Saturday, April 19, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 21, 2009

Three directors. All A list. Each has had multiple #1 movies. Well I have written about them in this space before and some of their really bad behavior. This one though might even top what I wrote before. Last summer one of them took a trip to Thailand where he enjoyed the services of several women who make their living the old fashioned way. He enjoyed one of them so much that he arranged for her to get a visa so she could intern at his production company. Of course the only thing she was doing was continuing what she had been doing for him back in Thailand. Well, of course the director had to share the good news with the other two. They promptly did the same thing. After three months, they send the women back to Thailand and get brand new ones. If they did the same trick here, one of the women might spill to a tabloid, but with these women they don't have to worry about it. Or so they think.

Quentin Tarantino/Brett Ratner/Michael Bay


  1. WTF is wrong w/ people? My gosh - is this ALL that goes on in Hollywood? It's fucking rampant and disgusting - little boys and little girls servicing and getting raped by gross old men. Fucking pervs. I hope their Hollywood dicks fall off - better yet, I hope they catch something that makes their dicks feel like it's falling off.

  2. Not one of those names surprised me. My father did something similar. Married the hooker that came with his hotel room in Laos.

    1. How was she as a stepmom?

    2. I only met her twice, my mom had full custody and I had stopped even seeing my dad on weekends at that point. He is/was a terrible human being. I just felt sorrow and fear for her. I could tell he respected her far less than my mom which I assumed meant she would get it worse. *shudder* Don't know what happened after that, never saw him again and they moved out of state.

    3. I'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I hope she's okay, wherever she is.

    4. Me too. I pray for her and I'm not religious.

  3. So they all shared the same hooker? Eww

    1. I think they all have their own but I wouldn't be surprised if they kept them together and shared. Blech

  4. Ick bunch of dirty fucks. Notice no one ever dates these guys. Hmmmmm

  5. What is wrong with those Thailand sluts? Were they paid for their services?

  6. Mehhhh Phuket! Too early for sex tourist pedo director foursomes. WTF! Heisenrage!

  7. Of course the guys are also nasty, but the women could have said no and be on their merry way.

  8. Nora's right, they are forced into it as young girls. It's slavery with no free will involved.

  9. As disgusting as this is inherently, I wonder who is helping connect these Hollywood types to the global sex tourism markets. A Recter-Collins type is behind the scenes no doubt

  10. What the hell? Does Tarantino chat about this with Uma or Margaret Cho? How do these pieces of shit work and live around people that don't exploit children?

  11. Tiffany are you trolling or just completely clueless? Nora's right, many of these girls are young and sold off by drug-addicted parents. Slavery still exists on a global scale. Just another bunch of directors I will now be forced to boycott.

  12. I try to separate the art from the artist (or movie from director, in this case) but this is too far beyond the line of humanity that I can't do it. I've never liked any of their movies anyway, really, with the exception of a select few (Inglorious Basterds, being one). I'd have expected Bay and Tarantino to be douches, but get your shit together, Ratner! Wtf is this?

    1. There is no art that is greater or more important than sending them the message that exploiting these poor children is not going to be tolerated. I won't watch another movie that any of them make. Our dollars (or lack of them) speak volumes.

  13. They don't even have to be drug addicted parents. You have Asian families with large number of kids and no way to feed them even if they have a farm. Also in Asian culture, girls are less valued than boys so they sell off the girls to help support and feed the rest of the family.

  14. Well really importing sex workers is taking jobs away from Americans or at least landed immigrants. It is like why in the world is McDonald's importing foreign workers?

  15. Whore's Glory on Netflix
    Is a fucked up movie about foreign sex wrkers.

    1. Princesas is also an excellent film on immigrant exploitation, xenophobia and sex work

  16. OMG people. I live in Thailand. I've been here almost 5 years. The prostitutes are NOT underage, and they are NOT sold into it. They do it f their own freewill, and they make a ton of money to support their whole families back in Isaan. Please, before you spew filth about sex slaves and child prostitutes, do some actual research first!!! Seriously.

