Friday, April 25, 2014

Random Photos Part Three

Kaley Cuoco at a riding competition.
Kevin Connolly is still recovering from his broken foot.
Katie Holmes wandering the streets of NYC again.
Also in NYC last night were Kate Upton and Cameron Diaz.
Matthew Modine showed up at their premiere that also had
Taylor Kinney and
Russell Simmons show up.
Gayle King was there too.
Lindsay Lohan previews her future career.


  1. What a random bunch of people at an event! Matthew Modine looks hella skinny, anything oot aboot him?

    Re: Lindsay; totally an insult. Stripping is hard, y'all. Takes work and dedication! Plus probs fake boobies

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      Lilo's dress makes it seem like fake boobies are located around the waist area!

    2. I'm not sure it's the dress, Cocoa...

  2. Loved Matthew M in Vision Quest. I actually like the soundtrack as well. Dio rocking it

    1. Did you used to wake up and roll out of bed into a push up too?

    2. I definitely spent some time fantasizing about Linda Fiorentio:)

    3. I can't believe this whole time I didn't know you were a dude, texas

    4. TTM- Kristin knew.

    5. I totally did, Sugar. Now I pay someone to do them for me.

      I take the Fifth on the whole panties thing.

  3. I thought Matt Modine was Matt McConohay (sp?) Either way, they both need to gain weight.

  4. Oh. Matthew. Disappointing.

  5. Katie seems to be turning Japanese.

    All those "huge" stars show up for the premiere of a movie that can't even get 2 star reviews in tody's papers.

    I don't think Lindsay can ever work a pole like that. Just poles between thighs

    1. Anonymous12:29 PM

      Jeebus, what a visual, Sandybrooklyn!

  6. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Kaley Cuoco! Don't you know what happened to Christopher Reeve?

    Matthew Modine fell out of the 70's somehow.

    Nice knees, Katie!

  7. I've always loved Matthew Modine. Modine with a mustache? Not so much.

  8. Thank you Cocoa ex East Coast Beach Bunny

    1. Anonymous12:42 PM

      You keep on rockin the space coast, SB!

  9. Aw, E, I hope your foot heals soon so you can get those compression stockings off.

    I usually give Katie H a pass because recovery from cult conditioning is reportedly difficult, but I can't with hole-y jeans, bootie shoes, and my aunt's 70's suede jacket.

    Kate Upton ALWAYS model poses. Look, here's my chest! Look, here are my hips! Look look look!

  10. Again, there's Katie Holmes in the pics. Is CDAN on the payroll?

  11. P: LiLo

    M: Upton/Diaz

    B: Penny

  12. Taylor Kinney, so that's his name... see him on Chicago Fire all the time. Hate the show but my husband watches it so I just fantasize about this guy. At least now I know his name. mmmm mmm.

  13. I don't necessarily mind the booties, but man Katie has no clue how to dress herself. Fail!

    Anyone read the NPR review of the Diaz, Upton, movie? Pretty funny stuff.

    I don't think Modine looks that bad. He's always been a skinny dude, it's just probably the side angle.

  14. @Jessi Funny good, or funny bad?

  15. When did Mathew Modine turn into Pat O'Brien?

    Sumthin odd goin on in that Lohan pic. Are those her crotch critters jumpin ship? Monkeys flying out of her butt? What the hell is that?

    1. I hadn't even noticed that! LOL

  16. Love Cameron's dress, but it would look so much cooler to me with a pop of color on the shoe. Or animal print. Or sparkle. I'm from Jersey, what do you want from me?

    Oh, Lindsay Lohan. What a mess!!

  17. Anonymous3:18 PM

    kate and Cameron are incomplete without leslie mann. I HEART her.

  18. I hate to admit it but I got sucked into some Lohad OWN epi's yesterday. What a loser she is and a total manipulator.

    YES, Cocoa! I was about to say the same thing about Kaley. I know she's a very experienced equestrian but be safe. Anyone else know that Kate Upton loves the horsies as well? Very experienced (and no dirty talk Count~! LOL)

  19. Sparkly butt monkey = proof Lilo is the Wicked Witch of the West!

  20. Lol Lilo has a monkey on her butt - fell off her back??

  21. That is me behind LiLo. I got in her keister up to my elbow. As I was pulling my arm out, I felt her wink her butthole around my wrist. When I got my hand out, she ran off. Bitch looted my watch.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      You are one of a kind, Count!

  22. I'm usually on the "could gain a few pounds" wagon, but i still think Matthew Modine looks good.

    And he was from the 80's, not the 70's.

  23. In that photo Lindsey's face looks tragically like Rose McGowan's (and more than a little like Laura Flynn Boyle). She's not even 30 and she's barely recognizable anymore. I am repeatedly mystified as to why so many young women feel the need to fuck up a perfectly good looking face. I could also say the same thing about women over the age of 35. Between the Botox, plastic surgery and fillers I think they make themselves look older than they really are.

  24. Is that a stocking on Kevin Connolly's good leg?

  25. What is it about those red carpet posing in front of a backdrop shots that always make celebrities look like they have long trunks and short legs?

  26. Lilo- stripping is more respectable than hooking. You should try it.
