Friday, April 04, 2014

Lainey Blind Item

He might not get a lot of attention on this blog but when he does, you always respond. He’s a well- respected actor who is friends with a lot of other actors and while he’s known to be sometimes temperamental with studios and executives, his work is always solid. Though he’s enjoyed a couple of high profile relationships, for the last several years, he’s settled down with a civilian. They married and had a child. They said he was happy and committed. That he’s not that guy.

So…how come he was all over a flight attendant recently on a flight from LA to NYC? He was hitting on her hard. And kept going behind the curtain to spend time with her. And kept asking for her number. He was supposed to be doing some work on his laptop but he couldn’t help himself – over and over again, hitting up the flight attendant station to try to get in there. Didn’t give a sh-t that the other passengers in first class knew exactly what he was doing. I guess it’s OK then that we talk about the Mile High Club. Even when he’s a cheater. Especially if he’s a cheater.


  1. Replies
    1. When I read this yesterday, I immediately thought Ed Norton.

  2. Edward Norton
    Married a non actress
    Difficult rep/good actor
    1 kid
    Rarely brought up on Lainey
    High profile relationships (Courtney Love and Hayek)
    Gets butt hurt when asked personal question

  3. Too bad Lainey doesn't have comments so we can go there and cheat :(

    1. I know! What's up with that??

    2. I hate that she doesbt have a comment section bc her blog is one of the most fun to read!

    3. Yup I've often asked myself the same thing.

  4. Seriously, can I just once be somewhere where I see any type of this behavior first hand?

  5. Why don't celebs know how to behave in flight? Tsk.

    And where's an air marshal when you need one?!

  6. Yep, it's Edward Norton...biggest clue is the "talk about mile high club" line, referencing the Fight Club rule.

  7. It must be frustrating for the flight attendants who have to put up with this. After reading some blinds, it must be even more difficult to work with flight attendants who are husband-hunting or thrill-seeking. (very small number, I think)

  8. Change that. Missed the tempermental part. It's Ed Norton.

  9. She doesn't allow comments because commenters can be assholes and she does have the time or wherewithal to regulate. Based on the hate mail she gets, I don't blame her. Not her exact words but that's the gist of what she's said.

    The readers have other sites they gather to talk Lainey smut.

    1. *doesnt have the time

    2. *some commenters can be assholes. Present company obviously excluded. You are all upstanding and charitable citizens of the gossip society. Except @sugar.

    3. I wish you could comment on laineys' site too. But I think she gets the same crazy train trolls that jj gets. His commenter's are certifiably cracratothenana.

  10. Leek..I worked as an FA and I never came across anyone who thought the job was for finding someone to marry. When you're a) never home or b) on even a 6 hour flight there certainly isn't enough time to forge and lasting bonds. Not to mention, they do actually work.

  11. I'd hang out behind a curtain with Ed Norton. He never calls, he never writes....

  12. ed norton is my guess
    he had some troubles with studios during HULK and ITALIAN JOB (one of some reasons why he doesn't work more),married with one kid,dated Salma Hayek and Courtney Love (she became crazier after their break up) but his wife isnot a civilian,she's a producer
    AND the FIGHT CLUB reference at the end of the blind

  13. why are celebs always behaving badly on planes?????

    is this their favorite asshole zone?

    don't they get enough attention on the ground?

  14. Russell Crowe to be different

  15. @Sherry
    I don't know how they manage to get the work done that they have to do. I guess you get used to it, but it's still a huge responsibility.

  16. FWIW the reason he was a dick about The Italian Job was because the studio held him to an old contract. He basically was paid with a couple of joints and a goat.

    No other studio would have held an actor to those terms.

    Then they further fucked with him by bitching about him being "difficult".

  17. Before I even finished this, Norton came to mind. Long time Lurker, non-poster here. :)

  18. @Sugar you know you complete me :)

    Hi kreeboo!

  19. I thought vince Vaughn.

  20. @Flora Goforth- It may very well be true that Norton was forced to do Italian Job per his studio contract. But there have been many other instances where he has apparently been a real pain to work with. There was a memoir by an old-school producer who dished about a bunch of celebs, and working with Norton usually meant he would insist on rewriting scripts (or re-editing per American History X) because he thought he knew best. I also love the story of Ben Stiller improvising in Hebrew to diss Norton in his Keeping the Faith scene because he was unhappy working with him.

    Anyways, it's a shame. Norton was a huge crush back in the day, but more and more, he just comes across as a privileged, overentitled a-hole.

    1. Hey turtle what's the name of the memoir?

  21. @turtle

    Probably a little bit of both. It was Paramount. There has since been a regime change since they had developed such a bad reputation for screwing the talent. Their penny pinching was causing them to lose money because no one would let them have a crack at their best stuff.

  22. Welcome kreboo! Join the fun..

    Leek..The days of loads of work has gone by and there are down times between services but back in the day, UAL would serve a dinner AND a snack service on a DC10 SFO-ORD(200 passengers). The flight was usually about 4 hours and they barely got it done. Some other short flights (ORD-EWR) that had dinners had passengers putting their dinner trays under the seat because no on had time to pick up. It was INSANE!!

    Now on long overseas flights...Never flew international so cannot vouch for the purity of the FA's. I can bet you they were probably more senior.

  23. Norton's wife is cute. Jerk (if it is him...).

  24. Ben Stiller and Ed Norton working together is putting two Type A's together

  25. Best guess is Vince Vaughn. He had a reputation, married a real estate agent, together they have at least one child. He is well connected with friends in all areas of the entertainment industry. High profile girl friends include Aniston.

  26. I have no idea, but is a producer considered a civilian? Didn't Norton marry Shauna Robertson who produced with Judd Apatow (back when his movies were really funny and not too long.)

  27. Wouldn't say that Vaughn is temperamental with studios or his work is always solid (he's phoned some in for sure). I wouldn't say Damon is temperamental with studios either even if his work is always solid. He's known more for sleeping with co-stars for chemistry like Streep does, with full knowledge of his wife who tolerates it "for his craft". Norton fits to a tee. I would still call Robertson a civilian as no one could identify her just by seeing her (the very definition of celebrity.

  28. He fits a lot of the clues but who would ever think Ed Norton is "not that guy?"

  29. I agree W Norton guess. Why was he a dick about the last FIVE movies he was attached to, (to varying degrees), if he's not just an ass? I love his old work, but him personally? Ewww.

  30. Flight attendant friend said worst passenger ever...oprah in the late was a man who clipped his toenails mid flight.....which says a lot, I think.

  31. What about Ethan Hawke?

  32. It's probably a good thing Lainey doesn't have comments. She drives me fucking insane. I would have been banned a hundred times by now. I can't stand her on that show she does...makes me want to throw things. And now all this talk about her book baby. Makes me want to beat her over the head with the stupid thing until she shuts up. I think I need a drink or six now.

  33. I'm glad Enty puts Lainey blinds here. I swear I must be so very stoopid. I can never navigate her site. Maybe because I use my phone (I hope). All I ever see is links to other sites and Squaking Chicken book info. I so badly want to be cool and understand her site. Until then, I stick with CDAN.

  34. How has nobody said Bruce Willis? He totally fits for this. Bruno is a dog.

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. i read this as alec baldwin
