Thursday, April 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

February 20, 2013

This C list reality star who is surrounded by higher listed celebs and reality stars is so out of control on drugs right now that it is scary. Even more scary is the fact that instead of reporting on some of his crazy behavior the past month, a pap agency has been shielding it from other agencies and making sure he gets home before anyone sees. Needs rehab.

Rob Kardashian


  1. Can we start another prayer circle for our #sockmogul?

    1. I keep hearing about this player circle as I work through the posts (backwards).

      Keeping my eyes open!

  2. Is that why he's gained weight, cause he's off them?

  3. khole , now rob these katrashians and their drug use tsk tsk tsk

  4. Iit has to be rough without his dad and that viper pi the calls a family. Pull it together Rob! Think of the socks,.,

  5. Why's it scary that a the agency doesn't report on him? In many ways i would have thought that was a kind sort of thing to do.

  6. So, the Kraptrashians are in league with pap agencies...just like Tori. Just like most of them.

  7. What the fuck happened to Bruce Jenner?

  8. LOL@urban chaos

    Rob is just a hot mess. Poor guy. Even though he's a Kuntrashian I *almost* feel sorry for him.

  9. Please make the KrapTRASHians go away.

  10. Anonymous11:26 AM

    He must smoke alot of pot and get wicked munchies!!

  11. Violet's right. What are the agencies supposed to do? Call others so they can all take photos? I'd think sending him home is pretty humane.

  12. He's in rehab now. It was very quietly announced as "because of his weight issues"...after he broke up with Rita Ora he completely lost his shit. It's sad really, he probably doesn't have any self worth and threw himself into her.

  13. rita told him he was worthless to her famewise and so does his family everyday.. the kartrashians are like lord of the flies

  14. Poor Rob ...'splains a lot doesn't it?

  15. I thought rob wasnt in rehab, pmk's evil twin released that report. Anyway, rob, relax, make some sock puppets and chill. Its all good.

  16. @sugarbread You said it! I hope he can find a way to distance himself from his mother, at least.

  17. TMZ is so far up the Kardashian's asses they can pick their noses for them.

  18. pmk more concerned with perception than the health of her kids. Awesome

  19. Just eat yourself to death. I am a fan of socks, just not ones this fat toad makes

  20. Yeah, not feeling the 'even more scary' aspect of getting him home safe.

    I wish I had a dedicated multi-vehicle free driving service keeping an eye on when it was my nap-time. Of course, my family is really great instead of being all unfeeling and Kardassian; ebbs and flows.

  21. He's hooked on sizzurp, he's in rehab now.

  22. I like him but kinda figured he was going there since you are the company you keep, and we know who his best bud was.

  23. You can just imagine the hell that this guy's life must be emotionally. His mother commodified her children and put their entire private life on display. He must feel like he cannot retreat from anything. Everywhere he looks there is a camera in his face 24/7. He can't go to his family for support, as they want him to put up the perfect image all the time too, and not cause problems. Dude needs to get a real job and his own place to live. Otherwise nothing will ever change and he will end up dead.