    1. Yes, because if they were of age or did it of their own free will that makes it all okay.

  17. This is so gross. I think M. Brown raises a good do the people who work with these directors look the other way? I wouldn't expect someone like, say, Megan Fox to be outraged over the fate of a prostitute from Thailand but what about someone like Brad Pitt? How could a guy like that work with Tarantino with everything that he does for charity? Maybe it's so prevalent that people just aren't shocked any longer. Ugh, it's just awful.

  18. No shit, Melissa!

    If U.S. prudes weren't so squeamishly fanning their puritanical faces against 'the vapors' and embrace prostitution as a legitimate service providing for a legitimate need, maybe there wouldn't be a seedy underside to the business.

    I think many women are against prostitution because they know lots of men wouldn't get married if they got their rocks off once a month.

    I love my wife and kids, but I wouldn't be married now if I could have visited a legal sex worker when I was horney enough to go on the dating scene.

    Get off your fucking high horses because if this story is true, these women probably had it better than most in their country.

    Shit, this was possibly like winning the lottery for them.

  19. LOL @ Heisenrage!

    @sillygurl, thanks for sharing your story. I'm sorry your dad is such a jerk. :/

    @Kumquat, magnesium.

  20. It appears the straight directors at least pay for willing partners unlike the gay ones who drug and rape teenage boys.

  21. Satan's Trinity of Evil

    Quentin Tarantino/Brett Ratner/Michael Bay

  22. If they are legal and doing it of their own free will then I don't see the problem. Doesn't the same thing happen here in the US all the time with celebs and their paramours??

  23. @trashaddict, I didn't assume the blind was about underage girls either and I'm not trolling. Enty usually points out if they aren't legal yet and he referred to them as women not girls.

    Maybe I'm wrong but my opinions are based on being adult women. That said, I don't think hiring hookers tops whatever bad behavior has been written about before. It's a lot of things but I wouldn't consider this bad in terms of cruel or malicious.

  24. Are there ANY decent moral directors in Hollywood? Honestly from the stuff I've heard about these 3 it doesn't surprise me at all.

    If you seriously think there is no underage prostitution in Thailand you're either a moron or kidding yourself. It's WELL documented that if you're into diddling kiddos you go to Thailand. There are quite a few docs about it. All you have to do is use google to find out all you need to know about Thailand sex trade. Maybe you should be the one doing the research Melissa.

  25. It's pretty common knowledge in HW that Tarntino is manic & on drugs, and that Bey & Ratner are disgusting pigs. Bey & Ratner are 2 of the ones with the database of models/actresses they have slept with & what they did & will do. Bey & Ratner don't hire an actress unless she has slept with them. I think Tarantino hire prostitutes may surprise some people who think he's just an eccentric artist.

  26. I knew Tarrantino was a freak but it saddens me he is scum bag too. As for Ratner and Bay EVERYONE knows what misogynistic, low life scumbags they are. At least Tarrantino is talented unlike Bay and Ratner, the two most overrated, untalented hack directors in Hollywood.

  27. Slavery by any other name. Who the hell thinks up something like this?

  28. The Three Douche-kateers - not surprised that any of these three were named for this kind of behavior - pigs every one of them.

    1. Omg douche kateers I'm so amused by that!!! Even though I don't find this blind reveal amusing that made me lol

  29. I have to side with Sifichick here. There is a huge number of children sold into prostitution and Americans are the biggest buyers sadly.

    NOW I have no issues with willing people in the sex trade. There are very smart people out there who enjoy the work. Maybe it's not for everyone but it is for some. So long as they make that choice themselves. COYOTE is an organization that addresses this very issue.

    Loving the 3 Douche-kateers Anon!

