comes crashing down on her when she is busted. Someone will get a photo soon.


  1. Replies
    1. Good job being first. Its pretty obviously intended to be understood or imply selena, so i have to agree. Though i bet if revealed, we'd be surprised by it being someone else like miley or demi or something.

    2. Thanks @headrot! How are you doing?

  2. I love the word rumbuctious. Anyway. Presumably this is Selena. Again, because Enty tells us she is snorting the white stuff. All. The. Time.

    1. As in Enty tells us all the time. And also because Selena is snorting all the time.

    2. Like a Champ! !

  3. Snorting like a champ. Cue up the Survivor please....

  4. Alright - I want to know who is responsible for this!! It can't possibly be her fault she is messed up and on the verge of ruining her career.

  5. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Selena Gomez. Is she getting her coke stash from the Genner girls now?

  6. Is this Tiger Beat? SO many stories on here about tweeners and Disney stars no one cares or have herad of. So weird.

  7. Rich, entitled kids doing expensive, ego enhancing drugs...
    Oh wait, I said that already....

  8. Like a champ, in her undies!!

  9. Please lord baby jesus, let the photo be her bent over a coffee table w/ her butthole winking at the camera.

  10. @LadyH i'm fine. just insanely busy and stressed. I have 3 research papers, each 20 pages, due in a few weeks.

  11. @ladyH howre you today? good weekend?

    1. I am doing well, thank you, and yes it's been a great weekend! Make sure to take breaks and get some sleep! Good luck with those papers!

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Count, it's Sunday, don't you take a day off? Is it always go time? Lol. Jk!

  13. I feel like it's ariana grande since she was caught doing coke and she hasn't done anything. Selena is currently working on some projects

  14. I feel like it's ariana grande since she was caught doing coke and she hasn't done anything. Selena is currently working on some projects

  15. @Countess: I lead a boring life. If I had less debt or more vagina I wouldn't be on here as often.

  16. i'm kinda surprised you remember i go there. heh.

    1. I have family and friends who went there, so I'd remember. Plus there are some pretty interesting people there! Anyways, good luck with the essays, I'm sure you will do fine :)

    2. I hope that didn't make you uncomfortable headrot. I'm sorry if it did. No bad intentions there.

  17. I hope whoever it is gets help - not to just the chemical addiction, but it's terrible for your voice. It dries out your throat and mouth, and you sneeze constantly. Then there's the sleep deprivation which can lead to sleeping pill abuse.

  18. Anonymous5:16 PM

    She's gonna get a hole in her nose.

  19. @JenSacks

    That could very well happen, and it could change her voice - not in a good way. It's really playing with fire - especially with someone who uses her voice for a living.

  20. @ladyH you didnt, but the concern is certainly appreciated, thanks.

    i'm struggling with the organization and flow of this paper but I just reached out to the prof for some guidance.

    they are not due for another month, but since i have so many of them i'm trying to get them done sooner rather than later.

    1. Ok, do you mind if I ask about a few people from your school?

  21. @kinkycurls

    Oh! Maybe.

  22. Ugh...research papers. Don't miss college at all! Are u undergrad @headrot? Bless your heart either way! I always got help from professors my junior year. It helped tremendously.

    Count, sorry about your debt. Did you at least have fun with the money you owe? Did you finance your...needs?

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. @countess masters program with the potential to opt into a PhD program after this year is completed.

  25. @ladyH no, thats fine, but i doubt that i know them.

    each program is pretty distinct.

    1. I was wondering if you knew anything about Brenneman, Terry Wilson, Jodi Miller, or Zerubavel? I know some people who worked with Roos and I hear she's cool, but don't know much else about her. You should also look up Sara Wakefield, a new professor there in Crim. I met her briefly because of her work with various local organizations that deal with the children of inmates. She's a neat woman and has done some great work too.

  26. Anonymous6:47 PM

    This is Selena Gomez, the clue "former A list tweener" suggests that it isn't Ariana Grande because Grande has a current Nickelodeon show Sam and Cat which qualifies her as a current tweener not former.

  27. @ladyH roos? i dont know, nor have i heard of any of those people. i am interested in wakefield's work though, that sounds really interesting and up my alley, though i am in no way affiliated with the field of criminology.

    because this is more personal, i'd love to continue talking about it, but i'd rather take it off the boards. email?

  28. @ladyH roos? i dont know, nor have i heard of any of those people. i am interested in wakefield's work though, that sounds really interesting and up my alley, though i am in no way affiliated with the field of criminology.

    because this is more personal, i'd love to continue talking about it, but i'd rather take it off the boards. email?

    1. OK. Doubt you'd know any of them but figured I'd ask. I'm actually about to go kick my friends asses at a riveting game of Catan in a bit, but remind me to get back to you. Happy writing! :)

  29. enjoy catan, i love that game. noone to play with here.

    im done writing for now. 9pgs and 7hrs straight is enough for awhile.

  30. @Countess: Drawn out custody litigation, so no, no fun.

  31. @Count

    I know we don't usually see eye to eye on too much, but I am sorry you are going through that. It is an emotionally and financially draining process. A person never imagines that they will ever be fighting to see their own child on a regular basis.

  32. @Leek: Thanks. It is over, but it was a draining 3yrs. My wallet won't be back up to snuff until sometime in late 2015.

    1. Baseball Season just started. Just saying. .. Seattle and Detroit look good. Gotta subsidize the Income best you can sometimes. Miami is surprisingly strong too.

  33. Anonymous12:47 AM

    Can't stand this fakey/fake/faux little madam ... fake friends, fake hair, fake everything.

  34. Yes, Selly G, but Ariana needs to tighten her business up, as well. She's playing out of her league and it's not what she can deal with.
