Thursday, April 17, 2014

Tom Cruise Is Dating Laura Prepon

There have been reports that surfaced in the past that Laura Prepon and Tom Cruise had been on some dates but The NY Post says that even though reps for the couple deny a romance, the two are definitely dating. Tom needs someone right now. It feels like since the Katie Holmes breakup, that he has disappeared. The only time we got to see his strange looking face was not that long ago in London at an awards show. Otherwise he has kept a very low profile. Laura Prepon, a fellow $cientologist also keeps a low profile. She finally has had some career success on Orange Is The New Black but presumably Tom would want her to appear only in projects he picks so her career would descend right back into nothingness. Tom likes publicity. He likes to show the world when he is with a woman. Laura has never been that person and I think it would be strange for her to suddenly want to change all that and hit red carpets and be forced to appear in photo ops while looking like a happy couple. I'm pretty sure she would do anything for Scientology so maybe this is her next step with them. It makes sense for Tom because he would have someone who is already in the organization and wouldn't want to leave.


  1. Match made in Xenu.

  2. Wow! I was just reading this article in the DM. Ironic, non?

  3. If so, let them have at it. Maybe Tom will prove his virile nature by asking for privacy during this intimate stage??? Yeah, I can't imagine that either.

  4. I find it weird he divorces woman at 33 years old. Is there some Scientology vodoo at 33? Since she's bearding will this be consider a full time job...

  5. She can really pull off a variety of hair colors!

  6. In the Fail Mail, Prepon has dark hair and my first thought?
    Tom has a preference, I wonder which actor got away? ..:-D

  7. Why didn't he hook up with her years ago? Keep it in the cult.

    1. @shopgirl , I think the agent was going for the ingenue in love angle for Tom. The fact that she wasn't zenu always made me think the whole Tom and Katie was real for a minute...but then I'm a romantic.. :-\

  8. A Levitating Alien Coupling. Good for them.

  9. That's a really good picture of her, very Kidmanish.

  10. @me, I just googled Laura and she's 34. That's interesting, though...

  11. The men that Tom dates are 99% of the time Asian men that look like him between the ages of like 23-35. And from what I understand the confidentiality contract they sign is THICK. And they usually don't live in the states. I think he like guys that look similar to him because he wants to fuck himself.

    1. hollywood, this is why I love you. Now if you could just curtail the KKB & J nonsense I will die happy.

    2. @Dime, maybe he wants to fuck who he has become...even Tommygirl didn't start out looking like Tom Cruise.

    3. @HD - hahahaha - yesssss

  12. I think people cared about the Katie Holmes relationship because they were still under the delusion that he is straight and sane. That ship has sailed.

  13. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I feel pitty for Scientologists. they are brain washed and the air they breeth on daily bases is full of paranoia. Tom should have considered from the start to date a clan member so their paranoia stays in the family. must be sad to be one of them

  14. He must have something for tall women. So I'm assuming one of her new duties would be carrying a two-step ladder around for photo-ops and standing kissing? Oh, I forgot - tommy probably already has a fulltime ladder wrangler that shadows him for that purpose.

    1. or 'stool' wrangler??

    2. Texas, someone to lace up his platform heels? His shoe guy is going to make $$$$$.

    3. He probably needs help carrying his shoes with those massive lifts in them:) I think 'step stool wrangler' might be a better description of his stool guy.

    4. 'stool wrangler' isn't descriptive enough and sound more like the guy that collects his turds for examination by miscavige.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. She's too big for him. Photos of the two together are gonna be hilarious.

    1. maybe not hairydawg - see above

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. She is the worst part of OITNB.

    1. Ray, why don't you like Laura? Is it because she has a vagina?

    2. Ray, I totally agree, hate how her part is written. But I still hate Taylor Schilling's Piper more. Thank GOD for Crazy Eyes!

  19. Laura is 5 ft 10, Holmes is 5-9 and Kidman is 6-8 so it looks like Cruise likes 'em big. Me too but that's a different story. Also, she's 34 and never been married so maybe she's gay. That would be a good thing for Looney Toons. Wouldn't have to worry about any boy-girl cheating scandal. Just girl-girl. Which is different and way hotter. Blind Gossip said Tommy's next beard was going to be Elizabeth Moss so maybe Blind Gossip should just shut the fuck up

  20. What scares celebs from leaving Scientology seems to be what they have told during those clearing sessions. They re-visit past events in their lives with an auditor, another scientologist. Fame drove Tom crazy a long time ago. Laura is low key, made alot from That 70's Show & can now chose when & what she does.

    1. @anda, Prepon has been in Scientology Since the 70's Show. Danny Masterson got her involved.

