Friday, April 25, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Brad Pitt and Orlando Bloom were joined by
Jodie Foster at a photo exhibit yesterday. That is a lot of star power.
Ben Affleck and his bad back.
Courteney Cox premiered her directorial debut last night while
Nikki Reed was at the premiere of her new movie.
Also having a NYC premiere last night was Spider-Man 2 with Emma Stone and
Andrew Garfield.
Alicia Keys was there and
Jamie Foxx with his daughter.


  1. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Can't you just hear the stream of curses coming out of Affleck's mouth? He looks absolutely miserable.

    Very cute Miss Foxx. :-)

  2. nice lipstick Nikki :(
    Hi Alicia hope your video doesn't "leak".
    Emma doesn't look too good, baggy eyes moppy hair, looks old nd tired.

  3. Ben and his bad back is some pain pill reveal I gather?

    1. Anonymous12:50 PM

      Possibly a blind item borrowed from Lainey a while back?

  4. It looks like Brad's had some work done since I saw him last.

  5. weekend Happy Hour time. If you can find me I'll buy you two!

  6. I do not like this look on the fabulous Emma Stone. :/

    Ben Affleck has a pepaw look going there. Get off my lawn!

    So glad Pitt is back to looking yummy and not sporting that scraggly beard.

  7. Emma and nikki look great. Courtney too but needs a little less eyeliner.

  8. I second every one of Seven's points.

  9. Love Love Love Emma's hair!

    Pretty Dress Nikki

    Not a pretty dress Courtney!

    And Ben I feel for you, back pain is the worst!

  10. P: Reed

    M: Cox

    B: Jodie Foster

    1. Anonymous1:31 PM


      Jodie Foster made your list. I'm curious, her appeal?

  11. I didn't know Fox had a younger daughter too. His now college age daughter is usually with him.

  12. I like Emma's gown.

    1. @reno I'm with you. I think she's nailed it pretty much the whole promo tour.

  13. I think Emma looks lovely but her hair is confusing me.

  14. Also, don't forget everyone! Book Club this Sunday!!

    1. Is there a specific book?

    2. There is! This month it is "Life After Life" by Kate Atkinson, deets are here:

      you should join in Marti! Mostly we just drink and yak

    3. Woo hoo! Read it recently. Hope to be there beverage in hand.

    4. Yay!! 6:30 Mountain time, Sunday, hope to see you there!

  15. Open post idea: how many of you smoke pot recreationally ?

    1. Anonymous1:41 PM


    2. I may or may not have spent April 20th in Denver o_0

  16. TTM Imma start joining you guys soon, school is out in 2 weeks! Yay!

    1. A+ on the use of Imma, Reno!

    2. Yay Reno! What are you taking, chickie??

      Also, batcall to keeshlo, Meauxelle, and our beloved dirty bird Hammer_Girl that missed it last time, come one, come all!!

  17. ummm awkward for brad/orly considering Brad sexed the former mrs bloom??

  18. Jodie Foster still looking fantastric. I hope her marriage will last long and she'll find happiness with Alexandra HEdison.

    That is a great picture with Emma & Alicia.

  19. Emma looks tired, but I love her gown.

    One more for sure at Book Club, TTM!

    1. Woo hoo Leeky! Don't forget to change your avi to your bevvy! Chai tea, Titos Vodka, whatever you're sippin

  20. @ Fancy: She has always been attractive. The other choices were frog face Stone who now has horrible hair, and Alicia Keys, who is good looking, but never really got me going. I respect Jodie's choice to save her vagina and mouth for the ladies, so I figure the butt is where it is at.

    Plus, Taxi Driver, Bugsy Malone and Freaky Friday give her enough of a resume where she is the better star fuck than than Spidy's beard or the chick I couldn't name a song by.

    I would like to envision a fantasy scenario where we role play the rescue scene from Taxi Driver, and she shows her gratitude with her buttocks.

  21. @NYCBRATGIRL -Occasional smoker.

    Why is Jamie's little girl wearing a clay mask?

    Wish Andrew G would grow out his hair. Don't like it that short.

    Seven +1..I love the cut of Emma's dress but as a pale redhead myself, white does not work.

    Brad is indeed bringing back the hawt. That picture someone linked to the other day from "A River Runs Through it" I have to brag and say the Opster looks a lot like him there. At least when he was a bit older. He and Brad are the same age. Wait, I think the Opster is younger.

    1. Sherry I think it's mimicking his character in spider man. I've not seen it so don't quote me on that...

  22. Ben and anyone with back pain should read Dr. Sarno, according to my husband.

    Courteney Cox has crossed over to bizarre territory with the plastic surgery.

  23. Thank you thank you, Enty, for the Brad pic!! I love Emma's dress. Jodie looks great...Jamie Foxx totally creeps me out.

  24. Anonymous3:05 PM


    okay, so.

    1. u find her attractive
    2. u respect her acting
    3. she gives good fantasy

    cool. don't know why I thought something unusual. yer just a guy, eh? lol

  25. Why does Brad have just 1 outfit??

  26. TTM Evidently I'm taking classes on how to use slang words on a blog correctly! ;)
    For realz though, I'm going to college for the first time. Started a career right out of HS. I'm getting my Bachelor degree. :)

    1. That's awesome, Reno! ^5!

    2. Yaa Reno! It's hard but absolutely worth it, best of luck!

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. @susan I'm also a big believer in Dr. Sarno. Gave the book to my sister 7 years ago. She suffered from chronic back pain for decades. Now I can't remember the last time she had a bad back episode.

  29. Bad back for Ben- looked like woman on top cowgirl for a while.

  30. Marti - My husband is upstairs giving my boy his tubbie, but I'm 99.9 percent sure his fave Dr. Sarno tome is: Healing Back Pain: The Mind-Body Connection.

    The gist is that all your pain is in your mind. And it all comes from stress. You're just channeling your life's stresses into your body's ills. My husband went to chiropractors and was thisclose to getting surgery for a herniated disc and then read the book and was like oh snap, I'm fine. Seriously. And then, he gave it to my brothers-in-law and like a ton of friends of family and the same thing happened. It's kind of bizarre. But it makes sense. Aren't so many of our woes brought on by our own worries, insecurities, stresses. Howard Stern is apparently a huge fan of Dr. Sarno, too. It's kinda hippie-ish, but for reals. I would not lie to you. My husband read this shit like almost 10 years ago, and he hasn't had back problemo since. Or if he does, he starts doing the meditation exercises and tries to chill the fuck out and it goes away. Hope it helps!!

  31. Wasn't there a blind a while back about Pitt and Miranda Kerr doing the deal while she was married to Orlando?

  32. Susan, Howard talks about Sarno's book *all* the time. Says it changed his life. I'm glad it helped your husband, too. I have the book but haven't read it yet. I don't have any real health issues but it seems like it's good info to have, even if you aren't suffering.

  33. Teehee Della I read that as Orlando giving Brad nice massages instead of Miranda being the one who was cheating.

    1. Reading back idk how I came to that conclusion. But I like it.

  34. OMG! Emma Stone. Please eat something.

  35. Whiteface FTW. F word those cracker ofays.

  36. Isn't blueface offensive to Smurfette?