  30. Whattaya think shipping and paper work runs on Thai Whores?

    What is the turn around on STD tests in Thailand, couple days or would I have to quarantine a whore for a week or 2 before having her crated and shipped? I guess I'd have to bring a couple of those CVS instant HIV swabs and punt on the others till I got the whore stateside.

    This one Thai escort site is 5'2, and does all the tricks except deep throat, which is kinda useless skill for me, cause I probably won't ever reach tonsils. Scares me that the ages aren't listed, she probably 20yrs older than the photos suggest, but at $217 for 24hrs, where can ya find a better bargain for a whore who takes it in the butt and lets you pee on her?

    I have heard that Thai anus has a spicy flavor due to their cuisine.

  31. If they are getting H1B visas for these women then they are of age. I don't think they would chance trying to bring minors into the country.

    Having said that, of course there are young boys and girls in the sex trade in Thailand and most countries. Plenty of age, but a lot of them started young too.

  32. Let's just say they are of age and weren't forced or coerced by either someone profiting or destitute circumstances. It's still bizarre. I want to know when these guys are kicking it with other celebrities what do they say? Do they say they got a prostitute here for a year and will send her back when they've finished with her? How the hell do you respond if you lend your name to groups doing international human rights work? If your partner is a UN Goodwill ambassador? If you profess to be a feminist? Do you pretend it's not happening? Or do you actually not give a shit?

  33. It's horrific. This is not a 'victimless crime'. They are trafficked for sex. How is that victimless?

  34. Lighten up. Nothing about this is illegal. This isn't Taken

  35. I second having people relax off their moral guilt trip. Enty had no problems pointing out pedo activity, and he clearly didn't here. Funny how them fucking a new wide-eyed wannabe starlet, promising them the world, then ditching them and crushing their dreams, and doing it on a daily basis is seen as "normal HW behavior"... But foreign hookers who know full well what they're getting into (and prob paid handsomely) is a immoral crime against humanity.

  36. I've been to Thailand many times and most, but not all, do this willingly. Yes it's sad that the career options open to many uneducated women in Thailand are small, however I would not go as far as to say that these guys are involved in sex trafficking or under age sex.

    You could create an army with the amount of High horses in this thread!

    Personally I think these guys are smart, they have cash, know what they want and know where to get it. No one is explored and everyone gets their rocks off for cash... Care factor nil...

  37. If they are willing I don't see this being much different than a yacht girl. They know what they are being hired for, and probably get to enjoy a few luxuries for the time they are being paid. If they are all consenting adults I don't see too much wrong with the arrangement.

  38. I've known quite a few Thai working girls (and boys, all adults) and they were, without exception, extremely savvy and seriously ruthless. The ones I've known have done REALLY well for themselves, but I can't say the same for the guys they left behind. One told me they learn 'game' very, very young, even before they start working. It's a matter of survival, and serious ambition to boot.

    FYI, HIV rates are very high among Thai sex workers as well. They will deny being positive.

    You in danger, directors.

  39. @sifichick, I'm not sure if your comment was directed towards me or just in general. I don't think anyone here thinks that there are no under age or unwilling girls being used for prostitution in Thailand or all around the world for that matter.

    My opinion had only to do with this blind and assuming that the language used is correct, meaning willing women. Enty points out when people are under age or women being forced/threatened in blinds so I didn't assume that was the case here as it wasn't mentioned.

  40. @letlove: bar girls probably more so than agency girls. That agency I linked to above has copies of some whores' tests in their photo galleries. Though I am aquainted with a globe trotting whore monger who won't go down on whores in SE Asia for fear of getting something anti-biotic resistant in his throat.

  41. Queen Christine said...

    Yes, because if they were of age or did it of their own free will that makes it all okay.

    Please let me know if this is sarcasm or not. I'm thinking it is, but don't feel like wasting the typing if it isn't. Thank you.

  42. How is it "of age" sex work isn't ok? Why are you calling them douches, if they are paying/not physically harming anyone?