  21. perhaps they deserve each other

    fellow cult mates

  22. Laura was in a relationship with the oldest brother from Malcolm in the Middle for a long time. She keeps her life private.

  23. The older bro from Malcolm in the Middle is also a Scientolgist.

  24. I didn't know that her and Scott Michael Foster broke up. Is he in the cult too?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. Makes sense to me. Nic and Katie were devout Catholics before him. I don't think either ever took conversion to heart so much as for the sake of their relationship.

    @Hollywood Dime: Asian men who look like Tom Cruise? Does not compute. Help me out here. Like, they look Caucasion and like Tom Cruise or they look like an Asian version of Cruise? Either answer is equally amusing.

    @Harry: Prepon was with the younger Masters kid (Malcolm in the Middle one, Danny's little brother) for years. Not sure if it was a bearding situation or a "we're still so young, why marry?" (until Prepon suddenly wasn't quite so young, maybe?) situation.

  27. @ nom

    You get it! It's both! But usually an asian version of himself. I met one like 10 years ago and theres another guy who is a star in his country that's trying to break into american film right now. No one on this board would be familiar with him but a few of his films have been remade into big American films over the last several years.

    1. I'm thinking it's one of the male leads in the korean movie Oldboy (the hot one)..please tell me I'm right!

  28. @ Steampunk

    TRUE! Because the boys are very pulled together and sleek (for lack of a better word) I'd name names but I'm terrified of Scientology!

    And Tom and Nicole weren't actually put together by scientology. that whole thing was dreamt up by Universal pictures.

  29. I head she was auditioning for this part last year... guess she got the role!! Woo hoo... Laura AKA Beard #4. Your parents must be so proud. This role will put all your others to shame... And, plan to retire from any other parts... Tom likes them fully devoted to him. (He won't be even a little devoted to you, though. The one who makes the money calls the shots)

  30. I heart Dime too..Shame on those who nitpicked until she left. We need her here for the real dirt.

    That is a great picture of her. My husband loved her on That 70's show. he thinks she's hot but then he likes tall redheads (he married one). I don't like her hair dark. It's too dark on OITNB. Could be lightened ever so much to look better for her skin tone.

    Speaking of marrying, Harry, just because a girl ain't hitched by the time she's 34 does it mean she's gay.

  31. Was this "strange looking face" the reveal about the actor with the botched face lift or was that revealed already?


    That's all.

  33. @ Alicia Hey doll! Love the new avi S-E-X-Y

    @Sandy and Heisenberg
    You guys are so sweet :) And don't worry I DEFINITELY remember the ones who called me a liar and worse. I stand by everything I've ever said and they can blow me :)

    1. hollywood, I called you a liar because you were lying. Here's the bs you were spouting:

      1 - Kanye is straight.
      2 - Kanye and KPig are a real couple. They love each other and they fuck.
      3 - Kanye and KPig have been fucking for years. You lived in the building where they would get together.
      4 - Their pending marraige is for real. Not fake for PR, $$$ and bearding for Kanye.
      5 - South East was not conceived in a doctor's office. South East was conceived by Kanye putting his dick in KPig's well traveled vagina and spunking his little head off.
      6 - J Zed and Beyonce are a real couple that live together and love each other and fuck.
      7 - Beyonce did not fake the pregnancy. She carried Purple Begonia in her womb. You patted her pregnant belly.

      It's pretty clear to me, hollywood, that were on the KKB & J payroll. You were here to dispel the widely held contempt for these 4 assholes by lying about them. And with your "I stand by everything I've ever said and they can blow me :", you're still lying.

      And how would that "blow me" thing work? You're a chick ... but I'll give it a shot.

    2. Lol fuck, I love her insight but this just made me want to yell "CHECKMATEEEE!!"

      Honestly tho, defending anything Bey-propagated kills your validity. She's been called on pretty much everything, from the pillow-tummy on Oprah to the golfing behind a photoshopped backdrop

  34. Sorry I meant to @sherry -- I think that's a sign that I should log off and actually work. lol

  35. I love Hollywood Dime's insights too. Glad to see you back!

    I must be the only person on the planet who thinks Laura looks *better* with the dark hair & glasses as Alex Vause.

  36. She used to date Cappie from Greek. Scott Michael Foster seems like the opposite of Cruise in nearly every way

  37. I always see her as Karla Homolka now. It's creepy.

  38. why does TC always need setting up ?

    his weirdness totally creeps me out

    love the dime as well

  39. Wait a second. I thought the big surprise was going to be the announcement that Tom Cruise and Jennifer Lawrence are engaged. Did I not get the memo? Why am I the last to know these things?

