Saturday, April 12, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

May 17, 2010

This former B list movie actress who is now a C, although I can't even think of a movie she has been in lately. Anyway, she was in a very recent breakup and even though it was because she couldn't get her act together, she is getting paid. It wasn't a marriage, but she is getting paid $20,000 a week to keep the secret that her ex also loved guys. If his business partners found out then he would stand to lose millions. What he didn't count on was the fact that our actress tells everyone all the time when she has been drinking or doing drugs which is frequently.

Tara Reid (Apparently the guy died in a yachting "accident" in the summer of 2010.


  1. WHY would anyone care enough for him to lose "millions of dollars" or especially his life? And use Tara Reid as a beard??

    1. Right? I was thinking that being with Tara Reid would be what's damaging to his business reputation, not being bisexual..

  2. Tara Reid is a secret yacht hooker who moonlights as a ninja assassin?!? AWESOME!!!! (RIP guy who died, sorry)

  3. Um. Does "accident" mean it wasn't an accident? As in, his business partners found out and offed him?!

  4. But isn't the German businessman she was engaged to still alive?

  5. Entrepreneurship at its very finest!

    It's so odd that a husky/girly voice and really bad plastic surgery = yacht girl.

    1. Seven, there's a Tara Reid out there for everyone. Depends on whether or not you can avoid her. This dude, sadly, could not.

  6. Certain gangster types don't like doing business with guys that are light in the loafers - look what is going on in Russia right now and you don't mess with Russian gangsters.

  7. Cause everyone knows certain businessmen can't ' like' certain things...
    RIP nameless guy..

  8. Yeah. The guy she was engaged to in 2010 is very much alive, and they are rumored to be together again.

  9. Wow, nice business partners.

  10. "Yacht assassin " hilarious Lady H.

    Too bad she's not getting her $20k a week anymore.... She wouldn't have a reason to off her benefactor.

  11. Who would have ever guessed that she would go from this personal tragedy to star in the blockbuster 'Sharknado'. What a journey!!

    1. Those Sci-fi movies have quite a cult following, they're meant to be over the top rediculous with bad acting... You ask me Sharkado was too good for her.

  12. Proven: Dating Tara will turn a dude gay.

  13. @ QueenAnne, explains why the bad boob job didn't matter...

  14. She was engaged to a guy who was obviously gay, but they never married. Then she did marry someone else very soon after.

    My question is why on earth would a guy being gay harm business partners enough to want him dead? Is he a spy of something?

    1. Where in the article was that implied? It not being an accident, yes that was implied...

  15. Some religions have harsh 'punishments' for homosexuality. One of her international 'playboy' 'boyfriends'. Too many inverted commas in that sentence.

    1. Something I hadn't considered, especially if the guy was Muslim, or his 'friends' were. Was Reid in Dubai then, or just confined to the Med?

  16. Muslims have no problem having sexy times with anything on legs, 2 or 4, and maybe even a snake if his business partner held the snakes jaw open. They also do whores, but only do their wives for procreating. So, Muslim businessmen can and do men, but they don't consider that to be gay. Unless there is never a woman in a man's life. There are different rules for who one is on the wealth spectrum.

    That novella now concluded, I like the Russian business partners better. They like things to look like an accident. ME take someone to the public "Chop Chop" square to make an example out of him/her.

    If this is true, I wonder if Tara realizes that she took part ending a man's life? (RIP boat man)

  17. Arabs get beheaded in Saudi Arabia every single Friday afternoon for being accused of homosexual acts, Russian mob guys don't take to gays in business or anything else, these are big and real cultural taboos in other parts of the world and there are many more too. Tara is a yacht escort and has been for years, she may be with a man for a few weeks or months, in between she'll "date" someone to seem legit, but she's not at all, and I can see her getting so fucked up she'd blow business deals and out someone when she was drunk, I mean she's not terribly smart when she's sober and I won't be surprised to read that she finally opened her yap one too many times and has a drowning accident in the near future herself. By the way she doesn't consider herself a prossie even though she is getting paid for sex and that's her primary income source now.
