Friday, April 11, 2014

Debbie Rowe Wants Her Kids

Debbie Rowe is the biological mother of two of the three children that Michael Jackson had. Specifically, she is the mother of Prince and Paris. She plans on going to court to ask a judge for custody of her two kids. Here is why I think this is a bad idea. I think Debbie Rowe has stepped up and has been there for Paris and the other kids. No doubt about it. I especially like how she is keeping an eye on all three kids and called Jermaine out for being creepy and inappropriate. He totally is and he scares me. I think Debbie is doing a great job being a watchdog over Katherine and TJ. What chance does Blanket have though if Paris and Prince leave? He will be on his own. Would you want to be a 12 year old kid and be forced to face this family on your own? I think he would end up completely messed up if he were left alone while his older brother and sister went to live on a horse ranch two hours away. Now, if the judge would let Debbie take all three kids, then I would have no problems supporting her petition, but I don't think it is a good idea at all to split up the kids.


  1. Don't the kids have a say in custody cases? I can't see Paris or Prince willing to leave their little brother behind.

  2. Seriously, what chance do those kids have at all? Michael Jackson had such a rotten childhood, cannot imagine why he thought it was a good idea to bring so many kiddos into the toxic environment that is his family

  3. I feel like a witch saying this, but blanket already creeps me out.

    1. Yes@Cleo. He won't stop staring at me!!

  4. You think too much when you're drinking Enty Jr. She has a right to be concerned about her own kids and to be concerned about the other one too. She should work with the other family/mother to get them to go after custody too.

  5. Cleo he really does give off that vibe!
    I've said it before, he reminds me of that feral kid in Lost Boys.

  6. What did Jermaine do?

    1. There was an unrevealed blind saying a girl attempted suicide because she was being molested by an uncle. The timing of the blind implied the girl was Paris Jackson.

  7. Well it's good she'd stepped in now. Christ knows she was dodgy enough to basically sell those children to a man who had fairly well known 'unusual' likes for children. Not a popular opinion maybe but MJ seems to have been martyred in death.
    Poor kids. All if them.

    1. Violet
      Totally agree on the martyrdom of MJ. If often happens after a death, but the speed with which MJ was 'elevated' after the 'unusual' stories about him really blew me away. MJ was and will remain a nasty freakzoid with an - at best - unhealthy relationship with children.

      Debbie Rowe totally sold those babies, but she does seem to be trying to help without asking for vast wads of cash now. Maybe it's real?

  8. He probably tried to take his clothes off.

    (wrong Jermaine?)

  9. this whole situation is just sad and ridiculous

    what a mess

    I really feel like he should not have had children-he was a mess. And now we think that they are not biologically his at all. No insult to others who have adopted etc....meant at all here. The crazy in that family is pretty hard to escape.

  10. yeah I really hate when the media machine does that Violet........he was a genius at what he did, but that didn't make him a saint.........

    there was a lot of crazy there........I'm sure we've only scratched the surface of that.

  11. I think it must be a nightmare to have children with someone so powerful, and then to be kept from them. She must, although she needn't, feel at least partly responsible for Michael's decline into the use of anaesthetics to sleep.

    1. Why would she feel responsible, Leeky? She was purely transactional in her relationship with Jackson, like years prior - or that's what I thought?

  12. Aren't they at an age they have say? They're teenagers right?

    1. My nephews were 8 years old when they told the judge they wanted to live with their "dad" because he was going to take them to Disney World. Even though there was evidence of abuse and neglect the judge said he was going to give the kids what they wanted. It has been a year and they have yet to go.

  13. Good on her. She's great. I think she has a real shot at getting Blanket as well. Courts like to keep siblings together.

    Go Debbie!!!!

  14. Bob Geldorf did it with his ex-wife's kid with Michael Hutchense. He has custody of their daughter over the Michael's parent's gaining custody. They did not want Geldorfs daughters with the ex to be separated from their 1/2 sister. It can work.

  15. Man I feel for these kids. Not going to be an easy road that's for sure.

    As far as Blanket, he reminds me of my nephew. Super quiet and distant when in public, but then crazy funny and outgoing when with people he knows well. He always looks like a hellian when in pictures too, but he is super sweet. So that's what I chalk blanket up to be as well. : )

  16. Jermaine had started "grooming" Paris. He hadn't started molesting her yet, but it was coming.

  17. She lost her right to parent when she sold those children to MJ.
    She is as bad as all the other 'parents' who took a payoff and allowed the abuse and ill treatment to continue.
    They are just a commodity to her, who happen to be getting their inheritance soon.

  18. Change what you can and get those kids away from the crazy. Katherine should never have custody. She didn't protect MJ and she won't protect his kids.

  19. What kind of a mother is Debbie Rowe? She sold her kids to Jacko. She knows full well that he paid off several (at least) boys child molestation claims. Now she suddenly wants them when they are close to 18, when they get their inheritance.

  20. She sold them kids fair and square. If she wants em back, I would tell her to give back the money, plus interest.

  21. Time to reveal some of those Jermaine/Paris blinds Enty!!

  22. So what if she sold them (or gave up custody rights depending on how you look at it). Would it not be better for those kids to be living on her ranch or where they are now? But I don't think it is going to be that easy for Debbie to get them (and she would get the third too probably if she asked). The Jackson family are going to fight tooth and nail to keep them. But if they do, a lot of dirty laundry is going to come out in court.

