Friday, April 11, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 20, 2013

This A list producer/reality show icon has a special relationship with one of his current contestants. Her boyfriend is clueless but he will figure it out very soon when he gets dumped. Hopefully she knows she will not be the only dish on the icon's tray though.

Simon Cowell


  1. eh

    so what's new my CDAN detectives?

  2. @dragon well it's certainly not the news that Simon is a man whore, and that there are women out there prepared to sell their souls for a shot at fame/money.

  3. So his SO doesn't give a shit shes part of a harum as long as the kid gets paid by Simon. Business.

  4. "Current" contestants?

    I don't think Simon was filming anything in December. Was X-Factor UK on?

    1. X-Factor USA was on until Dec 19 / 2013

    2. Really?! Ugh god that show went on FOREVER. TG someone put it out of its misery.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Simon and his furry man boobs are so disgusting.
    Whatever, I might give him a whirl on my merrygoround for a shot at one of the mansions he hands out like party favors.

  7. This reveal is from last year. Since that time he has become a father and is always in the press with the baby mama. It's a little like revealing that you can talk to somebody over a radio wave.

  8. Okay, scratch that - XFactor UK was filming then, not X Factor US. That leaves only Tamera Foster, who left at the end of November or Sam Bailey who won and I can't see Cowell pursuing Sam. Although she is pregnant right now,... maybe lightning struck twice? More likely this is BS though.

  9. Dammit! My original comment was right - Sierra from Alex and Sierra and I doubt she did it all that willingly. She's young and gorgeous with a young and gorgeous guy, why would she want Syco's wrinkly bits? *Shudder* I don't find him attractive, but could mostly understand why others did until the last couple of years or so. He's really started aging and it's not pretty.

  10. LOL @ Sarah! A whirl on his merry go round for a mansion!

    Any woman who thinks she's Simon's twue wuv foevah is either delusional or ... delusional. Though I do think he must have a certain kind of charm in person.

    1. I don't think any of his girls think that, and I'll bet they find relief that the other girls share the load. Pun unintended.

  11. eh? and me thinking that despite the baby and his harem, this man is gay.
    anyway, he's one of the unsexiest man on earth. and no amount of money would see me touching his hairy moobs

  12. This smacks of sexual harassment to me. Maybe she didn't submit willingly?

  13. Saw a picture yesterday of his baby mama at La airport.She did not look happy lol She is delusional if she thought her meal ticket was going to change Simon.This would explain her sad face.

  14. He's not an icon, he's just a very naughty boy... (plus he had shit to no taste in music)

  15. I've always thought Simon was very sexy and very, very gay. He may just be as camp as a picnic basket, like some Brits are, but he really sets off the gaydar.

    If I had to call it, I'd say he's more likely to have fucked Alex than Sierra.
