Thursday, April 17, 2014

Blind Item #6

This B+ list entertainer(musician) who is part of an A list group should watch out for his wife. She has funneled millions of dollars out of his accounts into accounts solely in her name. She also doesn't let him to talk to anyone without going through her and has taken away his phone and monitors his computer usage.


  1. Replies
    1. That was my first guess too but (1) could Courtney have siphoned that much money in weeks and (2) does Sixx even have millions?

  2. I like that @Kristin. I wasn't buying her "Angel" act in the DM when talking about why she opted out of RHOBH...

  3. is Ronnie Wood married? (too lazy to google)

  4. I like the Nikki Sixx guess. also, maybe Neal Schon and whatzhername Salahi? Probably not A though

  5. The Nickleback guy and Avril.

  6. It could be any one of any number of dumb drug addled rock n rollers blinded by the loving of a scheming temptress.

  7. How do we spin this that the emotionally abusive and controlling female is the victim?

  8. @Lady I believe Nikki wrote most of Motley Crue's songs. That has to be pulling in bank.

  9. He did. Mötley Crüe is very bass driven. He also has his clothing line, radio show, and so on. Still have a hard time seeing that he has so much millions go unaccounted for.

    I have met Nikki briefly and have three friends who have worked with him. My understanding is that he is a great guy but a really shitty partner. I hope this is not him but think it is. I don't think he'd be so willing just to hand everything over either. Here is Courtney in the DM
    2 days ago

    Wiglet be killin em today

  10. @Count - He's a philandering rock star and she's just protecting her interests. His eclipsing career have caused her borderline PTSD and she'll require years of therapy to maintain a normal existence. Furthermore, his family members are probably money grubbers and she's ensuring they don't get their claws in him.

    Good, right?

  11. Sixx also writes for his other band(s), has published poetry, is in demand as a photographer. Dudes gotta have bank.

  12. This is financial abuse. This is more than a rainy-day fund that she is accumulating. Monitoring phone calls is just plain wrong.

  13. Thanks LadyH for the article.... You can always tell how 'nice' someone is by how often they brag about their good qualities and turning down millions, in news articles. Not to mention, she was so nice to distance herself from those mean girls on tv. Nice people will always point out who the mean people are (while doing yoga, of course) ...geez

    1. Amusing right? I just have a hard time seeing this youngin swindling so much out of Sixx so fast but eh? I think one of our readers knows Courtney, can't remember who. That yoga article cracked me up though

  14. I'm going with Neal Schon and Michaele Salahi.

    If you consider Journey to be A-list (I do, they're *Journey*) and Neal Schon a B-lister (I had no idea who he was up until he fell into the Salahi drama but everyone talked about him like was as famous as Steve Perry).

    She plays the victim well but clearly has cast some spell over him (they reunited after something like 15 or 20 years) and is as big a grifter as her ex (that turd Tariq). Maybe even more so, because he keeps sinking lower but she's only done better for herself. Plus, she's had a couple years to pull this off.

    1. I thought the housewife too.

    2. Boom! Nom Nom got it w Neil S and Salahi

  15. I like NomNom's guess.

  16. @NomNom That's the trick who lied her way into that White House dinner or meeting.

  17. @Leekalicious: Yup.

    She and Tariq have debts all over town. Their whole life was smoke and mirrors.

  18. I'm with NomNom. Journey is forever A list and that broad is shady as hell.

  19. What is this guy, like 13? Anyway, I do like the Journey guess. That White House-crashing chick is a nightmare!

  20. I feel like it's Neal Schon and Michaele Salahi. She's a total grifter and left her husband a little too quickly. Gold digger move.

  21. Aw, the Pay Per View Wedding Couple!

    She took away his phone and monitors his computer usage? What, is he 12 now? Or is she BAG's protege?

  22. Schon/Salahi. And I have say I'm not surprised. He is that dumb though.

  23. Shannon Tweed and Gene Simmons, perhaps?

  24. Not Nikki Sixx--he posts on Twitter and Instagram frequently. He wouldn't be able to do that if she took his phone.

  25. Have you seen"their" facebook page? It is consistant with the BI.

  26. Have you seen"their" facebook page? It is consistant with the BI.
