Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blind Items Almost Revealed

January 9, 2013

This B-/C+ list television actress with almost A list name recognition has done a lot of talking about being a parent and how it is not her focus right now. It actually is her focus but considering she has not had sex with her closeted husband in years and he has no interest in children and she does not want to adopt or use a surrogate she is forced to say that her work is way more important.

A guy she cheated with says that she was trying desperately to get pregnant with him even though he was married.


  1. Everything except the rating screams Jessica Biel.

  2. Christina Hendricks was gabbing about not wanting the chirruns lately...

  3. I wanna say Jennifer Aniston..but not married

  4. If parenting was actually her focus, she'd be more inclined to look into surrogacy or adoption, in my opinion.
    Having a BAAAAABBBYYYYYY is not the same as parenting. Photo ops grow into live, ambulating humans.
    People who want to parent, find a way. People that only want a BAAAAAABBBYYYY shouldn't have any.

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Hendricks sounds like a good guess.

  6. What B-/C+ television actress has such important work that it precludes procreation? She's not translating the Dead Seas Scrolls.
    I see I'm having an Angry Office Day. YAY!

  7. Ayup, Sandy. They are much too busy! She's gotta get that shitshow biz, Au Fudge, up and running.

  8. *Sea, singular. >:-(

  9. Replies
    1. Nvm Blake hasn't been married for "years"

  10. How is this even almost revealed? All it's done is add some extra blind to it with not one ounce of an almost reveal.

  11. It's Seinfeld ref day!
    You go Kno! :)

    You have to see the BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABY!

    No idea who this could be but that guy blabbing about her and how he cheated while he was married should be named as well.

  12. I know Basic Biel was also very concerned about the arduous toll baking a fetus would have on her sexxxy bod. Cue the eye rolling.

  13. Yeppers di and it wont be opening for another year and her menu looks awful ( she posted pics on Kneepads last week).

  14. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Katherine McPhee

  15. What about the Padalecki's?

    1. As in Jared Padalecki? they have a little boy already.

  16. If it is Hendricks, what wonderful past experiences she must have had in the past with straight guys to choose to marry gay Geoff.

  17. It's Katherine McPhee. The married guy she was dating was Michael Morris from Smach.

    I just don't understand why she married a gay man who is almost 20 years older than her, when she's attractive, young and could easily find a straight guy closer to her age.

  18. Hendricks just said she and hub don't want kids cause of career....

  19. McPhee does have that Nobel-worthy career thing happening. Very intellect. Much contribute.

  20. This makes me sad. I would do anything to be a mom right now (money, still pretty young, trying to buy a house, haven't travelled the world yet) and I want nothing more then to be PREGNANT. I don't want to adopt and I would never have a surrogate... Why is this celeb being slammed for wanting to carry her own child?

  21. This makes me sad. I would do anything to be a mom right now (money, still pretty young, trying to buy a house, haven't travelled the world yet) and I want nothing more then to be PREGNANT. I don't want to adopt and I would never have a surrogate... Why is this celeb being slammed for wanting to carry her own child?

  22. This makes me sad. I would do anything to be a mom right now (money, still pretty young, trying to buy a house, haven't travelled the world yet) and I want nothing more then to be PREGNANT. I don't want to adopt and I would never have a surrogate... Why is this celeb being slammed for wanting to carry her own child?

  23. I honestly don't understand this whole business of marrying a gay man and then being so unhappy that you stay with him. Why not find someone else who wants to have kids? It sounds like this woman feels she is trapped in the marriage.

  24. Uh, Alexandra...

    never mind.

    Shine on you crazy diamond. Good luck with the house!

    1. Lol prime reaction. But I will +1 that. You do you, girlfriend. I suppose.

  25. @Alexandra - I think the blind is more addressing her not making good decisions with regard to getting pregnant. Cheating? Staying in an unfulfilled marriage? Lying to upkeep a failing facade?

    No one faults her for wanting to carry the baby. Just don't do it selfishly.

  26. Lol @Bacon... just L...O...L... :)

  27. @Kristin, the Padaleckis have two kids now.

    1. Thanks, Karen. Totally read that wrong :(

  28. Is it really cheating when bearding?
    Wouldn't a pregnancy benefit the contract?

  29. What ever happened to the mean girl bloggers? They were quite entertaining.

  30. Yep no shame to wanting a baby. At all. But this actress is selfish, her personal life is a mess. Gotta be ready for it not being about you anymore!

  31. +1 @bacon you made me giggle bubbles

  32. Alexandra, every woman's pregnancy is viewed as a subject for public debate, esp if she is someone famous (see Chelsea Clinton). It's just part of that whole 'women are objects not people' culture that we live in. :)

  33. Christina Hendricks has the body type that will balloon up when she gets pregnant. In thin-obsessed Hollywood, she'd be smart to focus on career while her career is hot, and then have children (if she even wants them). She will have a hard time shifting the post-baby weight.

  34. Anonymous10:29 PM

    I can't even image what Christina Hendricks would look like with pregnancy breasts. How could those get any bigger? The woman wouldn't even be able to stand without falling over.

  35. Some people honestly don't want to have kids, nothing to do with getting fat.

  36. Hendricks was just on Ellen saying they've decided that having kids isn't for them.

  37. Biel has stated several times she was concerned that a pregnancy would wreck her bod. If she didn't want that out there, not saying it would've been best. I don't GAS either way.
