Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

April 22, 2014

This married B list mostly movie actor who has never reached the heights he did with the role that got him his Academy Award win/nomination was out with a woman most definitely not his wife. Apparently she was young enough looking that the waiter asked her for i.d. when she ordered a drink and she did the whole didn't bring her license with her trick. Our actor let her drink his drink while she sat on his lap though.

Cuba Gooding Jr.


  1. Woo hoo!! High fives all around!

  2. Anonymous6:16 AM


  3. this was everyone's guess yesterday, i say over/under on cuba reveal's 5

  4. So will Enty take credit for this blind sending the wife out to the lawyer yesterday?

  5. BAM BAM BAM!!!! TTM.

  6. When he was filming Radio back in the early 2000's, he had an affair with a girl I went to high school with. She was a short blonde girl who played a cheerleader in the movie. Dumb as a brick.

  7. What an A-hole. No wonder his wife is divorcing him. Good for her!

  8. I hate this crap when you have to wait so long for the reveal that the blind is no longer relevant.

  9. Midlife crisis. He will regret leaving his wife of 20 years.

    1. Hardly a midlife crisis. Cuba slept slept his way through my hometown when he filmed a movie there and that was ten years ago…

  10. When he was filming Radio, I was bartending in Clemson and he was out every night...not even an effort to hide his partying. "Who can be the one that catches Cuba's eye tonight" was THE game for the sorostitutes to play. They were all over him and he wasn't fighting anyone off.

  11. In fairness, I should add.....he was always polite and I never saw anything inappropriate in public, just a lot of dancing and flirting and basking in the attention. I just assume he didn't go home alone. He certainly didn't have to.

    1. I like your style, Magically Suspicious, trying to give benefit of doubt, and the full story as you saw it. Nicely amended. ..

  12. @ABB are you from around Anderson?

  13. @ABB one of the more beautiful cities in the nation :) Love Savannah and Charleston.