    1. Lol that was a blind gossip April fool's prank

  40. xenu approves
    and she kinda bitchy and diva-ish right?
    guess we know whose the topper in this one

  41. Why does Tom always fake date super tall women?

    Anyway, at least he won't have to beat her into Xenu submission. She's already there. It will be a good faux-relationship for him.

  42. Laura is going to get a higher rank in Scientology from this--perhaps even a DC8 pilot that can fly the Intergalactic DC8 from Teegeeack (Earth) back to the Intergalactic Federation.
    I do wonder though if they have upgraded to Dreamliners now from the DC8s ??

  43. {sigh} First my coffee is ruined, now my mimosa is, too. Run, Alex, run!

  44. Hey, anyone want to blow me? Just asking.

  45. Anonymous12:40 PM

    I had no idea Donna was a Xenuvian. What a crappy thing to find out.

  46. @ Harry knuckles
    I never said I lived in Kanyes building. Do I know people who do? Yes.

    Just because YOU don't believe something doesn't mean it's a lie.
    Like I said I said by everything I have ever said 100%. You don't know my life, my profession and you don't know how or where I get any info from.
    If you think one thing is a lie please feel free to think everything I say is a lie. And I also invite you to ignore me if and when I post.

    But on second thought you were the very reason I took a break. I think you have finally put a nail in my coffin. I think I'm done here for good.

    1. HOLLYWOOD! You are not allowed to leave because of HARRY KNUCKLES! Seriously! Scroll! That's what we all do, until we get to yours or someone else awesome's post.

    2. Don't leave Hollywood! Blast the this is fake, that is fake. ..whether true or not.

    3. Hollywood, NO! Do not let anyone run you off!! You will be missed!!

      *shakes fist at Hairy Knuckles*

    4. Don't let anyone stop you from doing you or whatever you want. Although I will always support whatever you think is best for you and your well being. Dime will always have love from Heinseberg

    5. I'm a relatively new poster but a long time lurker. One of the reasons I come here every day is because I hope to see your insights (as well as some of my other fave posters :) ). Please don't go!

  47. I'll take a rusty trombone!

  48. Wait, hold on.

    Tom cruise "DATES" men? I thought he did quickie hook ups with men, after they signed that confidentiality contract, and then went on his merry way to the next quickie hook up? I had no idea that he actually 'dated' and dared to see anyone more than once.

    Do you, Tom Cruise, do (Asian version of) you.

  49. @TTM

    YOu are very sweet :) But I really can't take the personal attacks. I come here to talk shit and tell a few of the tidbits that I know because it's (or was) fun. But him and randoms I've never seen before coming out of the wood work to attack me is too much.

    1. Hollywood, it's good for EVERYone here! Harry is just a skeptic by nature I think, if he can't link to it and mention the inner workings of ladynatomy, it doesn't exist. You are very much loved here and EVERYBODY would be upset if you went. You got the goods, sister!

    2. Anonymous8:36 AM

      @ hollywood dime.... I used to work in the biz and I know dirt too and have been attacked to for it but won't let it get to me. Skin got quite thick in LA..(that's why I left) anyhow...don't let the man get you down. You are truly appreciated and would be missed by many :) DON'T LEAVE!!!! Harry Knuckles...if you don't have anything nice to say stfu!

  50. @Hollywood Dime, it is always such a treat when you show up.

    And nobody pays any attention to harry knuckles. I don't think I have read more than 8 words he has posted.

    1. JoElla...ouch! That is probably the ultimate insult of a regular poster, ha ha!

  51. @Hollywood Please don't leave! I LOVE your tidbits you give here! Don't let one dude spoil it for us all!

  52. Slightly OT: I watched the new OITNB trailer today. <3 Crazy Eyes & Red!

    First Orange Is The New Black Trailer Welcomes Us to the Jungle

  53. @hollywood, please stay. Arseholes only win if we let them. I just ignore the attackers.

  54. +1000 H'wd. I like your contributions. Would like you to stay as well.

    I'm adult enough to pick and choose what I want to believe and not bitch about what I may not in any situation. Not necessarily referring to a gossip site. (Side eye to HK though)

  55. hollywood, play the victim all you want, you came in here spouting bs on behalf of KKB & J. Shame on you.

    And all you shit-for-brains posters, go back up and take another look at my post detailing hollywood's lies. She comes in her with good gossip to get everyone's trust and respect and affection and then boom she slides the KKB & J bs in there like it's no big deal and should only be accepted as accurate and truthful because after all look at all the other good shit hollywood has shared with us. For fuck's sake.

