Friday, May 23, 2014

Blind Item #2

These two closeted action stars were spotted holding hands at an out of the country celebrity hotspot. No photos are allowed inside but more than one person saw the two A listers together.


  1. This is Juicy! I got nothing....

  2. tom cruise and renner?

  3. Jamie fox andrew Garfield

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. +1 for Cruise/Renner

  6. Batman and Superman!

  7. Got to be two guys from the expendables 3 movie. Wasn't there just a blind- stratham and ....

    1. Texas rose and I are obviously long lost twins. He's the evil one, though ;)

  8. Gotta be expendables in Cannes:
    Statham and.. Lutz? Renner?

  9. I'm siding with Sillygurl on this one.Statham was my first thought; just couldn't come up with the second. I have never watched any of the F&F movies

  10. Is Vin considered A list? I guess in the world of action stars he is.

    I don't think Jackman has had an honest-to-God, hand - holding boyfriend since John Palermo.

  11. Statham and a Hemsworth?

  12. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Please be Arnold and Chuck Norris...Please be Arnold and Chuck Norris...Please be Arnold and Chuck Norris...

    1. @Tongue. Chuck Norris is going to knock you all the way back to your grandma's womb. He has better taste than Arnold.

    2. Anonymous8:03 AM

      You bring up a valid point Gayeld. I actually had a bad dream about Arnold's sagging pecs last night. I'm clearly spending too much time on this site....

    3. I gotta sorta OT about a man who's name rhymes with Duck Borris. - when I was underage and backstage a big name concert, this waaay older man was trying to convince me to leave with him. He said he wanted to take me to a "party" elsewhere. I bluntly declined, more than once, and some others around we're saying to me how kinda crazy I was to do that. They said, "that's Duck Borris, I can't believe you're doing that!" I said, "who's Duck Borris?" (In reality, I knew the name but had never seen him or anything he'd done.)
      On Topic- I've never seen any of these action movies so I got no guesses.
      OH, why was I backstage? I got plucked out of my seat by a bouncer who was bringing me back for a teen heartthrob who had sent for me. Hahaha. I was at the concert with my der brother, his wife, and my older bf. They agreed I could go backstage for a while cuz TBEY knew how bad I wanted to meet my headliner. Which I did, and I actually had a few nights prior when I was plucked to take publicity photos with the headliner. The headliner was never going to like me in that wY, not that he was just too much older, the most I could dreaaaaam if with him is that he'd maybe be MY BEST FRIEND.

      Hope I didn't bore u. I just can't stand Duck Borris. Don't know if it was the age thing or the married thing (I think he was) that disgusts me most.

  13. I can't believe Cruise would ever do that in public though no matter how private it supposedly is. There were still people around to see it. He is so devoted to Scientology which frowns on it so much. I picture Tom as more of a doing it in the basement kind of guy, & then he flogs himself while praying to Xenu afterwards saying it will never happen again.

    1. @Erin. It wasn't him, it was his body thetans.

  14. I don't think Tom is gay at all.

    1. It's the worst kept secret in all of Hollywood. Cruise is gay. His NDAs for sex with him are 100s of pages long. And like Scientolgy, he's litigious as hell. And he wins because he has deep pockets.

  15. Vin Diesel is one of them. The big baby.

  16. The rock/diesel or straitham
    Probably Ibiza

  17. Anonymous8:35 AM

    I thought The Rock was out. Married a long time isn't he?

  18. Vin dancing to Katy perry...Arguably a self outing

  19. I hope they were skipping at the same time.

  20. Duck Borris is a douche bag.

  21. @WritergirlinLA- TC might win litigation, but wouldn't that be too late?

  22. Count Jerkula and Harry Knuckles? I kid.

  23. @Howard Until he started with the tongue action I didn't get why you were saying it was a self outting but that was more second hand embarrassment than a self outting.

    It's not like he flounced around. If he is gay then he's a "manly" gay. Straight guys dance like that all the time. Unless it's not the Katy Perry's Dark Horse video you're talking about.

  24. What about Will Smith and someone?

  25. WritergirlinLa , ever see the NDA's he has employees sign? Also like phonebooks. Hysterically funny.

  26. Renner is extremely hetero, esp with me, so stop bringing my man's name into this mess or i will cut you, lol

  27. Josh Hutcherson and Jennifer Lawrence

  28. Kellan Lutz & Statham, after falling in love on the set of "Expendables 3".

  29. Iron Man and Hawkeye!
