Friday, April 04, 2014

Your Turn

When Rihanna and her dad go to Starbucks, who pays?


  1. I am confused by this question...

  2. nobody. It's on the house!

  3. He pays with her money.

  4. A lady never pays. So, Rihanna

  5. Dad gets the coffee, Rhi gets the weed.

  6. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Meatros for the win!

  7. No one...they probably pay her to walk into their starbucks and take a photo with the staff for publicity.

  8. Starbucks sucks.

    Me team Krispy Kreme.

  9. Probably like any normal parent-adult child combo, sometimes she pays and sometimes he pays and sometimes they pay for their own. Because it's a friggen coffee.

  10. Rihanna obviously. Besides being a deadbeat,her dad is a street vendor in Barbados. He couldn't even afford a "short" from Starbucks.

  11. Why would anyone go to Starbucks? That stuff is not proper coffee. These people might be rich and famous but they have no taste.

  12. Neither, her bodyguard/assistant, and then she forgets to reimburse them.
    Dad is a deadbeat who reappeared when she hit the big time.
    She is a big star, entitled, why should she worry about such measly things.
    Assistant or bodyguard "shit, she doesn't pay me enough"

  13. @enty lets have some toddlers and tiaras gossip. i miss that show and its way more interesting than anything regarding rhianna.

  14. Wat the shit kinda question is this?

  15. @Warecat: Team PGTips.

  16. #teamshipleys

  17. @ disco, if you think krispy kreme sucks, you must not be around when the Hot Now sign is lit. It can't be beat :-D

  18. That website looks tea-licious!
    Thnx, Violet!

    Noooooo, disco!!!
    I loves me sum Dunkin coffee!
    Stop the Insanity!

  19. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Chloe FTW.

  20. You need to stop posting this thread, if you are going to ask ridiculously stupid questions like this one.

  21. If I go grocery shopping with my asshole, millionaire, born-again father-in-law, he dumps his junk food into my order at the last possible second, then pulls it out once it is scanned and goes to the car. His wife, however, offers to pay for everything and then some.

  22. Steampunk - I used to live right across the street from one. They seriously ain't got nothin' on a fresh, hot shipleys donut.

  23. Warecat - I've never had the regular coffee, but the coffee coolatta is soooooo good. The donuts, sadly, are crap.

    I have never spoken this much about donuts before in my life.

  24. since we're discussing donuts now, i'll stay on topic.

    has anyone ever ordered and tried these fat free donuts?

    i've always wanted to try them, but i'm totally skeptical as to how good they are (esp since when i signed up for their mailing list to try to get coupons, half of the emails were begging for grabs usually indicate an unstable/failing business) and i'm reluctant to purchase them myself because they are RIDICULOUSLY expensive. they require overnight shipping and dry ice with a $60+ overnight shipping fee.

    i get why they require it, i get why its so expensive....but its also why I havent purchased yet. wondering if anyone else has....or knows someone who has.

  25. Shiiiit. Pay $60 for a fat-free donut? Eff that noise. I can just NOT eat a donut for free. No wonder they don't have any investors. I only eat like 3 donuts a month anyway.

  26. @disco ikr? they look tempting but i bet they look like crap when they show up.

  27. Dunkin for coffee. Krispy Kreme for doughnuts. (I'm from the South. It's our thing.) PG Tips for teatime at home. :-)

    And I don't understand Enty's original question.
