Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 2, 2012

This B- list all television actress who just kind of sticks around despite not the greatest acting talent ever was freaked out when she got in accident recently and thought the police were going to search her and find those pills which are prescribed under a bunch of different names not her own.

Hayden Pannettiere 


  1. LEAVE HAYDEN P. ALONE!!!!!!!!!!

  2. i dont think its a secret that certain people's drug dealers are doctors. what would REALLY be blind item worthy is if they investigated the drug abuse in a health-related way and not in a criminal-justice light.

    1. They have/are. Research on prescription drug related deaths are starting to surpass illegal drug related deaths- and among some age groups, even exceeding deaths from fatal car accidents. It's looking like the vast majority of Rx od's in SD, OC, LA and San Bernadino are traced back to only a handful of doctors in each county. Feds are also getting interested in a few doctors that treat NFL players.

    2. This is what p.a.'s are for-to get you drugs in their name. Perhaps also your dog walker, maid, hairdresser, nanny....

  3. And yet, a retinal scan and my first born as collateral still can't get me Sudafed.

    I always mind fuck 'em with the retinal scan. "No, let's use the right eye." heh heh heh

  4. At least since that time pill mills have Bern cracked down on and the drs. have been arrested and lost their licenses.

  5. Wait a minute. Short, hot, rich always diggin in/touchin her butt, rough sex, AND a pill addiction. Fuck, I'm in love.

    Sexy butt dig sequence

    Yeah, tenderize that meat, Hayden

    tasty tasty

    Side boob gif fo a perv

  6. cant be letting the pharma corps just run amuck with all their drugs... meanwhile cannabis can treat a variety of conditions including spinal injuries/pain and yet.... >.<

    1. Yup. Too bad Pfizer didn't invent the sticky icky...

  7. @Warecat: Great timing, betch!

  8. I have no basis in this, just pulling a number out of thin air, but if I were to guess a percent that pill addiction inflates health care costs, I would say 10-15%. Tons of Dr visits, scripts, BS surgeries, etc. All them junkies add up.

  9. I think Hayden is a really good actress and I love watching her on Nashville. :(

  10. Yep, @Count. The cost of an ER visit can range from $750 to $10k. All those drug seekers going from hospital to hospital, screaming in pain and demanding MRIs to prove they need relief, puts a substantial toll on the healthcare system. Add the paperwork and administrative costs (including DEA filings), mental health evaluations, rehab services, etc. and you've got a small portion of the population make a pretty big impact.

  11. I take two controlled substances (as infrequently and as little of a dose as possible) and yesterday when I went to my doctor, I found out that I have to go in person every 90 days for a new script AND I have to piss in a cup. A few bad apples make it so hard for the majority of us taking our meds know, those of us who are in pain and actually NEED meds. It's a fucked-up world we live in.

  12. Just legalize it all. Sell it OTC. Save the services for those in need. Give the junkies what they want and let them be unless they break other laws. So tiresome.

  13. Enty was apparently having a bitchy day at the time. For all her flaws, Hayden's actually quite talented.

  14. I have always liked her.

  15. @AKM My Dad is having the same problems. He is missing 3 vertebrae in his spine. Not damaged or chipped, they have disintegrated from working as a factory mechanic for almost 40 years. He also has no cartilage in his knees (I have the same thing, it's genetic disorder) so he is always in pain and takes just what the doctor gives him and they do random pill counts on people ad drug tests every month and he's always passed. The DEA went to his doctors office about 3 weeks ago and started looking through people's files, not at what test say about their injuries and why they take what they do. No, they just went through files and said "Cut this one in half. This one only gets a quarter of this from now on." Crap like that. They aren't doctors, they're feds. How do they know how bad someone is hurting? Anyway, the stuff he was getting wasn't the strongest stuff anyway and it didn't really help much but it did help. Now thanks to our lovely Drug Enforcement he's been cut down to half of what he was getting. He's told them that if they try to cut it anymore, he's just going to quit going. They've already raised their prices to almost double what a visit was last year, it's just not worth it.

    But you know that if Harry Reed or John Boehner wanted 1000 Oxy a month, they'd get it no problem and the tax payers would pay for it.

  16. Absolute horseshit, your dad's situation, Rowdy. I am so sorry. I honestly don't know what the solution is, and I'm in social work, so I spend a lot of time thinking about policy and how to, you know...HELP people who are in pain? My pain is somewhat moderate, but count my mom as another older person like your dad with severe pain who has to ration these days. Sad...just sad. :-(

  17. Good luck going to the ER for NARCOTIC pain meds now. You'd better have a bone sticking out, because they are gonna test you before you leave there w a script, and they'll give you anything they can that's not an opiate instead.
