Friday, April 18, 2014

Lindsay Lohan Lied On Watch What Happens Live

It wasn't really live because, no one in their right mind would actually have Lindsay Lohan appear live on their show because chances are she would be late or not show up, but she did tape an appearance on Watch What Happens Live on Wednesday that aired last night. I have to give credit to Andy for at least asking questions even though he probably didn't get the answers he was hoping for because that would require Lindsay telling the truth. Even if Lindsay was getting paid, she probably wouldn't tell you the truth. Just look at her reality show for that one. Andy asked Lindsay if she drank at Coachella. She said no, when a bunch of people would tell you otherwise. In the last two weeks she has been drinking almost every night. I also got a kick out of her saying that Dina is a cool mom. This is the same cool mom who is a drunken mess who would rather party with Lindsay than watch out for her. It is also the same cool mom who pleaded guilty to DUI. It is also the same cool mom that Lindsay complained about on her OWN show and also previously threw under the bus about coke use.


  1. I'm slowly but surely starting to get the impression you don't care much for Lindsay or Dina..can't quite say that for certain though.

    1. I think the very subtle hints may point in that direction

  2. Pretty sure homegirl is a pathological liar, and a deluded one at best. Still, I hope she proves everyone wrong and gets that Oscar one day.

    1. Whew! Speaking of delusions! ;-)

  3. Lindsay did show up late for the taping.

  4. Oh gees, I missed WWHL. Instead, I was watching Secret Societies of Hollywood.

  5. I can't stand this (in the words of D-Listed) Apricot Ashtray.

    1. Anonymous2:54 PM

      Ha ha it somehow seems to nice

  6. It's not her fault you guys! She's just a kid!

    1. Reno :(

      She's just living her college years. People are so unfair.

  7. I've popped in from my Good Friday beach walking in the sunshine to find more Lindsay 'no one even cares any more' Lohan.
    And I realise that this comment invalidates my argument.

  8. If I were to interview LiLo, I would hold up a golf ball and a garden hose and ask, "Want some free advertising?"

  9. At a certain point you have to stop blaming your parents.

    If Lindsay had paid attention, she would have picked this up on her many trips to rehab and jail and court.

    Clearly this girl has NOT hit rock bottom and this is because people like Oprah are willing to exploit her, she is willing to exploit herself. The only reason people like the item yesterday would bother to hire Lindsay to do anything must be the attention they get for complaining how Lindsay screwed up yet again. Most business people outside of the entertainment business got no time or money for people like Linds.

  10. saw that last night... she even said her mom "doesn't drink" but goes to party with her... huh? Delusional

  11. Tina, I don't think Lindsay ever will hit rock bottom. She's going to be a heavy drinking drugster for the rest of her life. And a hooker too. And she will probably even make it into her 70s. The rest of us will just have to get use to it. I actually find her entertaining, in a "slow down to look at the car wreck" kind of way.

  12. How do you know when a junkie/alkie is lying? Their lips are moving. C'mon now!

  13. The nonstop Lohan bashing is getting old. Enty, you're actually making me feel a bit sorry for her, which I didn't think possible. BTW, she's co-hosting The View right now and holding her own.

  14. Yep if she is talking it is usually to tell a lie-- or to skirt around the truth to make herself look good.

  15. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Oy. Lindsay is so delusional. She seems to have some sort of mental illness or personality disorder that I seriously hope she gets real help for some day- she has no concept of reality at all. Addiction a lot of times is a symptom of a more serious, underlying mental illness. She lies constantly, but I actually think she believes her own lies 98% of the time. I'm just so confused as to why she is still relevant. Was she even ever that talented past The Parent Trap/Mean Girls? Even in Mean Girls, I could have cared less about her- Rachel McAdams was the one that really stood out for me. I think all of this 'talent' we've been conditioned to think is being wasted is just a rumor started by her and her mom hahaha. Her guest appearance on 2 Broke Girls was awful- awful acting, she looked awful, her timing was way, wayyyy off. The LAST thing she needs is to be near any cameras or in the public eye- she needs to go live in some small town and spend a few years getting real help and working on herself. She doesn't deserve any more chances in Hollywood at this point- she's already gotten like 10 extra chances that she didn't deserve and subsequently squandered.