  23. Idk, maybe with time debbie sees things differently. Maybe shes sorry what she did. I see zero indication she's looking for money. She doesnt have flashy clothes or jewelry and seems uninterested in that stuff. She works her ranch and loves the horsey life. I dont see sacrificing 2 to protect one. She shld bring what evidence she can to try to get blanket-whose damn name shld be changed-but at least get 2 of them. However, mike has school and friends and a girlfriend where he is, dont know if he can adjust to ranch life. Which of course is healthier life for all, what with fresh air and all. And isnt Paris in her special school? Wld she still go there?

  24. I know Debbie gets a lot of flack, but she really did step up to the plate when Paris had serious issues.

    I do give her credit for that.

    For all we know, she might trot out this card when she feels/sees things getting out of hand, and maybe that reins in the Jackson clan?

  25. She's their mother. She doesn't seem to be manipulative or exploitative, and I assume she's doing this with the kids' knowledge, and very likely at their request. You go girl! Give those kids a fair shot!

  26. Anonymous9:47 AM

    If the blinds are true I wonder why charges have not been pressed vs. Jermaine. If Paris tells any of the staff they are mandatory reporters and have to call the cops...I wonder if he has threatened her in some way...what a shame to have all that wealth and still growing up as screwed up as my white trash behind did.

  27. MJ was SO messed up. I can't wait for a tell all book. There is a whole lot of crazy in that Jackson family. Debbie is just looking for $. That is what all of them want. I bet those kids are spoiled brats.

  28. MJ was SO messed up. I can't wait for a tell all book. There is a whole lot of crazy in that Jackson family. Debbie is just looking for $. That is what all of them want. I bet those kids are spoiled brats.

  29. Too bad she is not connected to Charlie Sheen. Apparently you can do whatever you want if you pay off the DCFS. Poor kids all around today.

  30. It's sad that there aren't better choices for these kids. What about Denise Richards?

  31. They're better off living with Debbie than living with the Jacksons. Look how the existing Jackson kids turned out. I rest my case.

  32. I had always assumed that none of the kids was Michael's biological child ... and I don't know how he would have a blue eyed child though I guess it's biologically possible (there would have to be a recessive blue-eyed gene somewhere in the Jackson gene pool).

    But then there were photos of Prince in a bathing suit and he has vitiligo on his torso and underarm, and there is a weak genetic connection.

    So, what is the gossip consensus as to whether Michael was biologically related to any of the kids?

  33. Whatever it takes to get those kids away from the Jacksons. They are all a bunch of sickos and Katherine sat there and allowed Joe to abuse her and the kids. And she continues to support Joe. The rest of the kids are all leeches who learned from the best- Joe Jackson and his enabler- Katherine.

    Why Michael worshiped his mom is beyond me. She could have thrown his sorry ass out the door the minute the money started rolling in but she didn't. Screw her.

  34. Interesting assumptions, @Della.

  35. If she can at least get two of the kids out of a dangerous environment, then she should do it! She has no grounds whatsoever to try and get custody of Blanket if he isn't hers.

  36. Can we please start a petition to change Blanket's name? What about Lank, Ket, or Blank, Blake? Blanket is a terrible name. I'd even be okay with Boo.

  37. TMZ said today that Debbie is willing to take Blanket as well to keep them all together if a judge would approve it.
    She was on their show yesterday live, so I would imagine they got it from her.

  38. @Alita Oh, I just meant that because she administered his medications, she might have felt responsible for not speaking up about his drug use more, before they separated.

  39. @NaughtyNurse said:

    "If she can at least get two of the kids out of a dangerous environment, then she should do it! She has no grounds whatsoever to try and get custody of Blanket if he isn't hers."

    Tell that to Bob Geldof. He got custody of his ex-wife's daughter, to whom he was not biologically related, and he had never even co-parented her, because he had custody of her half-sisters (his daughters) and he argued it would be better for her to be raised with her half-sisters. Also present in the situation were the biological father's parents and siblings. The situation is just about identical (except for the balance of power=money).

    1. You are correct in that logic, however California's courts usually aren't. That's why shitshows like Mueller keep getting custody. I'm not as familiar with custody cases in the UK (as was Geldof's) but California courts tend to prioritize biological parents.

  40. It isn't identical, because Rowe SOLD her kids. To a man who paid out millions in pedophilia claims. Jacko's own will said he didn't want to leave her a cent, and she knows that. Who knows what happened to those kids all those years they were with Jacko?

  41. Debbie is no saint, but the best chance these kids have is to go to her. The entire Jackson family is so messed up.

  42. Why don't they all live with Blanket's mother? Jacko and Rowe created this untenable situation, which was bound to end up badly for the children. Jacko had come off paying Jordy Chandler 20 million and a fake marriage to Lisa Marie Presley. In comes Dr. Arnold Klein, who knows all about Jacko's drug habit, who offers up his assistant, Rowe, to have kids for him. Jacko could NEVER have adopted with the Chandler payoff, and that was just the tip of the iceberg. So Rowe/Klein stepped up FOR A PRICE. She played both sides of the fence during the child molestation trial, the prosecution thought she was THEIR witness, no, she stabbed the prosecutor in the back after Jacko cut off her MONEY after she leaked details in the British press about the paternity of the kids, how she was impregnated. She knew damn well what a druggie he was, just as Klein did. Then Jacko died, she suddenly decides to call the FDA on Klein, and she leaked she was going to make a bid for the kids, until Katherine gave her some more MONEY. She's a HUGE part of the 18 year problem, NOT the solution.

  43. For those having a (humorous) whinge about Blanket...

    ...boy's got 99 problems and his name ain't one.

  44. Lesser of two evils is sometimes all there is in life. I would rather have her over the rest of the Jacksons.
