Monday, April 14, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 18, 2013

The girlfriend of this A+ list mostly movie actor had no problems letting other men know she was available last night. She said they would have to be discreet. Her relationship is a tough one to figure out. I think he thought he would need her for red carpets. Probably paid in advance.

Suki Waterhouse/Bradley Cooper


  1. apparently their agreement is not over.Suki walked with his dog Charlotte 2 weeks ago

    why needs he a fake relation ? is he again gay?

  2. I think this has been revealed about a month or so ago.

  3. You always picking the wrong ones, Cooper.

    you gotta know how to pick your beard. you gotta do like 500 background check before you sign the deal

  4. Her Daddy is a plastic surgeon who has done some of his procedures. No one heard of her before she started "dating" him.

  5. "Her relationship is a tough one to figure out." ..... Maybe for a moron.

  6. He's such a gross to me

  7. So is the arrangement that Suki is his paid fake girlfriend because a) he is a raging womanizer; b) he is closeted or c) it's his way of getting hair plugs etc on the side? Get yo shit together, bloggers.

  8. or all of the above Lady H ha ha

  9. If you are going to pick a fake girlfriend, can't these guys at least find someone who looks 25, lot of very hot women who are 25, this one looks 14 which rather negates part of the rationale for whole paid girlfriend thing, it makes him seem creepier than he already is perceived

    1. Tina: exactly! she's so young (and looks even younger) I would think it would be bad publicity for him. why choose that?

  10. She has a cool name.

    That's all I got.

  11. I've said it before and I'll say it again,gay, straight,mummy issues, wife beater, walking blind item, but I like Bradley. No shame.

  12. not tough

    she is bearding

  13. doing it as a favor to her father remember.....??????

  14. Boring.OT has anyone on mobile noticed the "keystone pipeline" ad? "Helps the environment" Hahaha that's precious.

  15. Not tough to figure out: Waterhouse was/is a big old hanging beard under contract.

  16. I too am confused on what Bradley's preference is. Not like it's anyone's biz but the blinds are all over the place here.

  17. They are some boring bitchez.
