Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chris Brown Will Stay In Jail Until June

It never really seemed to work out this way for keeping Lindsay Lohan in jail, but Chris Brown will remain in jail until at least June after his assault trial in Washington D.C. was postponed until then. His attorney asked that Brown be released from custody until his trial, but the judge shot him down and ordered him to return to California. A judge here has already ordered that Chris stay in jail until his trial. Obviously that judge assumed that Brown's trial would begin when scheduled, but where else is there for him to go? He got kicked out of two rehab facilities and if he is released, chances are good he will do something else violent since he couldn't keep his calm even while in a rehab place. Has anyone suggested medications for him? Maybe this is some type of disorder. If Brown is convicted in Washington D.C., he could face five years in jail in California for violating his probation stemming from his conviction in the beating of Rihanna.


  1. I don't feel bad that he has to cool his heels for awhile.

    I DO feel bad that Lindsay has never had to face this particular judge.

  2. Maybe part of his problem is he takes "medications" like Tori does. Anyhow since he probably wont be convicted and sent to jail, jailtime now is just as good. Jail is jail.

  3. I still hope he eventually gets real,actual help. But I am sincerely glad that he did / is doing time for what he did to Rihanna, even if it took an awfully long while

  4. Enty...
    Nuff said

  5. It bothers me that Chris has to stay in jail, while Bieber is running around whacking random people and Lindsay, who has fucked everybody over six ways from Sunday, is free to continue.

  6. Montana: More likely scenario:

    Chris Brown: Violent offender
    Lilo: Not

    1. That's what I was gonna say, count

    2. Exactly. And Lilo did her rehab stay and Chris did not. Not that it helped her, but she did it.

    3. Chris NEEDS to be in jail, however, let's not forget Lindsay did carjack some dudes high on coke while chasing down her assistant. Let's also remember this chick has also instigated and participated in numerous fights. Biggest difference is Chris beat the living tar out of Riri and we all saw the pics. Hard for any judge not to remember and judge accordingly. Either way

      Lindsay: violent offender
      Chris Brown: violent offender.

  7. @MontanaMarriott
    R. Kelly=BLACK
    Jerry Sandusky=WHITE

    There's most definitely a racial bias in the US society, but you can't explain every justice decision based on the color of the skin.

    1. Whaaaaaat? That's absurd. R. Kelly never convicted. Jerry Sandusky convictet. DUH

  8. I'm glad he has to stay in jail!! He's gotten away with too much already. It is extremely sad that others are doing whatever they want with no punishment. Maybe this judge will set the example for other judges dealing with celebs!!

  9. Off topic-

    Just dropping in to say that last night I watched Requiem for a Dream for the first time and um, yeah, I'm kinda disturbed this morning haha

    1. I sae it for the first time recently too. Yikes!

  10. Every single time Chris Brown comes up, the race card is thrown in. Of course there is a racial bias when it comes to offenders and their jail time, and of course that stupid "affluenza" case tilts the argument, but the fact is Chris Brown beat a woman so badly that she was hospitalized. He pled guilty to FELONY ASSAULT and got probation and community service. His anger mis-management continued with freaking out over Robin Roberts and destroying a dressing room, testing positive for drugs while on probation, public altercations with Drake and Frank Ocean, involved in a hit and run that added 1,000 hours to his community service, and then another felony assault arrest.

    This is not a person subject to whims of racial profiling. This is a person with deep-seated anger management issues who skated by on his fame and it's not working anymore.

    1. Seven - yes!! Also, wasn't his community service hours questioned because his mom ran the organization he worked at and people there said they'd never seen him come in and work? I mean, cheating your way out of serving your community service? Laws don't apply to him, he's begging for jail time.

  11. Anonymous7:03 AM

    No offense to anyone but just how violent do our black me have to b before some of us (black people) stop looking for scapegoats? Chris is a menace to society in a MUCH different way than Lindsay.

    Chris is lucky he is rich and not running around my neighborhood with that handsy bad attitude. Some dude would have called him on it by now. In a really bad way.

    1. Anonymous7:05 AM

      *black men have to b...

  12. Agree with fancy. Chris needed a proper beat down long ago. And stigs84 - good luck with that. Shouldn't last more than a week or two.

  13. Thanks Seven - that was a pretty good rundown, and accurate to boot (nod to TTM!).

  14. Fuck. This. Guy. Black, white. Tall, short. Skinny, fat. He's a menace to both men and women alike, another thug off the street would have done him in a long time ago.

  15. See, this is why you wait until you're in the clear to start your shit up again. Dumbass couldn't hold it together for probation - he'd almost be finished with it (I think) if he'd kept a low profile.

  16. @Count I have to say I'm surprisingly agreeing with you lately. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

  17. @Topper: It only feels weird at first. Once you relax and accept it, it gets easier, and eventually enjoyable.

  18. @topper you get used to the sensation

  19. We need more judges like this!!!

  20. So Chris had the two week CON AIR flight from hell to DC, only for the judge to send him back to CA? Good. His self entitled ass was probably thinking he'd have his trial and go free with probation.

  21. This judge actually cares about CB, that's why he/she isn't putting up with his crap. It's the tough love that he needs, hold his ass accountable to save him a life sentence. California Justice system doesn't do the entertainment industry any favors by giving them jail sentences with a revolving door approach. When we start seeing the justice system from a positive approach, in cases like these, it makes more sense, but it only works if the offender and their "support" system let's it.

    That being said, CB will probably kill someone someday and spend the rest of his days at San Quentin.

  22. Good. I do hope he gets the help he needs...