    1. Harry Knuckles - it doesn't matter! It doesn't matter whether you or anybody else thinks @hollywood dime is lying or not - it JUST DOESN'T MATTER!

      You've told us all - and hollywood - numerous times, in strong terms, what it is that you believe. We know - we heard - we get it! You don't need to keep reinforcing it! Even before this stage it had become simply belligerent and rude - and it is utterly unnecessary.

      A load of people here really like hollywood dime. I am one of them - I think she's brilliant! I do not want her to feel (correctly) like she's being attacked, and I do not want her to go. Can you stop this now please?

  56. Hollywood - Sherry just wrote exactly what I was thinking. Have been missing your comments and was so happy to find you back on; please don't leave us (bats eyelashes appealingly...)

  57. THIS thread is a Throat Punch Thursday contender.

    Seriously, this is a gossip site about Hollywood entertainers and wannabes that are paid way too much for basically sub-par performances on a regular basis. They live their lives full of baloney and sometimes believe in the processed meat they are dishing out about themselves. Not one (not even St. Angelina) is Mother Teresa, Ghandi, etc.

    Why is anyone jumping on someone else's back? Besides the unhumorous trolls, but even then I just go to another site completely.

    Unless you are all 12 years old?! If that's the case read "Go The F---k To Sleep" and take a much needed nap.

  58. Oh, and I cannot stand Laura Preppon as an actress, so she and Tommy Boy can hook up all they want. Two birds with one stone - problem solved. Now saying that, he's obviously testing the PR waters and she won't have a chance. Tommy Boy should have taken the CO$ that was in the running along with Catholic Kate for the last Mrs. CO$, forget her name but she played Nora in HIMYM (Barney's GF).

  59. Fist bump to Dingle Barry

    We're all hanging out on a gossip site that has the following disclaimer:
    Yo Yo Yo 1/2 the shit that is written here is made up. Be cool

    So why are we jumping on posters who have some good gossip? If you're not buying what she's selling, put those finger calisthenics to good use and scroll. Please!!

  60. Hollywood dime seems all right. The KKBJ stuff wasn't good, we can acknowledge that without having a conniption fit over it. She's entitled to her personal opinion and other stuff of hers has been fine.

    Nobody on CDAN actually knows anybody else here. The interactions between posters are "cyber relationships" and about as solid as mist. Hollywood dime can say whatever she wants about whomever she chooses, as can Harry, as can we all. That's the point of an anonymous gossip website.

    1. Malibu, u bore me.

      Yes, I'm being an asshole. Scroll on by if ya don't like it.

    2. Lol Meanie, you're kinda feisty today :)

      No more 'Rhysies peaces' eh ;)

  61. Hope NO ONE leaves over this little dust up. Just my two cents.

  62. Prepon is not a great actor so this relationship will be interesting

  63. You guys called it, I am humbled.

  64. Oh Harry, so Hollywood Dime is a liar on a gossip site that may or may not be lies some of the time or ll of the time? Lololololol.....

    Who cares, he/she can say what she likes, as can we all and we can all believe/disbelieve as we like.....get off yo high horse...

  65. Harry, quit picking on hollywood. You post unbelievably crude stuff here many days, and I just scroll past if it's too gross, because I know you're looking for a reaction.

    I hope you stay. I always read your posts, and like so many others on here, I appreciate that you share your information in the forum.

  66. Oop, my bad, ahole after all. You can't seriously pay any attention to those, though! You are awesome and must stay. That's it! It's been decided! You can contact me to discuss, but the vote has already happened.

  67. Meanie Reesie, if I had any sense of who you are, I'd know whether or not you bore me.

  68. Oh shit, who gives a flying fuck? I have been here forever and have seen so many people get driven out. Everyone pull your undies out of their bunches, get back to the celebrity smut and bitching about the Enties. It's all lies or the God's honest truth; pick, choose and enjoy!

  69. This friggin cult. I just dont get why one wld do anything they tell u to do. Tons face doesnt look any different to me. And he better cool it with the arranged marriages before he ends up 5x divorced. And has he seen Suri? The baby he adored and bought his own sono machine to look at? How do u just turn that off and walk away? Im hoping he sees her quietly without publicity.

  70. I have no idea who Laura Prepon is. If this is a match made in the heaven of their belief system so be it.

    There are a few people on this site that I always read. Hollywood Dime is one of them. Please don't leave. Haters gonna hate. Just ignore them. Please.

  71. Please stay, Dime. I miss your posts.

  72. For those who wonder why Cruise doesn't just marry a fellow Scientologist, he has: first wife Mimi Rogers.
