Saturday, April 05, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 18, 2013

This former almost A list mostly movie actress who was in some very big movies back in the day before her career as an escort took off is trying to get a tabloid cover to tell people she is sober. This would be her third sober tabloid cover. The fact that she isn't sober and hasn't stayed sober makes this all more interesting.

Tara Reid


  1. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Almost A? Um no

  2. I'd have given you b- enty..but even with the American Pie franchise that's a stretch.

  3. An escort is something a closeted dude hires to be his date for a wedding. She is a whore.

  4. Well Count in moneyed circles they may be a whore but they put a nice wrapper on it and call it "escorting" don't they?

  5. She'll get a cover (Star maybe, or Women's World) when Sharknado: The second one comes out

  6. I think I have said this before, but it bears repeating. The only thing I have ever seen this girl in was the UK Celeb Big Brother show a few years ago. And I liked her. She didn't have any airs, helped with the cooking and cleaning (which is a HUGE deal in the BB house) with no complaint. But, she sure as hell loved her drink. Plus she wasn't a nasty drunk, and as far as I know, she kept her in house friendship with Jedward on the outside, and for a lot longer than I thought would happen. They are probably still friends. But when she was evicted, she had to do the interview with the host, and she really did NOT like her drinking being brought up at all.

    Other than that, I still like her and yes I will be watching Sharknado 2 lol

    1. Anonymous9:40 PM

      @Basil - And that in itself says a lot in my view. Sounds like she might be a little bit misunderstood?

      She should move to Australia - she was (maybe still is?) there recently filming and the press loved all the accolades she served up about how great the country is and how welcoming the people are. In return, the press wrote some really flattering pieces on her.

    2. She's still here in Aus, Stepforded. She's been floating around my area in QLD. Haven't spotted her yet, but have seen plenty about her in the local news and people have said nothing but nice things about her. The horror movie she's filming actually sounds kind of cool.

      I'll be more inclined to do some stalking when Bill Moseley arrives on set. He's one of my horror faves!

  7. Sober as in booze no drugs?

  8. Sherry, some take the facade of bs a step further and call themselves Companion Services instead of Escort Services.

  9. I picture an escort being someone you could pass off as a date at a wedding or other social engagement. It would be pretty hard to do with a street hooker once they bust out the crack pipe, start stealing shit and howling at the moon.

  10. @Count LOL! That's funny..Companion services seems more like helping old people get to the grocery store and doctor's appointments.

  11. i've definitely heard of companion services.

    certain ones also get their PhDs and call themselves sex therapists or companion therapy

  12. If I had the spare $500 I would get a diploma mill phd.

  13. Anonymous12:42 PM

    There was a sad Tara quote about how if she'd never left Carson, all the "partying" never would have happened. She probably thought she could do better, and now look at him. He may still be a tool, but he's a very rich tool.

    1. Anonymous9:36 PM

      @JenSacks - indeed; there's a thought. Ditto re Jennifer Love Hewitt - although why they ended had more to do with her clinginess. JLH and CD would have had an empire to rival all ...

  14. Anonymous1:59 PM

    remember Taradise on E! she was such a shit show

  15. Tara strikes me as a pretty nice girl with a definite alcohol problem, I've always liked her too. Supports the claims she & Lindsay hate each other as Lindsay is an asshole personality-wise and again, Tara seems pretty nice at her core.

    If she has genuinely tried sobriety in the past, of course she hates her drinking being brought up because you only give it a genuine try when you believe you have a problem.

    When you decide to keep drinking anyway it's not because you don't think you have a problem, it's because it's too hard to stop/stay sober.

  16. What Hunter said.

  17. For the life of me I cannot understand why any man in his right mind would want to sleep with Tara Reid much less pay for it-YUCK. The girl is a complete physical and alleged emotional mess. Do men just really want a w*t h*le that badly because there are much more attractive girls out there who would do it for free! Nevermind the fact that she's supposedly one of the most expensive working girls out there on the international circuit...*confused*

  18. @PJ
    I think it has to do with the fact that if they buy someone, they don't have to bother with things like phone calls, cards, birthdays, being nice, commitment, unplanned pregnancy, commitment ...

  19. As Spanking Jack always said, they pay them to leave and to indulge their peculiarities.

  20. I wouldn't bang Tara, but i'd let her blow me. Chicks into coke or meth always give great head.

  21. @Count, if you know any $500 PhD mills. Tip me off. I'm looking to expand my knowledge base for under budget doctorate degrees, this time around.

  22. Dingle:

    Too early for me to clicky

  23. She was Bunny Lebowski in "The Big Lebowski". That's pretty big movie in some circles
