Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 23, 2013

This B list mostly movie actress who is only a B lister because of the A+ list name recognition does not have many friends. So, when our actress wanted to have a party last week she had to call almost a dozen women she barely knew to fill out her party. The actress always thinks people are better friends with her than is the case. The party was really awkward with the two people she actually is friends with doing the talking for the others.

Katie Holmes


  1. Aww, that's sadness. I want Katie to have more friends.

  2. I'm sorry but after being isolated by scientology and then paranoid about them after she left, I'm certain her social skills were stunted.

  3. Wasn't she pretty normal/well-adjusted before becoming Mrs. Cruise? She dated Chris Klein and Joshua Jackson...

  4. OT: Wasn't there a recent blind of an actor pulling out of movie at last minute cause his wife found out he had affair with costar or something? ??? Daniel Craig just dropped out of movie...

    Carry on thats all

    1. It's filming right now north of a Boston. He skipped town to NYC supposedly b/c of a contract issue. Renee Z is still here staying in Salem.

  5. She seems awkward in general

  6. @Sugar- I agree. I hope for the best for Joey. @Cleo- that's what I'm thinking.

  7. oh, that's a bit sad for her. Mind you, why on earth would you have a party if you haven't got any friends?
    I'll be your friend Katie. We have loads in common - I have a child Suri's age and I once watched Dawson's Creek.

  8. That is sad. Any long term friendships she had had were prob lost when she married Tom. With all the COS stuff, people might not take her seriously bc there are so many preconceived notions about her.

  9. Hey it's OK to only have 2 friends if they are very close friends! You just need to accept it.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. No suprise, we never see her with anyone. She was always the pretty, but shy girl, that doesn't translate well to being a sheltered celebrity/scientologist.

  12. bitch is weird
    dont buy her good girl bullshit for one minute
    always was going to leave tom crazy ass

  13. Co$ is a bitch no outsiders allowed in your life not that anyone would want to be.

  14. Cult isolation, trust issues, mega spotlight bc of ex...I'd be introverted as well. She seems like a strong mother and is hands on with her daughter. I think she's beautiful!

  15. She seems nice enough. Dont know why she wldnt have friends. Unless Suri is a devil child.

  16. She was always stand-offish. I worked on Dawson's Creek years ago. All the cast were very friendly and welcoming to weekly players, especially Van der Beek (I always feel sad when people describe him as an a-hole, back in the day he was so nice) Josh Jackson, and Busy Phillips. Since we filmed on location a lot of the cast and crew would socialize together, but Katie never did. She wasn't a bitch, she just wasn't friendly or sociable.

  17. That poor kid is going to grow up isolated and socially inept too.

  18. Well, I give her points for trying to be social and for trying to have girlfriends!

  19. She's trying to make friends, so good for her! It's tough enough making friends as an adult when you lead an everyday life with colleagues and neighbors let alone when you have little consistency and have to worry about people selling you out to the celebrity media.

  20. It's a shame to be someone shy or reserved trying to recover from the CO$, I'd imagine anyone not even more shy and reserved after escaping would have to have the constitution of an Amazon (like Karen and Tory). I'd happily hang out with her, I bet she has neat theatre stories.

  21. When she was married to TC, she cut off all contact with her friends at the time.

    So, she basically started back at square one in terms of friends just last year. Add to that, being shy and reserved, and the constant tabloid crap, and she is going to have a tough go at making friends.

    This makes me feel bad for her, although it was certainly her choice to leave her friends behind years ago.

  22. Katie, I will come to your party and I'll bring snacks. Call me!

  23. Oh geez, she was married for 5 yrs, big deal.
    She's a 35 yr old woman, if she doesn't have friends, it's her own fault.
