Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Jessica Simpson And The Pre-Nup

The Enquirer is reporting that Jessica Simpson and Eric Johnson are fighting over their wedding plans because he won't sign a pre-nup. Over the weekend they looked pretty cozy going to dinner and there does not seem to be any outward signs of trouble, but they do bring up a few good points. They say she is tired of him not working. I don't think she minds footing the bill for everything, but don't you think that he would want to do some kind of work? Does he just want to always be known as the unemployed guy? He was on his way to getting an MBA before he hooked up with Jessica but his ambition seems to have gone out the window since then. The story says that he wanted to open a vegan restaurant but has never moved beyond the talking about it stage.

The pre-nup is a big thing. Jessica is worth a ton of money and her family is going to want her to sign one. How much money could he really want though? Even if he wanted $10M if they get divorced, that would set him up for life and would be a drop in the bucket to Jessica. If he refuses to sign a pre-nup then I guess they will stay boyfriend and girlfriend forever.


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    My personal net worth is ZERO CENTS but I still believe: no pre-nup, no marriage.

  2. Mr Violet and I married for love. What's mine is his and what's his is mine. Sadly that extends to an extensive Beatles record collection and his part and the ability to make a good Victoria sponge on mine.

  3. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Oh Ent. news from London. strike on tube blocking the most important work lines. Piccadily and Central Line. 48 hours + as they are scheduling another one on Friday and two others next week .. ola laaa

    1. Laura - and we thought with Bob Crowe croaking it they'd be a little less militant.

  4. Anonymous8:35 AM

    My net value is around 4 milions and I did say no to it. not sure about the last minute change of heart. but yes. We are in title to that money. if we chose not to, than we have some vertebras left. I do but I go against the normality.. lol

  5. Sign it and sign up, Buddy. She's been screwed around by men so many times. He has to realize how a person would feel giving up half a fortune to someone who could possibly cheat on her then laugh about taking half of everything. I thought he was a house husband. Every time you see him, he's with her and the kids. Nothing wrong with with being Mr. Mom, but he should be open about it.

  6. He's not in it for the long haul just the money…..this pre-nup matters….personally I think she should dump him now.

  7. If you are very wealthy & your partner refuses to sign a prenut you know they're not in it for the right reasons. I say run girl before the leech bleeds you dry.

  8. ITA with most comments. My net worth is about $42, but my boyfriend is worth quite a bit. If he wanted to marry me without a prenup, I'd think he was an idiot.

    1. Yah, mines about $47. So, I'm better than you. I need to state it explicitly since I'm insecure.

  9. Pre-nupt or NOTHING, Jess.

  10. Not to mention they have not one, but two children

  11. If they were a "regular" couple, and he was going to stay home to raise the kids, then who cares. But if they have Nannies and staff, and he has no household responsibilities, then I get why she'd want him to get a damn job.

  12. Jessica is dumb but she aint stupid!!

    I think she is a very smart business women(if nothing else) and I dont think she is gonna marry him with out it.

  13. Anonymous9:21 AM

    She had to give nick so much when they divorced her parents are not going to let that happen again. I'd probably make my bf sign one

  14. Shows you how dumb she is, she thinks a boy toy is gonna work? Did Cher hook up with the Bagel Boy thinking he'd be an earner? Did Liz Taylor marry Fortensky because she wanted someone to come home each night with swamp ass and covered drywall dust?

    They should have hashed this out before she let him plant 2 seeds in her. Dude gonna make out anyway. If they split, she gonna have to pay him child support, no matter who gets custody.

  15. agree @leekalicious

    @count, even just a b.s. job as some consultant for someone... just something so he isn't the former nfl player, current stoner.

  16. @T.E. Nope. His job is banging her. As such she can tell him what to do and when to do it. Like "Don't get drunk, I took an enema earlier," or "don't take pictures with minorities or bring them to my concerts."

    (too soon?)

  17. I could never be with a man who doesn't work. Just no. She's no dummy. Her clothing and shoe line is worth billions. I actually just bought one of her bikinis. It is fucking fabulous! I hope she runs for the hills. I always found her to be endearing on Newlyweds. Hanging head in shame. Kind of.

    1. She's not worth billions.
      Just because her shoes & clothing lines bring in that kind of cash, she only gets a small licensing fee for the use of her name, photo & doing PR.
      She gets maybe 2%, which is still a lot of money, but not billions!

  18. "Idle hands are the devil's workshop."

  19. He doesn't work and he's goofy looking to boot. He must be a lot of fun or great in the sack or a wonderful dad or something.

  20. Why have a pre-nup when it would be cheaper to off him? Just a thought.

  21. If I married a rich guy and he wanted a pre-nup...the best thing to do is to sign one while you're still in love and happy. That way both parties are still in love. The rich person would be willing to give more money, and if the "not-so-rich" person really loves the rich person, they won't be as greedy.

  22. Kick him to the curb and take full custody of the kids

  23. The thing that's worse than no job so much is the no ambition thing. And exactly what Paris said. You know they have a nanny so he's not changing any poopy diapers. Man needs a vocation and to sign that pre-nup. He has zero power right now. She could truly tell him to take a hike and they'll fight it out for support. AND before they hit the 10 yr mark in CA.

  24. "They say she is tired of him not working."

    I'm sorry but this is the equivalent of a guy meeting a woman while she's dancing at a strip club then expecting her to become Mother Theresa as soon as they start dating. Give me a f**cking break! Jessica knew EXACTLY what she was getting into with this guy from the moment they met. Sure he may have been still living off of his relative paltry earnings from his incredibly short-lived NFL career (that has gone kaput YEARS before they even met) in the beginning, but one gets the very strong impression that she loved finally having a dude who could just follow her around, give her sex whenever she wanted, do what she said and run her errands for her. Now that she's gotten two kids out of him (more than a few blinds pointed to her exes saying that she openly admitted to constantly "forgetting" to take her birth control pills) it seems the lack of ambition is no longer appealing. Hmm. Maybe she wants her little ones to actually grow up with a father who is motivated and successful? Should have thought about that before girl...

  25. Dude! Sign a prenup and in it state that if she doesn't bring back her malibu skinny jeans, she forfeits all of her riches! I want my malibu skinny jeans, Jessica!!!!!

    No shame, Susan! ^5

  26. She has said he adores her just the way she is and she loves that. Sign the gigging prenup, as entry says he will be set for life anyway and she can well afford it. And I don't think nick got that much money, but if did he deserved for fending off pastor joe hypocrite.

  27. Probably after living with her money for the last couple of years he doesn't think $10 million is enough for a life time. Many a people have spent far more, far faster on meaningless crap. Some people get greedy when they have been given a lot for nothing.

    Good for her though, I'm glad she is insisting on it whether she truly believes they will last forever or not. I think Enty has reported her net worth to be in the hundreds of millions because of her clothing company.

  28. Soooo, we're just referring to him as "Prenup" now??

  29. No let him now be known as Pre-NOT....

  30. they will never marry. she will use her parents feuding as endless excuses

  31. Ugh. I'm so grateful that Mr. Kay and I both had absolutely nothing when we met. Nothing to fight about, nothing to sign except a marriage licence. Cut to 20 years later, I'd still get half of nothing if I left. LOL

  32. She is a smart girl. No prenup, no marriage for him.
