Monday, April 07, 2014

Demi Lovato Nude Photos Hit The Internet

A few months back there were a couple of nude photos of Demi Lovato that hit the internet. They were others that were apparently part of the group that someone was offering for sale. I don't know if they never got the money they were asking, but a bunch of others hit the internet over the weekend. Most of the actual nude photos have the face cut off, but unless someone took a bunch of time to paint on the tattoos of Demi they are probably real. What is interesting about the photos is that they appear to probably be from the phone of Wilmer Valderrama. Many of the photos have Wilmer in them. Did he lose his phone at a club? Leave it behind when he was with another woman? If you would like to see the nude photos in all their NSFW glory you can click here.


  1. The only thing scandalous about these pics is how goddamn vanilla they are! Noods, you're doing it wrong, Demi!!

  2. She needs to ditch Wilmer

  3. Clickies for everyone!

  4. Phones are very easy to hack. You have no idea how many e-mails to click links come to my mailbox from my "friends" who don't use whatever e-mail addy was sending the message.

  5. Wilmer is behind this. She either did something he didn't like or he just felt like being a giant asshole.

    1. I totally agree, and was thinking this with the apparent BI last week.

  6. The pics don't look scandalous

  7. There was a huge 3 part blind item about this a couple months ago on blind gossip that said joe jonas' girlfriend and sister were responsible for stealing the photos. Stole the photos off his phone to get her out of the picture. Maybe I can dig it up.

  8. She has nice boobies.

  9. Here's, the last part, it's a 5 part blind.

  10. She looks great! She can damn sure do better than Wilmer.

  11. Hey chickies! They seem to be really quite flattering. Of course I guess that's the whole point - to look better than the other peoples' leaked photos...

    1. Anonymous11:41 AM

      Leek are you wearing a helmet so your brain doesn't run out of your ears?
      "I'm totally for you!"
      "You suck"
      "How are you? I'm a nice person"
      "You suck! (According to popular consensus"
      "My husband picks out my underwear because I can't think for myself!"
      Hence, the helmet.

  12. Pass the bleach please. Ugh.

  13. Lord, if you're going to release scandalous pics on to the net at least make them actually scandalous. I think I've seen more naked flesh in town on a Saturday night. Disappointing.

  14. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Wilmer probably leaked the photos. Wilmer is a else is he going to keep himself in the news? Let's not also forget that Wilmer gets a kick out of humiliating Demi. I feel sorry for the girl, she's so insecure, she has no idea that this guy gets off on publicly destroying her.

  15. Wilmer wanted a bit of attention so he 'lost' his cellphone. Haha! Oldest celeb trick in the book. They are both boring. NEXT!

  16. Wilmer's got a new tv show on cable that just started, so nice timing with this "leak".

  17. They're pretty tame compared to other photos that have been "leaked". One of the Glee girls had a pretty racy leak.

  18. I think they came from Wilmer, too. Either he leaked them directly, or sent them to his buddies in a "look at this tail I'm getting!" move. It probably irks him that she's more famous than he is right now (meaning shown on TV, written about, people are talking more about her, etc.)

  19. Nice boobs, but that's some ugly tats.

    1. Hey Reno. How are you this fine Monday?

  20. Meh. All been done before. Unless it's Pam and Tommy good then it's just Meh.
    One idea that comes to mind though is to ignore it. Wilmer doesn't deserve any more press and Demi could do without it.
    But not new or shocking.

  21. I would love to see California's revenge porn law be tested. That will be our new tell, if the broads were complicit in the photos distribution.

    Cute tittys, nice waxed clam, but this broad still don't do much for me. 3 faps out of 5 for these pixxx.

  22. why would anyone get such ugly tattoos?

  23. They look staged.

  24. Whatever. She's just one of many. No one is going to care after they move on to the next article.

  25. I thought she was suppose to be fat and had body issues.

  26. Trudi: The pics probably weren't taken yesterday.

  27. I'm good @it's! How you doin?

    1. All good in my neck of the woods Reno, thankfully.
      Have a good'un. X

  28. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Doh.. the pics are not scandalous because Demi and her boyfriend released em.. she needs some press and ta taaa! pics on

  29. Just let me know when Wilmer's show is on so I make sure the TV is turned off during that time.

    What is it, Fez Punk'd

  30. Anonymous10:10 AM

    Send sexxxxxy nudie pics to anyone? Send to trusted 2nd party (without face visible - just tits, clunge or AH, and then DELETE.

  31. Sound advice, Geez Louise. Selfies are exempt from Cali's revenge porn law. The only criminally actionable pics are ones someone took and then posted w/o your consent. Selfies sent to someone are along the lines of a gift. The recipient can do with them what they please.

  32. HE'S
    And these pics are snoooozerrrrrr!!!!

  33. Anonymous12:24 PM

    are we sure she didn't leak them herself. they all have really flattering angles for her body

  34. @Harlow17 just what I was thinking. Demi has body image issues, she looks great in these photos - all of which look like they are posed with the help of a professional photographer by the way - I wouldn't be surprised if Demi leaked them.

  35. I too thought she looked lovely. Wish that was my body.

  36. She looks beautiful!

  37. @Louise
    Indeed! I was wearing it for protection for part of today and last night. I put it on Sunday evening about halfway through for protection from bullshit shrapnel and hurt feelings. You sound as if you've lived a bit - you must know that no good deed goes unpunished!

  38. Ok, just to set the record straight, the BG item was right, the pics are several yrs old, but not more than 3, and she was FREAKED out about them. I have no idea why...these are so beige vanilla. A tit? OMGWTFGASP! The bad thing in the pics is obviously Valderdouche.
