Thursday, April 17, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Royal selfies. I'm trying to imagine Queen Elizabeth doing it.

Lindsay Lohan after filming Watch What Happens Live and headed to a bar.
Leslie Mann and Kate Upton joined
Cameron Diaz for lunch in Australia.
Margot Robbie hangs out with her ex-boyfriend.
Minka Kelly at the premiere Of Mice And Men.
James Earl Jones showed up to see
Chris O'Dowd and James Franco in the starring roles.


  1. Chris O'Dowd playing Lennie makes me want to book a flight to NYC right now. I'll even suffer through Francopill to see it. (Leighton Meester from Gossip Girl is in it, too.)

    Hello, Leslie Mann! <3

    Do you mean Lilo came back from a taping of WWHL, or do they use film for TV shows now?

  2. That's one fug royal posing with Prince Hot Ginge :(
    Minka looks good. Most of them besides the royals do too.

    1. Anonymous12:35 PM

      Prince Hot Ginge ain't here today Sandybrook. :(

  3. Why does LL always flash the peace sign?

    1. I'm interpreting it as " will spread for $" sign.

    2. Bwahaha @Angela

      You have me giggles XD

  4. God, Leslie Mann is SO tiny! I would kill to have that naturally slim, super toned dancer type body. (I on the other hand am built like the Uptons of the world. Lol.) She must work out like a mother f*cker to keep it looking so great though...Good for her.

  5. But Seven, lowlife grifter who yaps to keep his friend in line ? Franco wouldn't even have to stretch...You're right about Chris O'dowd. Malkovich didn't bring Lenny's passion into his portrayal, I bet he's Killer.

  6. Minka


    Mann/Upton tag team

  7. I'm riding the O'Dowd train too.

    I luuuuuuuv him.

  8. Kate looks about 45 in that selfie. I'm thinking this is a girl with a "history", if you know what I mean.

    I like Prince William. And Harry too for that matter. Billy seems like a relaxed, good humored and easy going kind of guy.

    I have every confidence that Lindsay will turn her life around. And win an Oscar too.

    Haven't seen Minka with a guy in a while. Getting the herp and dating Wilma will do that.

    Everybody loves James Earl Jones except me. Saw him in an interview about 10 years ago and he was about as pretentious as it gets. He's a terrific actor with a hugely distinctive voice, and boy does he know it. Kanye could take "fuck am I wonderful" lessons from him.

    1. Anonymous1:48 PM

      Her skin is weathered and poxy up close - probably due to all those hours sunbaking, plus she's a smoker and used to be a heavy drinker

  9. Margot--yep that's the college student/tech from her film that she is back with

    1. Anonymous1:47 PM

      Step told me he's from a posh farming family

  10. A selfie is a photograph that you take yourself, it is not any photograph that you are in. Come on Enties, catch up please.

    1. Anonymous1:49 PM

      You catch up - in both of those shots the females were holding their phones

  11. If I ever need some nits picked I know who to call

  12. I told you a long time ago that Chris O'Dowd was mine. Gay Musical is all that needs to be said.

  13. I love Chris O'Dowd too. Wonder how the reviews turned out.

    I'm saorry Minka but them is some unfortunate pants.

    Oh don't ruin JEJ for me! Can't say as I blame him though.

    Angela, I like your explanation. Perfect.

  14. Franco needs to pull his pants up a little higher

    Just kidding. We've entered Selleck territory here

  15. Lilo peace sign is that a secret code for get me a 2 gram bag, meet you later, I am not hip to the coke lingo, is that correct, just that when in uni we used to flash the two fingers to the waitresses for bring our table another double round of beers, cut down on wait times.

  16. love Chris O'Dowd

  17. I adore James Earl Jones, just adore him.

    Minka, again? Whre is the blind item about her?

    Kate Middleton's makeup artist should be fire. Same for whoever does her eyebrows.

    1. Anonymous10:35 PM

      She does her own makeup and seems to think she's really good at it as she even did it on her wedding day.

      Needs to lay off the eyeliner - less is more! - and not cake on so much concealer and powder

  18. James Earl Jones is a lovely, lovely man. He may have given a bad interview, but he is a nice man.

    On a different note, as a big busted gal myself, I understand Kate Upton's wish for velcro knockers that she can take off when she wants to wear certain clothes, but seriously…her breasts are glorious!!

  19. I cannot wait for Australia to become a republic.....hate that we foot the bill for those oxygen thieves to come here so we can stand by the road and wave at them in their bullet proof cars. Off with their heads!!

    1. Anonymous10:30 PM

      I agree; furthermore, I don't think they're particularly likeable or relatable at all.

      When they visited NZ they stayed at two luxury lodges for free, which is hardly fair to the lodges' owners (and I'm skeptical that people would rush to stay there based on the Royals' stay). Prior to their visit, someone flew out from the palace to acquire (I'm not going to say 'buy' because I'm pretty sure they would've been given for free, given the promotion her wearing them would bring about), several items of designer clothing and jewellery from local designers. She wore one pair of the earrings on her visit here; absolutely nothing else!!! Why, in the 10 days of her being here, could she not wear 9 of those outfits? (She wore Rebecca Taylor, a NZer based in New York, on one of the days).

      If they really cared, then rather than saying 'ooh that must have been hard' to various people about their plights, they would make substantial donations to causes that they're passionate about. One thing that made a lot of people wonder what they're all about is, why wasn't a charity ball or dinner arranged in their honour? They could've easily sold tickets for $2,000 a pop and had half the proceeds go to somewhere like Starship Foundation (childrens' hospital) and the other half go to the Solomon Islands relief causes (given their recent storm and subsequent earthquake). Sympathy is all well and good, but money talks - and money is the only thing that will enable these people to get back on their feet.

      I saw Kate and William at the Viaduct (Auckland) before they headed onto the America Cups yachts and overheard William ticking a scared child off about not waving his flag. He said, "See this flag? When you see me, you have to wave it." What a tosser. Poor little kid was tired and clearly had no idea who they really were. Kate's line of questioning is really stiff - she rattles off three or four questions in quick succession, doesn't wait for a response, and then moves on. She also talks as if she's trying to maintain an upperclass accent - it sounds very much like she's acting in a role (probably is), and fidgets with her hair more than I've seen any adult do. Seeing little girls hand her gorgeous bouquets and cards, only for her to take them and pass them to her protection officer without even taking the time to read, or comment on them, was heartbreaking.

      A number of people made comments on the Daily Mail website about them looking quite distant; I couldn't agree more. He looked bored most of the time they were here and seemed to look upon her as an annoyance. He used to be quite nice and down to earth but seems to be quite arrogant nowadays.

    2. Anonymous10:42 PM

      For sure! And I'm sure I read they had a few "rest days" in there as well.

      It's no coincidence that people refer to them as the lazy royals. These two certainly love their holidays.

      I heard that at the baby party where George was mingling with others his age, the time was changed at short notice and everyone traveled all that way only for 30 minutes of playtime - it was meant to be a couple of hours. That would've surely been a long way to travel for just 30 minutes for some of those folks, plus they would've had to take time of work.

  20. Enty should do an off-topic post devoted to everyone's tits. Just get it all off your chests.

    Kate's yellow and white dress is fantastic.

    O'Dowd and Franco got some great reviews.

  21. I would LOVE to tag along on the Upton/Mann/Diaz press train! Those ladies seem like they are having a blast. Would be so fun to drink with them. How many times do you think Leslie & Cammy have drunk fondled Kate?

    1. Anonymous10:38 PM

      I agree! All three seem incredibly likable and great fun.

  22. I think the royal selfies are cute. Come on! Even the Pope is doing it!
