Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Kids And Walkmans

I Tweeted this yesterday and think it is hilarious how technology has evolved so rapidly that something sold as recently as a few years ago is mind blowing to kids.


  1. Why are kids playing with pacemakers?


  2. I think it's funny that after all these years of "how small can we go?" With phones and headphones that they are now going in the opposite direction.

  3. And yet, put them in front of a computer and they'll blow you out of the water.

  4. I asked some of the 10 year olds I teach if they knew what AIM was. Not one knew.

  5. Years back, or should I say back in the day, I had a still working rotary dial phone. When my niece was younger, I told he to call her Mother. She said she had no idea how to use it. LOL

  6. A child has not lived unless they have spent 2 hrs every Sunday evening religiously hitting the play and record buttons on their tape deck as they listen to the Top 40.

  7. @ Violet- I recently was cleaning out old boxes and found a tape circa 1999 that I remember taping off of the Top 40! It had such hits as 'Allstar' and 'This Kiss'. Good times.

  8. @Butter - you are just a youngster - i was doing it back in 1985, Radio 1 in the pre DJ sex scandal days. Such innocence.

  9. most of those kids were little assholes. fuck em!

  10. I want to see them try to figure out an 8-track.

  11. Man I'm only 14 and I know what that is. I actually have one and it is my baby. I ashamed that THIS is my generation. As soon as they started asking what it was and even when they were asking how to use it I hit the stop button and shook my head in shame. :) haha

  12. I remember the first time I saw a Walkman. It was before they were really even available in the US. I had a friend in college who traveled a lot during the summer - her family had the bucks. One day we're coming out of class and she took her new Walkman out of her purse. I looked at and laughed and said, "What are you going to listen to with that little thing?"

    She asked me if I wanted to try it and I said sure. So she handed me the headphones and turned on the Stones full blast. Yow!

    Needless to say, went right out and bought me one too.

  13. I am having trouble loading the video using my 56k modem and AOL.

    1. LOL...hey, I remember having an 18k modem!

  14. That one girl knows about Indiana Jones but doesn't know about Walkmans? Seems odd considering how 80's the two are.

    I haven't used a Walkman since '97 but I still have a bunch of tapes.

  15. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Still got one. Still use it. And I relish my old mix tapes of the 80s and 90s!

  16. Still an improvement from 8 TRACKS!

  17. I love modern technology when it comes to music. A Walkman was a great idea, but you had to change tapes all the time. Discman skipped and I only every used mine when it was hooked up to my boom box (dual cassette player)at home. Now I can listen to music all day with one small little mp3 player that fits into my pocket or purse and weighs next to nothing. These kids were cute.
