Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

June 19, 2009

#1 & 2 – This B list television actress on a hit network drama has some siblings. One of the siblings is an actor himself. Way down the list. D or lower. He is also very young. As in young teenage young. It didn’t stop him at a recent event though from hitting on women who were over twice his age. It would have been hilarious except for the fact he really believed his own hype and that of his sister. Oh, and he has wandering hands. He was a piece of work.

Hayden Panettiere


  1. Snoooooooooozefest. What is everyone up to this lovely holiday weekend?

    1. Lighting it up in a legal MJ state. :D

    2. Will & Grace marathon

    3. Orphan black marathon

    4. It's Easter Sunday here, LadyH - happy Easter :)

  2. Cooking and waiting for more rain :( dont forget to celebrate 4/20 day tomorrow with the Easter bunnies

    1. +1 Sandy! Yellowstone is open this weekend and its time to smoke a bowl on top of a mountain.

  3. Hormonally charged teen tries it on. Now that's big news.

  4. Catching up on GOT

    For some reason the thought of an even more tiny Hayden made me think of the Simpson kiddo being tossed in the air.

  5. If he looks anything like a cute male version of HaydenP why not try and go for it? She usually looks 15 or so herself.

  6. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Cooking and baking

  7. Work, brunch, Orphan Black reruns. I believe this is the least scandalous sex gossip to come from the Panatierre family.

  8. Family meals, Easter egg hunting, Beach walking in the Violet household. Much excitement and slime making in anticipation of imminent visits from rabbits.

  9. I know right, Wiglet? Even my little brothers shenanigans are a trillion times worse. Or anybody's, really!

    Sounds like an amazing weekend everyone!

  10. omg! an young actor tries with older women !!! (so not shocking!!)

  11. Footage. And Asston to provide dating tips would make the scene complete. Dude needs a tutor.

  12. No shocking in France of course, French girl. I was thinking it's just cuz he's throwing around his sisters name like she's Meryl Streep or something.

    The roomie wants to do something big for Easter but we haven't planned it ye. Going to the FM this morning if my ass ever wakes up!

  13. I always have wandering hands, maybe I'm a teenage boy at heart or something. I can only imagine how I would act if I had a semi famous sibling.

  14. Why is this a blind? Sounds like nothing happened.

  15. Pfft, Hayden Cakes has a little brother who acts like a Beavis. I bet he takes pictures of his sister and draws on them Perez Hilton-style, too.

  16. as an aside, i can never stop calling hayden p "hayden planetarium" after the famous one in NYC. ah, those many years of watching laser floyd, laser beatles, laser everything.

    but i digress.

    the brother sounds like a typical teenaged tool.

    1. @wrekehavoc,

      The Hayden Pantyairs wing of the museum (clicky'd up your link :) looks awesome! If I lived in NYC I'd definitely have a membership.

  17. Getting things set up for my annual Easter Egg hunt. I've bought over 300 plastic eggs and filled them with candy and quarters for my nieces, my nephew and the kids in the neighborhood to hunt. Plus we've bought six hams and three turkeys to make for everyone to eat while the kids hunt eggs.

    It's my goal in life to make sure kids have a fun and have some good memories of childhood, no matter the situation they might have at home. Then starting Monday I begin planning my Santa visits for Christmas and the Haunted Trail for Halloween.

    1. Aw, Rowdy, you're a total softie. <3

    2. Rowdy, you're awesome! I want the same thing for my son. We're saving up for a house with a huge yard to do just that. Our daycare had a huge easter egg hunt on a farm today and all the kiddoes glowed they loved it so much! No nobler task!

  18. Anonymous1:28 PM


    U r quite awesome, sir!

  19. Tosh had a great quote about her (me no good with the clickers) that describes her perfectly, she seems awful. Funny that she wasn't invited to the Heroes possible reunion. telling

  20. That's wonderful, @Rowdy!

    Violet - I hesitate to ask - but why does an imminent Easter bunny visit require the Violet: Next Generation to make slime? What exactly are they planning for said bunny???

  21. Horny young men? Shawking!
