Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Miley Cyrus Keeps Getting "Sick"

Miley Cyrus has missed two concerts in the last week. One because of the "flu," and another because of an allergic reaction to "medicine." The only excuse Miley hasn't used is the always popular exhaustion. She will probably pull that one out of her hat next because it is exhausting getting the flu and then having an allergic reaction to medicine. Of course, it is even more exhausting when you party all night with drugs and booze and all the next day and don't get any sleep and realize that you have to go run around and dance and sweat for two hours when it would be so much easier to just go back to your hotel and party a little more. You promise yourself that you won't party or that you will just party a little and then get a good night's sleep. It never works out that way though and that midnight curfew you gave yourself turns into 3 am and then dawn and then 8 am before you crash.

The crazy thing is Miley has fired people from her tour who have missed a day for being sick, and for sure she would fire someone if they missed two days. When she fired the people she called their behavior unprofessional. When she does it though then it is perfectly fine because she probably thinks she works way harder than they do.


  1. Tupac is trying to duck underneath her breast.

  2. The flu that has been going around is nothing to fool with, some people have been downed for up to a week.
    That said : fired for illness?
    What kinda BS is that?
    Isn't that illegal?

  3. Can she be done already? It seems like we've been at the saturation point for a while now.

  4. She seems to actually put on a decent show, besides the side antics. She doesnt have enough songs of her own to fill time but she does a lot of covers and does them really well from what shows up on other sites. Youtube any version she does of Landslide.

  5. That tit-tay be heavy, @OneEye!

  6. She's next to join the washed up druggy ex celebs. I would love to fast forward 10 years and see exactly what she's up to.

    1. Cmon Vi, you're too hard. You know she is going to convert/ go back to her roots and sing xtian songs between her testimony. :'(

  7. Morning Charlie! Good eye ;-)
    That vest is so tasteless. The vest grommets " shoot" holes into the face of a gunned down rapper...

  8. She will probbly be the next decade's version of LeAnn Rimes @Violet. Or she can sit in a chair on The Voice or whatever Idol is then. Do Celebrity Apprentice shows.

  9. I went to her show in DC and it was fucking awesome (I went in with no expectations other than some youtube clips I'd seen). She was far from burned out. People do legitimately get sick you know and it would be hard to do that concert if you weren't in tip-top shape. She sang every word no backing track and was running around or dancing through most songs as well.

  10. Tonights St. Louis stop is cancelled now

  11. Good morning cats & kittens!
    Good one, Charlie! Poor Tupac would never have imagined that his likeness would be on a pop star's halter top.

    1. Morning leek, I could see Tupac condoning his' HAND cupping her breast' vest...:-D

  12. To be fair, my dad and b-i-l also had severe reactions to antibiotic Bactrin and almost died. So...

    1. @Reno. Yikes!! They're okay, I hope?

  13. Hope she feels better and eats a good meal

    @Reno have had a allergic reaction to meds…it's brutal hope they're o.k.

  14. the crash and burn is moments away

  15. She can fire others for being sick cos she's the big dog. For now.

  16. She'll just quitely go away for a while, then come on one of the singing contast shows as a judge. She will "work" with Timbaland & other rappers & hip hop artist/producers who will really write all her new material & come out with another CD & promote on the show, lip singing so badly that she makes JHo & Katy Perry look good.

  17. Oh come on! Even young and healthy people get sick. Not saying she isn't partying her ass off (@that age, I woulda been!), but she could be legit sick.

    Some of youse are like vultures. Lol Gossip vultures.

  18. Really have a hard time liking Miley any more. Spitting on people and humping little people on stage in concerts isn't my idea of a professional performer. I did like her when she was younger. Now meh...

  19. Bah- defending Miley, can't beleive I'm doing this.

    Had swine flu when it first hit about 4-5 years ago. Turns out I'm allergic to tamiflu. Made it worse, broke out, everything. So had to let it run it's course. 2 weeks of flu. Horrid! So, unless Ents hearing something that we don't know, it's entirely plausible that she's legitimately sick.

  20. @Steamy Hey there! Yes, maybe that.

  21. funny how there was no blowback for her "little people" stuff huh?

    in pretty much any other setting that would have been politically incorrect- no?

    not a word about it being offensive though in her act.......interesting huh? double standard much?

  22. Singing to a big blowup balloon of a dog is weird unto itself and this was before the poor thing died. Perhaps she is going for a "circus" theme like BS in her younger days.

  23. @Steam, I didn't even notice that about the grommets. Ugh.

    @rajah, I think it's because there are little people IN the show, so the presumption is that little people don't mind. I have no idea - I do know some little people and they've never mentioned it, but Miley isn't exactly on their radar.

  24. Actually, Rajahcat, there have been raised eye brows and pieces written about the little people but it never seemed to pick up steam.

    As for Miley, she's done a few things I find in poor taste, and not at all artistic ( the usual excuse ), but I tend to think she'll have a long, good career. In fact, if you think about it, she already has.

  25. I figured it was just a combination of partying too hard and undersold arenas. At her age I could have done 48 hours non-stop, but then would have to sleep for 24 to recover. Some electrolytes and sleep and she'll be back twerking in no time.

  26. Ya know Miley has a porn doppleganger who goes by the name Miley May?

    SFW I love the "It aint gonna lick itself" shirt.

  27. That's a lot of accusations based on nothing. And she was clearly in a hospital bed last night and not up partying.

  28. I read that she was seen out shopping with her mother after calling in sick.

    Party in the USA.

  29. She's snorting hank! It does that to a lot of people. The hank gets cut with Dormin, Dormin is a popular additive to the hank in Chicago area. KC hank is probably close to the Chicago type. Causes allergic reaction and breathing problems, etc. A lot of people snort hank instead of shooting it! Its easier to get than coke in the midwest now.
    Hank is heroin, what we call it by me.

  30. She just cancelled another (3rd) concert.

  31. Miley in ten years?


  32. Went to her show at The Izod center in nj and wad completely blown away. I thought it was going to be corny and cheesy but turned out to be one of the best concerts I have ever been to and I go to alot of concerts so that's def saying something.

  33. damn this girl is rich

  34. *SIGH* Please stop.

  35. Thanks Meanie and MISCH! Yes, they are fine. It's been years since it happened.
