Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Blind Item #1 - Met Gala

There was no screaming or yelling because that just isn't allowed, but this foreign born B+ list mostly movie actress, who everyone loves, did confront her B+ list mostly movie actor ex and his current celebrity girlfriend and said out loud to both of them that he cheats. All the time. She also called him some names and then walked away.


  1. ...off to Daily Mail to check out big ball attendees. Back soon.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Easy-- Rachel McAdams/Michael Sheen/Sarah Silverman

    1. Ooooh...great guess! That said, doesn't Rachel seem way too sunny & sweet to bad mouth anyone, never mind in such a public way? Actually, maybe that's what Enty meant by no screaming or yelling being "allowed." Girlfriend has far too much poise and self-awareness for all that :)

    2. Yup. Sheen/McAdams/Silverman. He's got quite a rep for cheating, doesn't sound too promising that he's changed....would've loved to be a fly on that wall!

  4. Nothing like a controlled explosion

  5. Ooh Rachel McAdams/Michael Sheen/Sarah Silverman

    I like that. And good for her! :-)

  6. Whoever it was Michael Sheen used to date.

  7. Hahah, TTM. Very nice avi, btw.

    1. Thanks, surfer! How goes the recon? I was thinking maybe we should concentrate on downtown, near the studio...what do you think?

  8. Tht sounds like a reasonble guess the only other thing I had was Depp\Heard\Paradis and that doesnt really fit.

  9. thx keyboard and the sticky a's. If its not you on the PC it's spelchek on the mobile. :(

  10. Dammit! I just scrolled to Sheen and Silverman on the DM too! Nice work people....

  11. Michael Sheen is B+?

    I do love the guess though because I LOVE Rachel McAdams. Classy and beautiful.

  12. I saw this picture and thought, holy cow, a Rhianna and Michelle Rodriguez smackdown over Cara deLasagne is a really scary thought. Also, Cara's body language is very "she's mine".

    1. Cara seems to be a very intense model when she knows she's being photographed. That pose strikes me more as part of her modeling habits, than possession. A lot of her ads are shot with fierce poses like that.

  13. Well done, CK!

    Who in their right mind would cheat on Rachel McAdams? What an idiot. Sarah Silverman actually looked pretty freakin amazing from the few Met Gala pics I've seen. She scrubs up well.

  14. --Cara deLasagne--

    ~snort~ That's a good one!

  15. Unfortunately, Lux, most serial cheaters have impulse control issues stemming from untreated ADHD and are more interested in satisfying what they want right then and there instead of delaying the gratification with their partners. Their minds don't process the consequence of their action until after they've participated in the behavior, at which point they then become secretive and deceitful, creating a cycle of hurt and dishonesty. Generally, until they've received proper cognitive behavioral therapy, talk therapy, and sometimes even short term medication - the cycle will repeat itself regardless of how wonderful their partner is or how much they love them.

    And then there are people that are just assholes. There's really no accounting for someone just being an asshole.

  16. he had a kid with kate beckinsdale and was with her for years and wouldn't marry her. rachel was not gonna get a ring

  17. Rachel mcadams,michael sheen and sarah silverman

    And it's BS

  18. Zoe Saldana/ Bradley ooper/ Suki Waterhouse

  19. Zoe Saldana/ Bradley ooper/ Suki Waterhouse

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I thought McAdams too. Yep.

  22. What a cunt. Maybe the latest cock socket is too good to cheat on. Maybe she is cool with the cheating, as long as she is the one who gets the red carpets and the room & board. Bitter twat.

    1. Count - you can bet that Silverman is into some shit McAdams would never do. Sheen must be into some kinky shit.

  23. Never warn a woman about the man she is dating, she will just end up hating you and continue dating him, that is until he does exactly what you were warning her about of course

  24. @Texas: maybe he is into thick furburgers?

  25. i don't think its sarah silverman, she's dating another comic kyle dunnigan.

  26. Rachel McAdams would NEVER. Zoe Saldana? All day. Except, I would think there would be something written here about the movie actor ex cheating with GUYS. No? Is Bradley Cooper B list or A....? I can never remember these things.

  27. I love Rachel McAdams, but if she knew he was cheating, why did she stay? That is asking for a VD.

  28. Thick Furburgers!! Count, that's so disgusting it's hilarious!

    How thick is too thick??

  29. @Dingle: Demi Moore is the gold standard for thick celeb bush. NSFW That is too thick, unless your dude asks you to grow it in. Winterbush can be a fun change up.