    1. Couldn't have said it better myself. Definitely a personality disorder of some type...and those don't usually get fixed with therapy because the patient will never acknowledge there is something wrong with their way of thinking/acting. After seeing the Oprah series, I really really dislike her. She is not a nice person.

    2. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Absolutely! It seems like Borderline Personality Disorder. She is awful and sick on so many levels. I watched it because I was interested to see what happened- I thought, hey, if she can get her life on track, more power to her...but wow. My opinion of her was already not great, and it has gone way down. To me, her behavior on that show should be the final nail in the coffin and no one in their right mind should ever hire her ever again. I mean, seriously, what a horrible person to the core and I don't think she even realizes she is doing anything wrong- like you said, a personality disorder with not much hope of being treated. The only thing I could see is if its a combination of Borderline Personality Disorder and Bipolar Disorder and she gets on psych meds. I don't even see a glimmer of hope for her at this point, though, because she won't admit to anything- and I am sure she is even worse that what the reality show portrays because the whole point was to make it look like Oprah 'fixed' her.

    3. Yeah really...can you imagine what we are NOT seeing instead of Oprah's sanitized version, which still makes her look like a terrible self-entitled, self-absorbed twat? Just, ugh. I really wish this was the final nail in her coffin and she goes away. What does she have to offer the entertainment industry? Nothing, nada! Even if she was a great actress, which I never thought she was anyways, she's completely unreliable! I wouldn't hire her to scoop my cat's litter box.

    4. Anonymous12:26 PM

      hahahah Right?! The REAL version must be very scary. Agree, Agree and AGREE! I've never thought she was that talented, or even that good-looking (one time, when I had red hair, a drunk lady in Vegas chased me thinking I was Lindsay calling out 'Lindsay, Lindsay...wait!!'- and it was the worst thing EVER...I am attributing it to the fact she was drunk and that I had red hair haha)...and I never really saw her appeal. There are so many other more talented, prettier (hello, she looks like absolute crap now), and most importantly, more professional actresses to choose from- why even bother with her?

    5. Anonymous12:32 PM

      PS- my favorite parts so far were when she claimed she was up for a part in 'The Avengers' (umm no) and it went to an 'unknown,' which could have only been Cobie Smulders who has been on HIMYM, a hit show, for almost a decade, and is certainly not unknown. And when she claimed that the Sony Exec said that her name comes up for every movie they do because they just think she is the 'greatest actress out there,' and it's her management's fault that she doesn't get the parts (Then she didn't even show up for the meeting with the Exec when she was in LA). HILARIOUS delusions of a crazy.

    6. LOL...yep delusional crazy about sums it up!

      Funny story about being chased by a drunk thinking you were her. Sounds more like a weird nightmare I would have...last night I dreamt Justin Timberlake's GF (not Jessica Biel) died in a car wreck and I had to break the news to him, like I was his BFF or something. I'm not even a JT fan so no idea where that came from lol...

    7. Anonymous1:09 PM

      hahahaha that's hilarious. I WISH it was a dream. So embarrassing....and that was even at a time when she wasn't the worst. I was in a show at the casino, though, at the time (I was actually walking to the theater when it happened), so people that knew me saw it...and it was a running joke for a while to call me Lindsay. ICK. The lady was reaaaally drunk, thank god.

    8. Oh god, lol. To this day she probably tells her friends how she saw LiHo. Man, I would've gotten mad after about the 3rd time someone joked and called me the L-word.

    9. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Oh my god, it was mortifying even though it was during a time that she was still considered an actress and not a hot mess!! The lady was definitely convinced I was LiHO, on account of her being about as drunk as LiHO is most of the time LOL.

    10. Its called narcissism.. IMHO.

    11. Lindsay has narcissism syndrome disorder. It's an actual thing. And the avengers role went to Elizabeth Olsen.

  16. Same Trick, Different Day ...

  17. Dina's not a regular mom! She's a cool mom!

  18. Glitter I loved that moniker too! Apricot Ashtray...Hilarious!

    Enty, how can you TELL Lohag is lying? Oh right her lips are moving. Oh wait..Aunt Licky took my joke..Dang!

  19. Same shit, different day. At least she's consistent.

  20. Linds lied? Well, color me shocked... not.

  21. Oh Lilo lied, water is wet and bears shit in the woods....move along peeps, nothing to see here!

  22. That girl is a compulsive liar and it seems like she got it from her mother. The truth is whatever is convenient at the time.
